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G&G G980 SE (Kar98k - Shell Ejecting) - Advice & Maintenance


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Old March 2nd, 2017, 03:10   #1
The Phoenix Reborn
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G&G G980 SE (Kar98k - Shell Ejecting) - Advice & Maintenance

Hello to everyone!

I am currently seeking assistance from anyone who may be familiar with the G&G Shell-Ejecting G980 SE, which is a real wood & steel GBB replica of the Kar98k. My understanding is that the older, magazine-only version of the G980 has been around for awhile, but I've yet to find any details for the G980 SE as it appears this shell-ejecting model is relatively recent.

I currently have this gun brand-new (As in it just came in the mail yesterday) and I'm already having some issues with the bolt-action. My technical terminology ain't the best, so please bear with me:

After pulling the bolt back (Thereby cocking the gun), the motion of pushing the bolt back in is met with a jam or some kind of heavy resistance as I am unable to push it in all the way and rotate it back downward to its closed position. This is rectified somewhat by using a bit more force from my arm, but based on the demos I've seen in videos, this shouldn't require much effort (At least not to the point where my hand hurts)

This action a little bit better when the gun has no shells in it, but when I DO load shells into it, the jamming happens far more frequently. With shells loaded, the bolt would push the shell into the chamber but then jam and not be able to go in all way to the closed position. Because of that, I now end up with a shell inside the chamber which cannot be ejected because I can't complete the full bolt-action motion and I'm required to use my servicing rod to push the shell back out by inserting the rod through the barrel.

In all honesty because this gun is so new, my success-rate has been quite varied so far but I've yet to smoothly cycle the gun without issue while all five shells loaded into the gun. Oddly enough, if I were to perform the bolt-action while the gun's trigger is held down, the shells will cycle & eject perfectly and the action is super smooth.

SOMETHING with the bolt and perhaps the trigger mechanism that interacts with the bolt is causing the loading action to jam and it's causing me a great deal of concern, primarily because: A) This gun was expensive B) I cannot find too much info for this particular model C) My constant Day 1 testing trying to figure this out is actually starting to cause wear on the bolt assembly and inner-parts of the gun

On that note, can anyone advise whether I should be lubricating this gun out of the box (If at all) and if so, where specifically would be the best areas to lubricate and with what? Since I plan on regularly using this gun, I want to reduce as much wear and tear as I can.

End of long post... Whew!

Thank you all and I appreciate your patience and any assistance you can provide! If it helps, I can try and see if I can post some pics / videos for better reference later.

Last edited by The Phoenix Reborn; March 2nd, 2017 at 03:15..
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Old March 2nd, 2017, 21:50   #2
Drunk_Albertan's Avatar
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I didn't know G&G was coming out with a shell ejecting model. That sounds quite odd the issue you're having though. You shouldn't have to force the bolt that hard to close the action. Do you see excessive wear anywhere on the bolt? If you pull it out and remove the bolt, look for bright spots where the metal has been scraped away
Age Verifier for Calgary, PM me.
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Old March 11th, 2017, 03:15   #3
The Phoenix Reborn
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As a matter of fact, they do! From what I can tell, most videos showcasing this gun are from Asia and they only date back as far as 2016 so I'm assuming the shell-ejecting model of this rifle is relatively new. Check it out here! -

Also, thanks for the reply and for waiting. It's been a busy week! To answer your question, unfortunately there actually quite a bit of wear on the bolt and the chamber as a result of my trying to figure out this problem the past week. Thought maybe it was just a matter of breaking the gun in, however I'm now noticing that this jamming issue is not only causing wear to my bolt and shell casings, but they're also leaving an alarmingly large amount of metal shavings behind as well which worries me

As promised, I've created a video demonstrating said jamming issue for you to see along with some pictures of the wear-and-tear I'm experiencing with the gun. Here, you can see that the bolt initially has trouble being pushed back in. One shell completely jams requiring use of the un-jamming rod, while another jams but was fortunately able to be ejected. Thanks again for the help! -
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Old March 11th, 2017, 08:24   #4
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Since it's brand new the retailer must have some kind of warranty policy or returns. 30 limit better than nothing, you probably got a lemon with some bad parts. Message then and ask for a replacement.
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Old March 14th, 2017, 00:31   #5
The Phoenix Reborn
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Retailer managed to get back to me and suggested that a bit of lubrication on the bolt-assembly does help with the action a bit so I'm going to try that.

When it comes to airsoft rifles, particularly ones with bolts like the one I have, what type of lubricant would you recommend? Thus far, I've been told that it just shouldn't be WD-40, but I'm curious if there's any particular brand that's a general go-to for airsoft sniper bolt lubricating?

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Old April 1st, 2017, 01:26   #6
The Phoenix Reborn
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Managed to get some silicone grease to lubricate the bolt-assembly and the areas inside the chamber where the bolt comes in contact with during the back-and-forth loading motion. After a few rounds of tests, I'm happy to say that the action works much better now and the jamming of the shells have all but disappeared!

Looking forward to putting gas back into this thing so I can finally shoot it again!
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Old April 5th, 2017, 09:53   #7
Join Date: Apr 2017
Hi Guys,

I made an account just to be able to reply to this thread.

Today I received my G980SE and I'm having the same issues OP has/had. I tried Lubricating the bolt and bolt head with froglube, and even tried a thinner lubricant like silicone grease, even though the latter isn't all that good for metal to metal lubrication.

Sadly my issues haven't been solved. However, I've found that the issue is most likely caused by the extractor. The spring on the extractor is very strong, and it takes quite a bit of force to be able to rotate it sideways to allow the rim of the shell to hook behind it. This means that the shells don't get gripped by it, they get pushed further forward instead. This is the reason shells get jammed in the chamber.

I'll try and see if I can replace the spring by a slightly weaker one without damaging the bolt. Will report back with my results.

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Old April 18th, 2017, 20:01   #8
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Shell ejectors wont last. The air seal isnt where it should be resulting in large velocity fluctuations, shells get damaged all the time and aare NOT cheap to replace, proprietary hop, little to no after market internal parts. For this reason, i recommend ditching it and getting a straight mag fed gas gun if you are that dead set on gas guns. Id recommend a g96 (g&g) instead as its based on the kjw m700 system, is easy to maintain, and there are already parts available for it.
current armament:
mk43, ump.45, p90, barret, m14, g33, k98, m4 tac, m4 swat, mp5 navy, vsr10, p226, m9.
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Old July 25th, 2018, 08:48   #9
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first, most of the gas airsoft rifle need to be lubed before use as always, even some manufacturer lubed ones was just not apply into a right contacted location.

second, for shells eject ones, break in is always a must, if you know about it, the extractor is the first one, as the edges are so sharp and cut the end of shell then causing uneven all around and get jam. so slightly file the corners and edges on the extractor that contact the shell end, would minimize the shell end damaged.

third, the pathing for shell loading forward to the chamber should be smooth, based on the first video showed the aide of shells got scratches, were causing from it. simply lightly file or sand that pathing area smooth and allow shells passing easily would be better.

forth, if shell could jam into chamber after loaded, that could be the shell over size a bit. remember which one got jammed and compare the length even dimensions see if the size out of spec. or check with the chamber see if the chamber inside smooth or not? sometimes the inside may have some bumpy metal and causing jam or not smooth loading.

final, the worn on metal parts are all normal for all metal contacts. if the wears were to deep than you should think about to sand it smooth to minimize sticky movements. also apply thicker grease would be good for bolt action rifle tho, apply on those wear area would help.
if you have got struck and or not smooth movement during loading shell, you should not force to do it, thats how to make the wear worse, try to find out where is it coming from and fix it.

hope all these could help what you need. happy reading
aka Uncle

Last edited by N_Force; July 25th, 2018 at 08:51..
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Old July 25th, 2018, 10:07   #10
willing to perform services in a dark alley that may or may not leave you satisfied for a title. GFE = 1, looks = 2, BBFS for an extra $50.
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I own a S&T/D-boys clone of the Marushin Kar98k shell eject design and installed the G&G bolt in the S&T gun. I noticed it required alot of force to close the bolt with a shell in the chamber

try orienting the rim of the cartridge under the claw extractor and close the action, it should require no force to close now.

the extractor claw spring is too strong meaning you have to force it over the rim when the action closes

I resolved the issue for my gun by polishing the sharp edges of the claw to reduce shell rim wear/damage

also reduce the spring tension by cutting one ring off from the end of the extractor spring, cutting too much will cause extraction issues.

I did this to one customers gun when he ordered the G&G version and he has yet to come back to the store so I think it resolved the issue for him too.

Hope this helps

Last edited by localfreerider; July 25th, 2018 at 10:10..
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Old July 26th, 2018, 00:04   #11
The Phoenix Reborn
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N_Force & localfreerider

^ All very good advice from the both of you!

I've had the G&G Kar98k for just a little over a year now and indeed, after properly lubing the extractor and all the constant metal-on-metal contact parts, the gun has started loading and ejecting significantly better.

As you said, after using the gun repeatedly, the parts do naturally smooth out overtime. I just have to remind myself that because this is just an airsoft rifle, the bolt-action will never be as smooth as the real thing and some precision and refinement in movements will be required, but that doesn't bother me as much.
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Old August 28th, 2018, 18:10   #12
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Originally Posted by DannyMNL View Post
Hi Guys,

I made an account just to be able to reply to this thread.

Today I received my G980SE and I'm having the same issues OP has/had. I tried Lubricating the bolt and bolt head with froglube, and even tried a thinner lubricant like silicone grease, even though the latter isn't all that good for metal to metal lubrication.

Sadly my issues haven't been solved. However, I've found that the issue is most likely caused by the extractor. The spring on the extractor is very strong, and it takes quite a bit of force to be able to rotate it sideways to allow the rim of the shell to hook behind it. This means that the shells don't get gripped by it, they get pushed further forward instead. This is the reason shells get jammed in the chamber.

I'll try and see if I can replace the spring by a slightly weaker one without damaging the bolt. Will report back with my results.

Hey I am having that same problem too the shells wont hook on to it, did you ever fix this issue and if so how and could you link a video thanks.
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Old August 7th, 2019, 22:22   #13
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Is it worth purchasing one of these shell ejecting sniper rifles?
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Old August 25th, 2019, 21:26   #14
The Phoenix Reborn
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Originally Posted by Backyardshoot3r View Post
Is it worth purchasing one of these shell ejecting sniper rifles?
If you enjoy the novelty of a shell-ejecting rifle and use it mainly for recreational target shooting or reenactment, then they aren't all that bad. I would not recommend using this in an actual airsoft field though since SE guns are totally impractical and shells can be expensive to replace.

I specifically wanted an airsoft Kar98k that I could manually load shells in because it's just feels satisfying like that, so this gun fit the bill perfectly for me. But if it's practicality and consistency you're looking for, maybe the gas 98k will work better
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Old August 26th, 2019, 15:34   #15
Join Date: Jun 2019
Location: Brampton
Originally Posted by The Phoenix Reborn View Post
If you enjoy the novelty of a shell-ejecting rifle and use it mainly for recreational target shooting or reenactment, then they aren't all that bad. I would not recommend using this in an actual airsoft field though since SE guns are totally impractical and shells can be expensive to replace.

I specifically wanted an airsoft Kar98k that I could manually load shells in because it's just feels satisfying like that, so this gun fit the bill perfectly for me. But if it's practicality and consistency you're looking for, maybe the gas 98k will work better
nah im just planning to use this in my backyard so practicality and consistency isn't necessary i am planning to get the double bell spring kar98k is this version ok?
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