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Three questions/concerns about the M4


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Old December 28th, 2005, 16:08   #1
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Three questions/concerns about the M4

Amazingly, I might actually have what could be mistaken for disposable income in three months :shock:

So I'm going to be looking to finally buy a couple of guns but I'm still undecided on which type of long gun to get. I'm leaning more towards picking up an M4, but over the years I've heard this and that about them and the companies that make them. If I do pick up an M4, I'm only interested in full metal, as for everything else, I'm up in the air on all of it so I'll voice my concerns and questions.

1. Barrel wobble. I hear it used in virtually conversation about the M4. Is it only restricted to one company that makes the M4, or is it all the way accross the board of M4's? If I can't avoid it, what's the best suggestion to correct it?

2. Occasionally I'll want to use it for different roles (CQB, sniping and anything else related), so I'm going to be needing to change out the motor, barrel, stock, S.I.R. etc. (fuck I'm glad I'm not into car$) to suit these roles but I'm a bit trepid about it because I keep hearing things like "Well I got the new accessory/part/motor out of the box. It didn't fit right so I just used the dremel on it and blah blah blah". Am I going to run into needing to reach for the power tools, or is it not really that much of a big deal?

3. Out of ICS and CA, which ones are more accessory friendly?

I think that pretty much sums it all up. I'm basicly looking for a gun I can use that's very mission compatible and that won't have me pulling my hair out because I accidentally drilled or cut the wrong part of it just to fit X accessory.
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Old December 28th, 2005, 17:00   #2
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GEEZE! :hammer:
I'm pissed to hell with this damn PDI front site.
Do NOT get the ICS if you want it to be compatable with other branded parts.

I just got the site and i'm managed to wrench up the front paint job on the gun, and now the damn screws won't fit in the stupid ass site.

$50 PDI site + ICS gun = Scraped up front section, a headache and the conversion from a 'New' PDI site to a piece of scap metal.

Sorry... Just had to get that out, now, back to pulling my hair out.

Discard all info above. The site was made for real steel (I amagine) and needs to be modded for all, not just ICS guns. Flam the PDI version B site, not ICS guns.
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Old December 28th, 2005, 18:09   #3
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1. TM m4 older models had this problem, if you do have this problem it can be fix with a one piece system.

2.3. Depending on the mod, and the type of parts you buy there maybe some dremelling, because you havent stated what parts or even which gun it very hard to determine. but if you look at upgrade options everything for upgrades is standard to TOKYO MARUI. If your looking for compatiablity id say TM, G&G, CA, ICS. in order.
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Old December 28th, 2005, 19:19   #4
G&P and G&G
and easily interchaged
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Old December 28th, 2005, 19:41   #5
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I'll backup Droc, G&P would be my choice for "most well rounded".

It's basically a TM M4A1 with all the trimmings already installed (and using G&P Upgraded components of course), metal body, solid one piece metal barrel, lots of other metal bits, compatible with all accessories, standard easy V2 Gear box, price is right.
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Old December 28th, 2005, 20:11   #6
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Check out the front page of It has some info on the V2 TM M4A1.

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Old December 28th, 2005, 21:17   #7
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From RedWolfAirsoft:

Product Brand Tokyo Marui M4 / M16 Series
Weight 2,800 g Length 851.0 mm
Capacity 68 rds Power 280.0 fps
Motor EG1000 Battery Size 8.4V Mini
Shooting Mode Semi, Full Auto
Price (USD) $240.00
Tokyo Marui M4A1 (New Type)

One of the most popular AEGs of all time from Marui, the M4A1 sports a EG1000 motor and detachable handle/upper receiver. For this new type, Marui has installed a one-piece aluminium outer barrel and new stylish LE 6 position stock. Metal parts include barrel assembly, fully adjustable front/rear sights, magazine, trigger. Bolt cover flips open when you pull charging handle back just like the real steel! The detachable carrying handle reveals a weaver rail mount that can take a hi-scope mount that allows you to peer over the front sight. The receiver also comes with reinforced parts to avoid the lower receiver from separating unexpectedly from the upper receiver due to plastic loops (which hold the retainer pins) breaking under stress from carrying the gun by its carrying handle. This problem was sometimes found on the previous version M4, and is now fixed in this New Type version. Metal flash hider screws off to reveal counter-clockwise 14mm thread for attachment of silencer (not included).
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Old December 28th, 2005, 23:51   #8
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If you have disposable income for three months and want a gun that fits real steel, is easy to convert for different roles and has no barrel wobble, consider the Systema PTW Max The dimensions are real steel so rails and whatnot can be fitted for training, and the springs are swappable with ease to allow for different situations. Now, to clarify, I cant speak for the functionality of the new Systema Max, but by reliable accounts, the version 3 which this is based on is a reliable piece. This wasn't so by the same accounts for the earlier versions, something to keep in mind if you decided to investigate this route. Essentailly, your paying for a no-holds barred product when it comes to realism in apprearance and durability with the Systema and FWIW, I'm currently tracking one down myself.

From a budget stand-point, from my experience, the G&P side-by-side with TM stuff looked less 'refined'. The fitment and components seemed a bit rough on the G&P, vs Marui products. I walked into 007 not knowing what I was going to get and had no trouble deciding on the Marui + upgrades path based on looks alone. If you are like me and enjoy to sit back and stare at your wonderful gun sometimes, I recommend this path using the new TM M4A1.
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Old December 29th, 2005, 01:19   #9
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Some Pic to share to give you an idea what a PTW MAX looks like:

The appearance of the MAX is identical to M4A1 Gen3, box, manual, everything. You can only tell the difference by the color of the cylinder.
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Old December 29th, 2005, 01:46   #10
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good luck though if you can find one in canada. even used m16a3 ver 3 will sell for $1000+. i would buy one if mags and gun were easy to get. but for a "regular" airsofter a tm is fine, a g&p,ics or c.a. if you want more out of life or the systema if you want to live the high life. avoid g&g. src makes a decent product but may have some bugs to work out. ics makes a good product and there's lots running out west but forget about upgrades as they are not compatible with most aftermarket doo-dads. you know about tm's reliabilty already, but g&p makes a great gun with only minor and easily repairable bugs. g&g needs lots of work to keep it running and also has "fitment" issues with some aftermarket parts. c.a. are pretty "accessory friendly" from what i've seen, but i only own the slr105 and not an m4. c.a. may be the best fit for you if you want metal body (and no barrel wobble) and good for future add-ons and multi-role use.
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Old December 29th, 2005, 02:03   #11
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...even the BBs and battery look gourmet. Yum.
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Old December 29th, 2005, 03:50   #12
a.k.a. Egria
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The TM M4 S-System does not have the barrel wobble problem, and I think it looks better than the normal M4s.


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Old December 29th, 2005, 04:30   #13
Rumpel Felt
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Are you kidding? That "S-system" is hideous!

Get the G&P one.
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Old December 29th, 2005, 12:07   #14
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt
Are you kidding? That "S-system" is hideous!

Get the G&P one.
hehe, hurray for personal taste. Do check them both out before ordering though, you'll see what I mean as mentioned above. Not that you'll be able to tell that from this picture, but here's my S-System with short barrel, EOtech 512 and Star VLTOR modstock.

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Old December 29th, 2005, 15:12   #15
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Seriously, i have a TM M4 (not the new version) and i have a little barrel wobble, but for me it's not a problem for the moment. But the new TM M4 version don't have the barrel wobble or if you have lot of money, get a Classic Army.

- Tokyo Marui M4A1 (bought when airsofts had better times...)
- ICS M16 A3 (recently bought)

Armalites and unicorns are a good blend... fcuk I want to be age verified!
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