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Old October 31st, 2007, 00:35   #16
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Originally Posted by Sergeantmajor View Post
why dont you make guns out of paper? its damn safe...well...not really, you could get a paper cut...
Actually, why not? Paper mache or make a plaster mould of one of those cheap shitty guns, then make copies. If you look at most of non-fired prop rifles in movies, you'll find out that they are rubber guns.


Jeeze... you'd think that if people are making movies, they'd think a little harder. Not to belittle the original poster, but c'mon, I'm not in the movie industry and even --I-- know ways around using real guns. Jeeze.
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Old October 31st, 2007, 07:41   #17
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While I'm at it, I'll knit our clothing too.

Actually, they use real guns, that shoot blanks, which is obviously more expensive then cheap airsoft. "Paper Mache" made me laugh though, thats the largest lack of detail, scale, areodynamic design, everything.

So ignoring the folks at paper town, according to a lot of people, the clearsoft guns can get by the CBSA fine, but others are saying it would still be a problem, and they will still take them. Not too sure the real answer.
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Old October 31st, 2007, 08:01   #18
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Originally Posted by IceTray View Post
according to a lot of people, the clearsoft guns can get by the CBSA fine, but others are saying it would still be a problem, and they will still take them. Not too sure the real answer.
And there in is the problem, it is very dependant on the person you deal with at the border. One person may let you bring them in no problem another may confiscate them and possibly worse.
The CBSA wont give you a clear answer either unfortunately.
Your only 100% guaranteed method is to purchase them in Canada for the higher price.
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Old October 31st, 2007, 11:17   #19
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Fine buddy. Do what you will, just don't ask for our advise anymore.
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Old October 31st, 2007, 12:23   #20
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Walmart looks like your best bet if your looking for something cheap unfortunately and it's going to require some looking around to get what you are looking for. Canadian tire generally has the same stock of the M4 that you posted a picture of just need to look for them and they are a little more expensive. Try the border if you wish but then you need to take into account the risks of even the clear crap being confiscated. If there is a local army unit maybe you can T-up with someone there and see if they are willing to help you out in some way. Would take a little negociating but you never know.

On a curious note what kinda movie are you making war story? swat?

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
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Old October 31st, 2007, 13:10   #21
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you could alway rent the guns, We deal with local producers here in ottawa, one thing thow you break it you buy the piece to fix it.
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Old October 31st, 2007, 13:34   #22
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Originally Posted by testtube View Post
you could alway rent the guns, We deal with local producers here in ottawa, one thing thow you break it you buy the piece to fix it.
Is there an echo in here?

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Old October 31st, 2007, 13:41   #23
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Well I guess there is. lol
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Old October 31st, 2007, 15:04   #24
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
Fine buddy. Do what you will, just don't ask for our advise anymore.
I just wont ask for yours.

sammy; So I've been told. Apparently some people get a bunch through fine, and others get screwed over pretty bad. We will continue looking in Canada for now. So anyone who has the crappy M4 in your area, and feel like helping us out, PM me if you can, lol.

Rukus; Yea, We actually will be grabbing a few from the east-end walmart. Unfortunatly, the M4 from the wal-mart is still a little out of reach. And because we're stubborn, we've arranged to talk to Canadian Tire staff about the obscene price. Although, I cant say I expect much to come from that.

As far as risking the border, we're looking for someone to get in contact with, to see if we can get them across.

And as far as the movie premise goes, its more swat, spec. ops. deal.
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Old October 31st, 2007, 15:19   #25
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Well there is always

they do have an M4 in stock that with a little spray paint may be turned into something that could suit your needs. It maybe more costly than the walmart item, but still less than canadian tire. Aside from that the best you can do is wait for walmart to restock, find another walmart or try your hand at trip to or an order from the US.

Please understand that despite your inquiry, this is still an airsoft community, the items in which you speak of, to us are not considerd airsoft. They are lesser grade soft air items, more commonly known to us as poor soft, shit soft crap sot and welfare shit bb flingers. As it stands dont expect to find an overwhelming amount of support. The ones who can aid have already offered their info.

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Old October 31st, 2007, 15:32   #26
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I appriciate that.
I'm completely aware that they are a load of junk, personally, I'd never use something like this, other than in this situation. The info given to me by the people who have already expressed their opinions is appriciated aswell, regardless, most of it helps.

The best we are going to try and do, is work out a plan with someone elsewhere in Canada, and if they have it at their local store, we will pay them for the gun, and shipping to us. If that goes under, then we will stretch the budget for the cost.

But all the info given is appriciated, so thanks.
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Old October 31st, 2007, 15:33   #27
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Well, why not go into a Wal-mart during the day (between when it opens and 3pm), and talk to the depatment manager in sports to see if he can either locate or order what u are looking for? When I was a department manager at Wal-mart, we use to do it for some customers.
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Old October 31st, 2007, 15:38   #28
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I took time yesterday to do that, but, my walmart is the kind of neglectful improperly managed walmart, where it takes 50 minutes to find one employee. lol.
Thats not a bad idea though, so I'll definitly either call in, or head there later and try that.
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Old October 31st, 2007, 15:40   #29
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if you can't find one, definately talk to a duty manager or the store manager.
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Old October 31st, 2007, 16:27   #30
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Originally Posted by IceTray View Post
While I'm at it, I'll knit our clothing too.

Actually, they use real guns, that shoot blanks, which is obviously more expensive then cheap airsoft. "Paper Mache" made me laugh though, thats the largest lack of detail, scale, areodynamic design, everything.
I'm not sure what aerodynamics have to do with prop guns (assuming you're not throwing them at people), but obviously you have never been on a "real" live set (sorry, home movies with your buddies does not count when you're talking to folks who work on $10M films). Some of us here are/have been REAL SFX techs and prop masters in the film industry, myself included.

Prop guns in movies/tv are almost always rubber or airsoft - because real productions don't balk at a $5K - $10K production budget for prop guns. "HERO" guns (a trade term that you apparently are not aware of) are almost always model kits or dewats, and the concept of "real guns, that shoot blanks" being used on set is, to be honest, laughable - it was the way things were done 20 or 30 years ago, but not any longer. Not only would no one would insure your production due to liability issues, even if you could find someone to insure your shoot, it would cost in the range of 6 figures. As a prop master, if you actually brought an unauthorized REAL firearm on a live production floor, you would most likely get fired on the spot, and likely lose your IATSE membership - meaning you'd never get to work in film/tv again.

The muzzle flashes you see on tv/movies are 95% digital effects nowadays, and the vast majority of guns that "shoot blanks" are PFC (that means Plug Fire Cap) guns that use 5mm blanks - meaning you have to also have a licensed armourer to handle them on set, and there are only like 15 guys in all of Canada that have that accreditation. Additionally, there are only a couple of places in Canada where you can locate PFC guns, but they're certainly not going to lend them to you out of charity, and you can't even afford $100 for a prop.

Do us a favor and forget about using airsoft for film; you'll do more to hurt us and our hobby than you will possible know, and you might well get yourself shot by police in the process if you decide to go running around a dark warehouse or neighborhood dressed in SWAT gear with a black-painted toy assault rifle in hand.

Go to a dollar store, buy a cheap plastic cap gun, and be done with it. It will serve the same purpose in your film, and you won't hurt our hobby or get yourself shot in the process. Alternatively, get enrolled in film school and learn how to do it right.

Make your choices wisely, my young friend, because if you have any ambition of getting into the REAL film/tv industry, you'll realize it's a very small, tight knit community where everyone knows everyone and it's VERY easy to get blackballed because you made a stupid decision in your past....
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
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