TM G36c Selector Switch
Hi, recently I bought and sold this gun, but after I sold it the buyer complained about a problem:
When selector switch on full auto, after firing 5-10 seconds (no I have not tried this, but the buyer did, and he did try this without bb's too, which I told him not to fire dry) the switch jumps back to semi.
History of the gun:
Was gamed once by the first owner, plinked by a collector, plinked by a noob and now sold to the current person who is having problems.
No I didn't have problems with this gun when I had it, except when I switched it to full auto, after it was on full auto, I was able to push it past the full auto a bit to hear a click, and still shot. I took out the gearbox and put it back and afterwards, the selector switch was tighter and did not go past full auto, and I thought was better (maybe tappet plate was misaligned? Before I took it out?) And even though I didn't try spraying for the long periods of time, apprently says the current owner after long sprays, it will pop back to semi.
Apparently according to the current owner this is a big problem and he cannot play with this non working gun... (I don't know...) I'm guessing his play style is 20 hi caps on full auto. Please help me out here because the current owner is demanding a full refund if I'm not able to fix it (but no, I'm not gonna do that becuase the deal was already made, but I will try to help him fix it)
Thank you very much