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IceTray October 30th, 2007 21:03

Need some location help
Well, as you can imagine, Windsor doesn't seem to sell airsoft anywhere. A group of us are schedueling a video production, and don't want to pay the uh, wonderful $190 for an airsoft M4 or M16.

As a result, Walmarts website claims on selling a $36.99 M4 Carb. look alike, provided its clear plastic, it sucks, and the scope is a resevoir for BB's, however, its being repainted and detailed for.. logical purposes?

So I went over to Walmart, on the south, only to find, there isn't any sort of Airsoft gun, theres airsoft BB's, but not what I'm looking for. So then after a good boring drive to the east end, that walmart has the Crosman series sold for 36.99, but not the rifle, just a shotgun. The M4 was there, but a package deal, M4 + Colt + random accesssories, however, it was $79.99.

Then to Canadian Tire.. I'm not paying 129.99 for a crappy Crosman that walmart sells for 36.99.

The reason I wont pay this much, is for one, its costing us $115.00 to dress every actor in military BDU's and accessories. So we need about 7-10 firearms. Thus, is why I went looking for that 36.99 Crosman M4 ripoff.

Suffice to say, its nowhere.
So I need some help here, CBSA wont allow airsoft imports, even if its clear plastic, and a peice of crap.
So is there anywhere in Windsor that I can get ahold of a bulk of M4's or M16's on Crosmans cheap line series?

Anything cheap to be honest.

Any help is appriciated.

SuperCkicken October 30th, 2007 21:06

maybe you should read more regarding importing, as clearsoft is legal to import

also prepare for some flaming as clearsoft does not belong on these forums, and prepare for questions regarding the legality of your filming, RUN WHILE YOU CAN

IceTray October 30th, 2007 21:16

Not afraid to answer any questions.

Regarding the clear plastic; its being repainting and detailed, I could go into a long description of this, but the final effect, leaves the crappy toy gun, looking like a weathered firearm. Its about a day-two day long process of paints and chemicals.

All questions regarding the legaility are free to be asked aswell, no problems answering.

SuperCkicken October 30th, 2007 21:19

well assuming that the tip is orange (i dont believe orange tip is necisarry, but it couldnt hurt)and the gun is completely clear, you shouldnt have any problem getting them across into canada, how do you think walmart does it?

Janus October 30th, 2007 21:24

Why don't you go to and see if they would be willing to sit down and answer any questions you have? It's my old club and most of them are really good for it if you want to get a lot of questions answered face to face without having to don the fire retardant suit. I can't really speak for them, but maybe if you talk and explain what your intentions are, you'll find them maybe helpful with coming up with solutions to your issue.

IceTray October 30th, 2007 21:27

Manufacutre in Canada?
Never truely thought about it.

We are going to Dearborn in a few days to look into BDU's, and on the way back, will probably stop at a walmart and grab a couple, and see what customs try and do.

However, I would like to verify how possible it will be, before we get screwed out of the money.

JanusDP: Thanks, I'll definitly look into that.

Aquamarine October 30th, 2007 21:37

A: Buy the gun
B: Use the gun
C: Return the gun saying it's not what you needed.

TokyoSeven October 30th, 2007 21:37

Well your best option on a tight budget is to travel, you may have to go to the next town to locate a walmart with the items you require. Perhaps it would be best to phone around first and then proceed.

IceTray October 30th, 2007 21:43


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 565036)
A: Buy the gun
B: Use the gun
C: Return the gun saying it's not what you needed.

You cant exactly buy, modify, use, then return something.
Besides, To buy 7-10, 129.99 guns? Thats more than $1,000. Its not even costing us that much to dress all our actors.
Not to mention recording will take more than a few months.

Styrak October 30th, 2007 21:48

Why don't you arrange to rent or borrow airsoft guns from local players? If you're of age and you provide collateral or a deposit, they might be willing to help you out.

Sergeantmajor October 30th, 2007 22:02

why dont you make guns out of paper? its damn safe...well...not really, you could get a paper cut...

SuperCkicken October 30th, 2007 22:04

cause they are filming a video, not pretending to be a power ranger

IceTray October 30th, 2007 22:13


Originally Posted by Sergeantmajor (Post 565064)
why dont you make guns out of paper? its damn safe...well...not really, you could get a paper cut...

Thanks for the sarcasm, its unneccessary though.

Styrak: Theres the whole issue about renting. If we're doing a scene, and by accident a gun gets damaged, it becomes unreturnable, and then we have a problem to deal with, so at the current time, we're avoiding renting.

I'm looking into the whole thing about CBSA with the clear plastic guns, to see if infact they will let me bring those through.
Any input on that would be appriciated.

diamond_SEA October 30th, 2007 23:32

Having discussed movie prop guns for many a time, Ill give you several tips

1) PM Savage Haggis, he knows more than enough to know about this topic and has provided me with much help before

2) If this is a somewhat semi-professional film, make your prop master look into a Theatrical Firearms Business licence, however its expensive, and probalby not your logical choice, but ill throw it out there.

3) Dig into the local prop supply and movie business, ex) film manitoba and search for firearms, odds are there is a professional near you that deals in props and could provide you with some help.

Not to critique your film planning, but as a filmmaker myself, try next time to budget the guns into your costuming costs, most people look at the guns first, and a realistic swat uniform (example) can be made pretty cheap.

Feel free to PM me if you need help, im trying to get into the prop business anyways if your in manitoba

Styrak October 30th, 2007 23:52


Originally Posted by IceTray (Post 565074)
Styrak: Theres the whole issue about renting. If we're doing a scene, and by accident a gun gets damaged, it becomes unreturnable, and then we have a problem to deal with, so at the current time, we're avoiding renting.

If you're worried about damaging a gun and the associated costs, then maybe airsoft guns aren't the best course of action for you. Though you get what you pay for. The quality of toy guns/clear guns would be far inferior.

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