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Removing The Red from the barrell


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Old October 20th, 2005, 10:49   #1
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Removing The Red from the barrell

Hello, I recently purchased a airsoft gun, and since i live in the US they are gonna come with the red cap/paint. So i was wondering if any of you know how to remove the red paint safetly and still have a great finish on the gun. My friend did it for my previous gun and its kinda mucky, and with my new revolver there won't be much of anything to hide the muckyness since the barrell isn't covered up by the slide like on my M92. Well any help is appercaited it, im basically looking for a step by step and also what exact materials i should use. Thank you.

I want to remove these because they are going to be props in a movie
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Old October 20th, 2005, 11:10   #2
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(1) It's illegal

(2) These are Canadian boards...and I'm sure someone can help ya (nail polish remover?), but I'd check out ASR for more direct help.

Search the forums first, I'm sure you'll find your exact question asked 5000 times already
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Old October 20th, 2005, 12:03   #3
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In USA, if you remove your orange muzzle, you are illegal and you risk lot of problem

- Tokyo Marui M4A1 (bought when airsofts had better times...)
- ICS M16 A3 (recently bought)

Armalites and unicorns are a good blend... fcuk I want to be age verified!
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Old October 20th, 2005, 12:20   #4
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The orange muzzle is no longer illegal to remove as of 2004 (the national law expired) how ever some states still require it.

You can use various sandpapers and repaint it. Basicly look up the info on repainting the gun.
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Old October 20th, 2005, 13:23   #5
Lord Jebus
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I'm assuming it's a metal tip? I'm not even sure they make plastic ones...

Anyways... Go to your local hardware store... pickup some sprayable paint stripper... would be in an aerosol can... give the tip a nice light coating of that stuff... It should take the paint off it

Now when you want to get it ready for paint... get yourself some latex gloves and some good degreasing dishsoap... wash it... but from this point on you don't wanna touch it without having the gloves on... the gloves keep the oils from your fingers off the piece which will affect the quality of paintjob

get some automotive primer... the grey stuff is the colour you want... not the red...

Again, a nice light coating from about 10 inches away... It's better to put 2-3 light coatings on rather than one thick one on or you'll end up with runs in the paint...

Then find yourself whatever color it is that you want the actual tip to be and do the same thing.
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Old October 20th, 2005, 13:36   #6
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Originally Posted by Lord Jebus
I'm assuming it's a metal tip? I'm not even sure they make plastic ones...

Anyways... Go to your local hardware store... pickup some sprayable paint stripper... would be in an aerosol can... give the tip a nice light coating of that stuff... It should take the paint off it

Now when you want to get it ready for paint... get yourself some latex gloves and some good degreasing dishsoap... wash it... but from this point on you don't wanna touch it without having the gloves on... the gloves keep the oils from your fingers off the piece which will affect the quality of paintjob

get some automotive primer... the grey stuff is the colour you want... not the red...

Again, a nice light coating from about 10 inches away... It's better to put 2-3 light coatings on rather than one thick one on or you'll end up with runs in the paint...

Then find yourself whatever color it is that you want the actual tip to be and do the same thing.
pefect step by step and not to hard either
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Old October 20th, 2005, 13:38   #7
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thank you sir/madams, i do appercaite it. This will be an interesting venture.
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Old October 20th, 2005, 13:39   #8
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Lord Jebus: Alot of airsoft guns are made with abs, I'd avoid using paint stripper (melt the gun). As for the paint to use I would use something like the Krylon paints, they're good for sticking to plastics and metals and unlike some auto paints don't require heat curing (just ask the guy who tried to paint his desert eagle with auto paint and then put it in the oven to cure it).

Marius: Like I said in my first post, look up the info on repainting the gun, that will give you your best info.
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Old October 20th, 2005, 14:11   #9
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lisa: where would i look up the info, i tried searching popular forums.
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Old October 20th, 2005, 16:45   #10
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For a movie prop can't you just use a bit of black electrical tape to cover the red tip? I mean if no major close up is done of the gun.

THat way when you finish filming, just take the tape off and you get the legal red tip to show again.

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Old October 20th, 2005, 16:58   #11
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Steel wool, the 0000 grade. Rub the red paint away. It wont affect the paint under the muzzle.

Same technique is used to remove surface rust from real guns.
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Old October 20th, 2005, 18:10   #12
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I've done it with my KJW M9, there was a layer or white paint underneath red paint. White stuff came off with original paint, I couldn't get it off without damaging original barrel paint. I had to repaint outer barrel after. Not sure about your revolver, thought I just give you heads up in case if your gun has two layers of paing as well.
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Old October 20th, 2005, 19:10   #13
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I would go with nail polish remover.
-Don't use too much and rub gently with a Q-Tip until the paint is gone.

-Once you've removed the paint make sure to clean the tip thoroughly with soap and water to make sure there is no solvent remaining on the gun.

-Krylon actually makes a "plastic paint", it is specially designed to bond to plastic. I have used it myself around the house and it works great.

-Let it cure for a day or so, and you won't have any problems with the paint peeling.

I know some of this info was already posted, but I just wanted to give my 2 cents.

Hope this helps!

P.S.- What movie is it for???
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Old October 20th, 2005, 19:17   #14
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Particularly pay attention to the "don't use too much" part.

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Old October 20th, 2005, 19:19   #15
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Yes, I agree and I don't think that can be stressed enough!!!

The reason I mentioned nail polish remover is because it is not as strong a solvent but it will still melt plastic.

Edit: I'm aware that it makes it shiny...this is why he will be painting it.
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