aps2 spring/cylinder problem
I have the aps2 sv and I also have a number of problems with my gun. I'll start off with saying that she's a little gem. I've owned her for over 3 years but only used her for 2. I emptied a lot of money into it with first factory parts, sharrif bolt, zero trigger etc. However, I am still unfamiliar as to what kind of cylinder it has, and what kind of inner barrel. It wasn't until recently that I found out that there may be a serious problem with the cylinder and the inner barrel. First of all, I noticed that the spring guide had come lose and now is just sliding free within the spring. This is a large problem because the spring (without the guide) smacks off the inside of the cylinder/bolt after every shot. It wasn't long before it began to warp the cylinder/bolt and now it will not fit properly in the bolt slide(or whatever you call it). The other problem is that I think my hop-up may have gotten a little dry. My gun seems to be shooting a little on the side (the bb's curve to the right). So I am wondering about a number of things: 1- Will I need to replace the cylinder/spring, 2- Will I need to replace the inner barrel, and 3- Can I do these fixin's myself
I will be grateful to anyone who can answer my problems. I love my gun, and I've had her for a long time. I don't ever want to have to replace her with some m24 or m700 hussy.