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Problem with the VSR 10 I just bought : any ideas?


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Old August 22nd, 2008, 16:40   #1
Silverthorn's Avatar
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Problem with the VSR 10 I just bought : any ideas?


I just received my VSR 10 clone (actually an HFC USR 11).

When I fire, nothing comes out.

Only way I can get a shot is to remove the mag, pull back the bolt, insert the mag and push back the bolt. Then, when I pull the trigger, a BB is shot (at an acceptable speed). Nothing works if I try again to fire. I need to repeat the remove mag-pull bolt-insert mag-push bolt routine to get another shot.

I have already opened the mag and made sure everything was well-aligned and all. The spring also seems to have sufficient strength (I had a hard time squeezing it back in).

Anybody has any idea? The gun seems to have seen very little use and is reported by the seller (an ASC user) as working flawlessly. Only other problem to report : mag is bit hard to clamp in.

UPDATE : I can manage to shot more BBs without removing the mag but I need to knock on the side of the gun where the mag is when the bolt is pulled back to fire. My guess is that the knocking frees a BB to get in position, although BBs seem to get out of the mag because when I remove the mag, a BB falls out of the gun...

Last edited by Silverthorn; August 22nd, 2008 at 16:55..
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Old August 22nd, 2008, 16:44   #2
Auklin's Avatar
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something probably blocks the mag feeder, often happens but usaly only with shitsoft, more detail. like, what does the hole look like when you cock it? is it blocked ? if it is then something isn't latching on.
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Old August 22nd, 2008, 16:47   #3
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Originally Posted by Auklin View Post
something probably blocks the mag feeder, often happens but usaly only with shitsoft, more detail. like, what does the hole look like when you cock it? is it blocked ? if it is then something isn't latching on.
What hole do you refer to? The barrel? The hole where the BB is located when fed from the mag?

Thanks for your quick reply and help btw!
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Old August 22nd, 2008, 17:11   #4
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When you pull the magazine out after a successful shot is there a BB loose in the mag well/does a BB fall out when you pull the magazine out? If there's no BB present then the piece in the hop-up chamber is probably seized or is not lubricated sufficiently to work properly. If you look carefully into the magwell you'll see some shiny pot metal with a small black piece of black plastic in it. This should move up and down freely (There's a small spring that holds it in the down position) If it's not moving freely then you'll need to lube the part in question with silicone oil. You may need to take the whole gun down in order to lubricate the part properly. If there's no tension on the part then you may be missing the spring that holds that part down. I can't think of any OEM replacements but I might be wrong. Either way, check that part out and let us know.
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Old August 22nd, 2008, 17:16   #5
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Originally Posted by tsuru View Post
When you pull the magazine out after a successful shot is there a BB loose in the mag well/does a BB fall out when you pull the magazine out? .
Yes. There is a BB loose when I remove the mag.

Only way I managed to get a second shot is to knock 2-3 times with my palm on the side of the gun where the mag is. Seems like it does something to get a BB in the mechanism.

I see a little part above where the BB is and it does have some spring in it.

Last edited by Silverthorn; August 22nd, 2008 at 17:30..
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Old August 22nd, 2008, 18:29   #6
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I recommend you completly dismantle the gun around the trigger and see how the the rifle operates, then you can make some permenant moves on fixing it.
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Old August 22nd, 2008, 18:34   #7
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Hmm, a teammate of mine bought the same rifle, again with the same problem. The only way he could fire was if he pushed upwards on the mag with his hand. A crappy solution, but did the job.
I used to have the AGM clone of the VSR, again with the feeding issue. Nothing I seemed to do fixed. My guess would be that these clone mags suck. My TM mags work beautifully, with no feeding issues whatsoever.
Perhaps an actual TM mag would solve it?
The way that I solved all my problems was to buy an actual TM VSR.
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Old August 22nd, 2008, 18:54   #8
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I bought 2 TM mags from Redwolf for the VSR 10 clone I purchased from and they don't even remotly fit. I even tried to trim them with an exacto knife. Careful if you order mags. Everything else fit that I put in. All the Laylax shite I bought went in perfectly( ie, teflon cylinder, zero trigger, piston, cocking handle, bearing spring guide, 170 spring......etc).
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Old August 22nd, 2008, 19:46   #9
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There's one Chinese clone (The Well I believe) that refuses to fit most other magazines. If you wanted to fit a TM mag it would require major modifications. Since this is an HFC we're talking about the point is moot. I've worked on several HFC's and never had any issues with magazine fitment with TM magazines.
Here's an idea to help trouble shoot:
- Put magazine in rifle
- cock rifle and fire in safe direction
- cock rifle again
- remove magazine (a BB should fall out)
- engage safety on rifle
- look in mag well and see if there's a BB inside the chamber (Alternatively go into a dark room and shine a flashlight down the barrel from the muzzle end, you should no see any light in the magwell)
If there's no light or there is a BB in the chamber then at least the rifle is feeding and it's probably a sealing issue that's causing it not to fire.
Otherwise it's a feeding problem. You'd probably be best to dismantle the rifle and remove the inner barrel/chamber. You should be able to push the magazine into the bottom of the chamber. You can then use a pen to push the BB's down the barrel. If you can do that with ease then it may be fitment issues with the stock/chamber assembly.
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Old August 24th, 2008, 12:01   #10
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Originally Posted by tsuru View Post
Here's an idea to help trouble shoot:
- Put magazine in rifle
- cock rifle and fire in safe direction
- cock rifle again
- remove magazine (a BB should fall out)
- engage safety on rifle
- look in mag well and see if there's a BB inside the chamber
I did that. The fiurst shot worked well. When I looked in the mag well and the barrel, there was no BB in it (even pushed thru the barrel with a cleaning rod to make sure).

(if thereis no BB in the barrel) it's a feeding problem. You'd probably be best to dismantle the rifle and remove the inner barrel/chamber. You should be able to push the magazine into the bottom of the chamber. You can then use a pen to push the BB's down the barrel. If you can do that with ease then it may be fitment issues with the stock/chamber assembly.
Ok now you lost me Fitment issues? Push the mag into the bottom of the chamber... Would you be so kind as to write a short step by step?

Thanks for your help!
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Old August 25th, 2008, 00:23   #11
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- Remove stock from receiver
- Remove outer barrel from receiver
- Remove inner barrel and hop chamber from outer barrel
- Now check to see how the magazine lips (the part that sticks out of the magazine) fit into the chamber. In other words, line up the magazine with the chamber as if the rest of the gun was there. If there's nothing wrong a BB should appear in the chamber. You can push this BB down the barrel using a pen or cleaning rod. Another BB should pop into position.
Report back with what happens with that.
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Old August 26th, 2008, 20:04   #12
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Reporting back sir!

You asked :

- Remove stock from receiver
- Remove outer barrel from receiver
- Remove inner barrel and hop chamber from outer barrel
- Now check to see how the magazine lips (the part that sticks out of the magazine) fit into the chamber. In other words, line up the magazine with the chamber as if the rest of the gun was there. If there's nothing wrong a BB should appear in the chamber. You can push this BB down the barrel using a pen or cleaning rod. Another BB should pop into position.
I dismounted as requested. I did the test first without removing the outer barrel. As soon as I approach the magazine, I hear a click and a BB is released. When I cock the bolt, the BB moves into the barrel and can fire.

Then I removed the outer barrel. When I do that I am left with the piston part and the hop up chamber connected to the inner barrel. I did it again and it worked too. Seems like BBs are easily released from the mag. So all seems fine where the mag connects. I also checked everything (hop up rubber, checked all the screws, verified the inner barrel, etc...).

What I find quite disturbing is that the gun works well but for that to happen I have to cock the bolt and then knock the rifle on the side (around where the mag is) to get a BB to load into the inner barrel. Then I can push back the bolt and fire. My feeling is that the alignement isn't good maybe.

Any more ideas or things I should have checked?
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Old August 26th, 2008, 23:23   #13
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One thing I can think of is to check the alignment (Left/right) of the mag well with reference to the hop chamber. If it's out of whack either way it could cause what you're experiencing. The other is to not over tighten the two screws that secure the barrel/receiver assembly to the stock. The screw closer to the butt is ok to tighten a fair bit but the one closer to the muzzle can cause all sorts of magazine related problems if it's too tight.
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Old August 28th, 2008, 18:58   #14
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I did what you advised tsuru and no results. I am proceeding with getting a refund from the seller (no replies in more then a week, I am worried).

If you have any more ideas while I wait, please feel free to share them!
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Old June 23rd, 2010, 14:36   #15
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I also have a VSR-10 and have the same problem the only way i get it to fire is by pushing up the clip any suggestions on what to do?

Last edited by popotete; June 23rd, 2010 at 14:37.. Reason: non working emoticon
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