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Clearsoft ain't that bad...


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Old April 8th, 2008, 18:35   #1
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Clearsoft ain't that bad...

...when you have as much free time as I do...



Next steps are to clean a little more around the vertical grip, fill in the screw holes, and give it another coat of Krylon.

I used a pistol grip from a Kraken AK.

I started by dremelling a hole in the top part of the pump big enough to fit a screw and a screwdriver/drill. This hole is covered up by the barrel so there's not a gaping hole on on side of my pump. I then drilled two small holes in the bottom of the pump through the top. There is about a quarter inch of unused space in the bottom portion of the pump, so a screws can safely be used without interfering with the shell tube.

I shaved off the little nubs of the pistol grip that keep it in place and filled it full of fiberglass. I shaved some of the "ribs" off of the bottom of the pump handle to better fit the AK grip. I stuck the grip over the pre-drilled holes and taped in place, then let it sit for half an hour. I took the tape off and she was really stuck on there good. The fiberglass had hardened by this point so I took a screw and screwed it through the pump, directly into the fiberglass. I then dremelled a good chunk of the remaining fiberglass off and got lazy and left the rest.

I also decided the saw off the red tip instead of just paint it black.

I got bored, sue me.
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Old April 8th, 2008, 18:50   #2
AXe Hound
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LOL i have the same one not that bad of a springer and i thing i am going to do the same thing as this

THANKS for the pics
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Old April 8th, 2008, 18:56   #3
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Tha'ts the same one that Crab was ringing my ears about a half dozen times when he was working at my work for two weeks, the $30 Walmart springer shotty, eh? I've been considering getting one for shits and giggles, and most definitely some usage at games.

You know, if I started a big campaign of using clearsoft at games, and doing well with it, then ASC whould literally roll over in it's shithole because I could prove it's possible. Hell, I*'ve considered buying hunter camo, like Real Tree or something, and playing a half dozen games with that for the sake of it.

Relative new guy with some cool gear: "Fuck, don't you just hate it when noobs dress up in hunter camo, thinking they're all that? I mean, at least get some cheap woodland or cadpat or something."

Vet working on getting ready: "Who are you talking about?"

Relative new guy with some cool gear: "That dumbass over there with the MP5 and sniper rifle."

Vet working on getting ready: "That's Stalker, keep your mouth shut."

Relative new guy with some cool gear: "Aw FUCK!!!!"

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; April 8th, 2008 at 19:01..
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Old April 8th, 2008, 19:29   #4
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Hey, if you wanna fill in the holes were The RIS was, pick up some epoxy filler, fill the holes, sand it down, and give it another coat of krylon.

I actually ended up painting one I've had for a while but never used, just because i was bored. I'm actually getting rid of this one, and picking up one of the full stock ones, taking off the RIS and filling the holes with epoxy.

Last edited by Shrapnel[Op-For]; April 8th, 2008 at 19:38..
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Old April 8th, 2008, 19:35   #5
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In the end, it's all about performance of the gun. If it can shoot straight and reliably and get useable velocities, then whether it's made of black or clear plastic doesn't matter. The only airsoft game I played was with a couple of friends who were gutting office space in a warehouse they own. Before the demolition started, we got the idea to use the space to have a game. We recruited a few other guys who promptly went to pick up cheap paintball goggles and to Cdn Tire and Walmart to pick up some clearsoft guns.

So here we had 10 guys with clearsoft springer pistols, shotguns, and a couple of those crappy clear electric M4s and MP5s. One guy had a Taurus CO2 NBB pistol and a Double Eagle AK47 (also clearsoft). My DE AK47 had the stock broken, my TM M4 had stripped gears, and my CA M15 rifle was too long to use for CQB, so I went in with my KJW M9 as my primary, and my KSC Glock 17 as my secondary.

And at the end of it, we all had great fun. All the guns survived the day intact except the clear MP5 that had a couple of holes shot through it by the dude with the 400 fps Taurus. We all did well, although myself and the guy with the AK and Taurus racked up most of the kills since we could obviously shoot faster and easily outranged the other guns.

I was actually considering getting this exact shotgun from Walmart and painting it black, but only for use as a wall display. I'm not much of a shotgun person, but this one would look great up on my wall once all painted black. Thanks for sharing that picture.
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Old April 8th, 2008, 19:37   #6
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hahaha nice!

I was gonna grab some epoxy or more fiberglass from work to do the holes, haven't decided which yet. I brought the pump, grip, and barrel in to work on but taking the body in isn't exactly a good idea haha.
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Old April 8th, 2008, 19:44   #7
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I have two of these for basement messing around. After seeing a few guys use them as backup-backups this past weekend, I will be painting them black and bringin'em out!
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Old April 8th, 2008, 23:43   #8
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Stigma... Dissolving.....

I took this:

and made this:

Clearsoft is fun for boring day projects.
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Old April 9th, 2008, 02:13   #9
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where'd you find that one?
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Old April 9th, 2008, 02:45   #10
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i'm getting one as my ranged back-up if my rifle goes down and my pistol doesn't have the range.
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Old April 9th, 2008, 03:15   #11
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haha walmart guns!
shit i thought you guys all hated springers and would never take one into a battle let alone one from walmart of all springers
this isnt a walmart clearsoft but i am noticing some similarities in the body parts of the pics of the clearsoft ones. i dunno how good a walmart shotgun is but this one is a tsd and it shoots very well ranged powerful and straight with 12.g bbs

i didnt mod the gun itself like you guys. all i did was add some cheap external stuff. the laser is actually very accruate and the little blue tac light is quite blinding in the dark.

you guys just made me wanna go waste 20 to 50 bucks on a crappy clear gun just for the hell of it even though i already have this one there thats probly 5 times better since you guys did such cool things with them
Originally Posted by MillerBRo View Post
dont let the elitist gun snobs who only clicked on your post to thread shit tell you other wise (they are OHHHH so helpful here- they wont offer you any help but will be self rightous pricks cause they are CLEARLY 'pros' who overpaid for their guns roflmao)

Last edited by Dusti69; April 9th, 2008 at 03:39..
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Old April 9th, 2008, 03:32   #12
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i used one of the $36 walmart shotties at Z3 last year, the only problem i encountered was that it sometimes doesn't load a bb unless you let gravity or momentum do it for you ( swing the gun or flip it when loading) but its cool as long as you remember to flourish and make those reloads epic in their own right :P

but it definitely is accurate and reliable other than that.
Originally Posted by matt491 View Post
...stalker's gonna kill you....and you wont even see it coming! Hell, he'll kill you and god himself will be going, "Where the hell did that come from!?" CDN_Stalker should just be the new god!
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Old April 9th, 2008, 03:59   #13
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i would like to take one of those shotguns and shorten the barrel as much as possible and remove the pistol grip and then find some way to securely mount it underneath another rifle like the way the grenade launchers are on the m4's
Originally Posted by MillerBRo View Post
dont let the elitist gun snobs who only clicked on your post to thread shit tell you other wise (they are OHHHH so helpful here- they wont offer you any help but will be self rightous pricks cause they are CLEARLY 'pros' who overpaid for their guns roflmao)
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Old April 9th, 2008, 04:04   #14
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You're talking about a masterkey. Can't have the shotgun too long or they look kinda bad and are unwieldy though!

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Old April 9th, 2008, 07:48   #15
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Originally Posted by skalnok View Post
i used one of the $36 walmart shotties at Z3 last year, the only problem i encountered was that it sometimes doesn't load a bb unless you let gravity or momentum do it for you ( swing the gun or flip it when loading) but its cool as long as you remember to flourish and make those reloads epic in their own right :P

but it definitely is accurate and reliable other than that.
hahaha nice.

I've been able to cock it with one hand on more than one occasion, but with the vert grip it's not quite as easy. If I throw hard enough I'll take the butt in the face.
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