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Is anyone in Canada stocking RealSword AK's?


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Old December 17th, 2021, 09:44   #1
Join Date: Mar 2010
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Is anyone in Canada stocking RealSword AK's?

Hi guys!

I'm curious if anyone is stocking any RealSword AK's in Canada, right now?

I hesitated to buy one a few years ago, and now it looks like they dropped right off the radar.

They seem to still be in business, but I don't see them listed anywhere.

Am I missing something here?


Last edited by Maple; December 17th, 2021 at 09:49..
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Old December 17th, 2021, 10:26   #2
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FWIW, I'm looking for the Type 56-2 or Type 56 versions.

Especially the Type 56-2 with the ribbed handguard.

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Old December 17th, 2021, 14:39   #3
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They're done from what I've read. The website is being updated but they haven't shipped anything in years and are actively scamming people apparently. There's a Reddit post of people trying to order rifles from them and some really shady business practices:

It seems that Norinco, who supplied them with the majority of externals, no longer does business with them so some employees are using the business to scam would be buyers with promises of limited productions and so on.

Also, check out their Facebook page, there's a bunch of replies from customers who paid for their order and weren't shipped anything.

Only way you can get one now is trying to find one used on the classifieds unfortunately.

Last edited by Kutter; December 17th, 2021 at 14:44..
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Old December 17th, 2021, 23:05   #4
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Originally Posted by Kutter View Post
They're done from what I've read. The website is being updated but they haven't shipped anything in years and are actively scamming people apparently. There's a Reddit post of people trying to order rifles from them and some really shady business practices:

It seems that Norinco, who supplied them with the majority of externals, no longer does business with them so some employees are using the business to scam would be buyers with promises of limited productions and so on.

Also, check out their Facebook page, there's a bunch of replies from customers who paid for their order and weren't shipped anything.

Only way you can get one now is trying to find one used on the classifieds unfortunately.
Thank you very much!

I appreciate the heads up. I would have considered being an importer/distributor if no one was carrying them and they were legit.

Too bad. I've read a lot of good things about those guns.

I like the fact that they have real AK parts. I used to own a Norinco Type 56-1 in 7.62x39mm back in the 90's.

BTW, do you happen to know who makes the best all-metal AK's now?
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Old December 17th, 2021, 23:43   #5
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Originally Posted by Maple View Post
Thank you very much!

I appreciate the heads up. I would have considered being an importer/distributor if no one was carrying them and they were legit.

Too bad. I've read a lot of good things about those guns.

I like the fact that they have real AK parts. I used to own a Norinco Type 56-1 in 7.62x39mm back in the 90's.

BTW, do you happen to know who makes the best all-metal AK's now?
LCT would be what you should look into
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Old December 18th, 2021, 02:27   #6
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Originally Posted by Desmodus View Post
LCT would be what you should look into
I second this
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Old December 18th, 2021, 21:35   #7
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I'll third and say LCT too. They're up there price wise but it's in Real Sword territory anyways.
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Old December 19th, 2021, 13:03   #8
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Thanks for the replies, guys!

Is LCT that much better than E&L?

I'm kind of leaning towards an E&L, but there are two LCT models that interest me as well.

E&L Airsoft New Essential Version AKM

LCT AKM Steel AEG Rifle with Wood Furniture

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Old December 19th, 2021, 13:05   #9
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Here's the other one.

LCT AKM Steel AEG Rifle with Polymer Furniture

I prefer the polymer stock, but, I gotta say, I'm hating the optics mount on the side of the receiver.

Just as 'Ol Mikhail used to say:

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Old December 19th, 2021, 19:58   #10
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The essential series from E&L is made externally from parts that didn't pass QC for their top of the line AKs with low end internals. That's why they are cheaper, even if on paper they are the same thing. I would go with LCT any day, E&Ls aren't bad, but they are expensive for what they are, especially in Canada where they are often more expensive than better quality LCTs. With that said, if you can get an E&L for really cheap, it's great. Don't forget to oil it if you don't want it to rust.

If you compare the E&L Essential AKM and the LCT AKM, you will get much better internals with an LCT. I have been running my LCT AK104 stock for a few years now, only added a mosfet. You don't even need to change the hop-up rubber, the thing will lift 0.40g BBs without complaints. The next thing you will notice is the wooden parts quality. The LCT is made from real birch plywood and is absolutely amazing. Usually, the E&L wooden parts are great too, but on the essential series they are using cheap softer wood that has mediocre finish. If you want an AK with wooden parts, don't cheap out, buy the top of the line of whichever brand you choose.
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Old December 20th, 2021, 03:25   #11
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Originally Posted by Drakker View Post
The essential series from E&L is made externally from parts that didn't pass QC for their top of the line AKs with low end internals. That's why they are cheaper, even if on paper they are the same thing. I would go with LCT any day, E&Ls aren't bad, but they are expensive for what they are, especially in Canada where they are often more expensive than better quality LCTs. With that said, if you can get an E&L for really cheap, it's great. Don't forget to oil it if you don't want it to rust.

If you compare the E&L Essential AKM and the LCT AKM, you will get much better internals with an LCT. I have been running my LCT AK104 stock for a few years now, only added a mosfet. You don't even need to change the hop-up rubber, the thing will lift 0.40g BBs without complaints. The next thing you will notice is the wooden parts quality. The LCT is made from real birch plywood and is absolutely amazing. Usually, the E&L wooden parts are great too, but on the essential series they are using cheap softer wood that has mediocre finish. If you want an AK with wooden parts, don't cheap out, buy the top of the line of whichever brand you choose.
Thanks, Drakker! That's great info!
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Old December 21st, 2021, 16:36   #12
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I have another question.

Do the LCT or E&L AK's take real AK parts like the Real Sword does?

Like; handguards, buttstocks, flashhiders, and dustcovers?

I've read that the E&L AK's have 1.5mm receivers. That should make them prime candidates for Chinese AK spare parts.
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Old December 24th, 2021, 17:40   #13
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Which part fits what

Research is your best friend and once you've done that research again. Usually people post their builds to various forums and sometimes on YouTube regarding what they've done, how they've done it and which parts fit what model better

This will save you from acquiring parts that might fit and then if you can't resell them you've got a nice pile of airsoft paperweights

For example: cyma makes an old Skool style side mount for optics that is adjustable, other "zenitco" as in fake zenitco, make "adjustable" side mounts that need to be tightened the bajeezus out of to even get snug and once the threads strip you've got junk so it's ok to consider shimming to adjust tolerances. Shims can be paper thin or 1/8th aluminum strips, used up Timmies card strips, pretty much whatever fills the void to allow you to tighten things up and take the strain off the threads if the accessories are fighting you

Never oil threads but blue loctite is ok. Tighten until snug and loctite will do the rest

Research parts, see who's used what with each brand and tolerances can and do vary. Shimming is ok and I would advise it if it reduces the risk of torn threads, most adaptations can look correct if done right with proper time, technique and patience
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