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Looking for a suitable P226


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Old February 5th, 2015, 16:05   #1
GoSkyLine's Avatar
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Talking Looking for a suitable P226

First of all, I know this seems to be an old topic, please bear with me. ^_^
I'm NOT looking for the "BEST P226 GBB", but a suitable P226 for myself.

My purposes of buying a P226 GBB
1. Alternative training weapon for RS P226. (1:1 scale, weight, feeling, handling)
2. Sidearm for occasional field games (couple of games per year)
3. Collection (trades marking, finish)

I always wanted to P226 GBB, Yes, before posting here I have been searching for related info on the internet in the past few months.
Gone thru all kind of reading, especially some good posts here at ASC and even some really old posts/videos from year 200?. So, I have some basic idea about P226 GBB's offered by different brands like TM/KJW/KSC-KWA/HP3P-WE etc.

Here are what I got from my research.
TM -
Pro: best hop-up unit for distance and accuracy, availability of aftermarket parts is a PLUS and you can always buy aftermarket metal kit to make it metal.
Con: full-plastic, not 1:1 scale.
I don't like to pay $300CAD for an full-plastic pistol and pay extra for metal kit to swap out most big stock parts of the gun, it's like buying a car and swap out frame but keep using stock car seats. (sorry for the bad expression )
In addition, since we are in Canada, finding full metal kit is not as easy as other place and importing frame is restricted.
I remember reading a post somewhere which I'd be agree with, TM's scope is to make their pistols to be the best bb shooting plastic toy, so they sometime have to sacrifice authenticity and realism.

KJW - best full metal TM clone
Pro: full metal, full trade marking from Cybergun version.
Con: finish, valve kicker, grip is not 1:1 scale

Pro: 1:1 scale, full metal(except outer barrel), partial trade marking, System 7/NS2
Con: polymer outer barrel (metal slide and outer barrel replacements are available), lack of aftermarket parts.

KWA - KSC except trade marking

HK3P and WE - I'll skip this one, sorry for WE lover.

Here is what I'm thinking in terms of "most suitable P226 for me", sorry for skipping TM and WE here.

Here are the best prices I could find from Canadian online retailers (Shipping included)
KJW P226 (Cybergun version with full trades) $185 + tax
KJW P226 E2 $205 + tax
KWA M226 PTP Full Metal $225 + tax (Out of stock, I found only one retailer who carries M226)
KSC P226 $310 + tax

My questions,
1. KSC seems be a bit of "old day" brand, is it still ok to buy KSC now?
2. I understand the relationship between two companies KSC and KWA. From product perspective, their P226's are identical, so, just want confirmation, anybody had success fixing KSC with KWA parts?
3. What do you think about the prices above? Do you happen to know any place for better price for any of the brands mentioned above? (please PM me, don't want to break the rule here)

Now, I need to make final decision on "which one to buy in CANADA" (the last word adds more factor when considering) so, any help will be much appreciated!!! Any input will be more than welcomed!!!!
Thank you in advance!!

P.S. I went thru this post few times, good post.

Last edited by GoSkyLine; February 6th, 2015 at 09:31.. Reason: typo
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Old February 5th, 2015, 16:07   #2
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The WE is just as good as or better than the WE (EDIT: KJW, not WE). And the mags are better since they're the bottom screw type, not the double crosspin type.

Another option is a used TM P226. You can get a good deal on one with multiple mags or a metal slide etc.

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Last edited by Styrak; February 5th, 2015 at 16:23..
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Old February 5th, 2015, 16:11   #3
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WE P226 in classifieds for $160 brand new.

TM P226 from Depot @ $260

$100 bux different, but would go TM because I'm biased.
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Old February 5th, 2015, 16:21   #4
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Wow, that was fast, thanks guys!

@Styrak, what do you mean by "The WE is just as good as or better than the WE."

@BioRage, thanks for the prices
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Old February 5th, 2015, 16:23   #5
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Old February 5th, 2015, 16:26   #6
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Also if you do consider a p226, consider the newer "E2" versions...

Don't know much about P226's, but I definitely want a TM P226 E2 someday. #NAVYSEALS.
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Old February 5th, 2015, 16:32   #7
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I'm kind of a P226 nut, I've got 6 of them. KJW, KSC, WE and 3 TM's. I find the TM's are the most accurate but in general for shooting, weight and feel, my favorite is the KSC (non trade version). The trades really aren't that important to me, I'd rather have a well made, good shooting, good feeling gun than a crappy one that's got full trades.
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Old February 5th, 2015, 16:42   #8
EOD Steve
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Is the KSC full metal?

The Steve has spoken.
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Old February 5th, 2015, 16:44   #9
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I am a SIG SAUER Fan, I owned 2 KJW 226...both bought in the USA back in the old days of ridiculous pricing, I bought one from the War Store in Buffalo for $150 and another, a 2nd hand sale for $40 (came with no mag but what a steal)...liked both of them and eventually sold both of them Armed Infidel and his son.

Reason why I sold them were the f#cking Magazines...always constant maintenance and leaks, replacing valve stems etc....I ended buying a H&K ACP 45 KWA... reason why is the NS 2 System for the Mags...I bought an M93X KWA and H&K 45 ACP KWA 4 years Mag leaks since I owned them. Bought both from Shrike Industies Would like to own a KWA/KSC 226 but don't see too many new ones on the Market...from my understanding is that the KJW 226 can take TM Mags...if so this maybe the way to go for yuh, TM Mags are better then KJW...Just saying

Last edited by QKLee11; February 5th, 2015 at 16:57..
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Old February 5th, 2015, 18:52   #10
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For purely training purposes (1:1 fitment in your existing holster), I do suggest KSC or KWA. TM P226R, common TM kits, WE, and KJ generally are a tight fit in "real" moulded holsters of varying designs.

Pure performance, looking & feeling nice, best bang for buck - I myself would make different suggestions for each of those #1 reasons.
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Old February 5th, 2015, 22:11   #11
willing to perform services in a dark alley that may or may not leave you satisfied for a title. GFE = 1, looks = 2, BBFS for an extra $50.
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I have noticed a lot of interest in Sig's P series on ASC lately! It is my humble opinion that the Sig P226 is the epitome of beauty in design with its chiseled Swiss/German good looks.

Which ones is best for you really depends on what you are willing to sacrifices...

Go KWA/KSC if you want: to game it and not tinker with it
+ 1/1
+ feel and function
+ full metal
+ out of the box awesome
- higher price than other option (short of a TM + FMK)
- trademarks on KWA brand are not authentic
- does not come in the non railed variety (big minus in my book)

Go WE/HK3P/KJW if you want: to game it till it breaks
+ full metal
+ cheaper
+ HK3P has decent trademarks
- may not be as drop dead reliable as KWA/KSC/TM
- not 1/1

Go TM if you want: to game it and modify it
+ out of the box awesome
+ great parts availability with many aftermarket upgrades
- Very pricy when you add in a FMK
- not metal (solved by FMK Prime/PGC/Guarder/Creation)
- not 1/1 (but so close you would never know by just looking)

I went with option 3

I think there still may be one or two TM built FMK guns for sale on the classifieds, you will spend alot less to buy a gun+FMK already in Canada than trying to find someone to import it.

just my 2ยข
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Old February 5th, 2015, 23:22   #12
"bb bukakke" KING!
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ksc is plastic, the kwa is full metal from what I understand.

the kwa and ksc are true 1:1 in frame and slide dimensions, they fit in a 226 serpa without scraping or rubbing. With kwa though you have the m226 ptp trades, not any licensed 226 trades.

For me, I don't care, and the guy you're shooting at the other end isn't not going to call his hit because it says kwa m226 vs sig sauer 226.

The kwa is the one gun in my entire collection that has been next to no fuss since I got it. It has never had a catastrophic part failure or a part break on it. The hop up rubber is a bit weak against any oil.. it swells up even with pure silicone oil, but there's aftermarket replacements that are more resistant. It requires no upgrading out of the box and is rock solid as a secondary sidearm.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old February 6th, 2015, 10:31   #13
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ummm, my KSC has a full metal body, not sure on the outer barrel as stated in the OP, I'd have to check. One note I will make, the WE is my least favorite of them all and may be going on the chopping block soon. IMO, it just doesn't feel as sturdy as either the KJW or KSC, hell I think the plastic TM's I have feel more solid.
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Old February 6th, 2015, 11:58   #14
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Thanks everybody for your input!!!

Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Fixed. ...
Thanks again.

Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Also if you do consider a p226, consider the newer "E2" versions... ...
I have heard good things about E2 too.

Originally Posted by waylander View Post
I'm kind of a P226 nut, I've got 6 of them. KJW, KSC, WE and 3 TM's. ...
wow, you are really a P226 nut, now I start to think I should buy few in different brands for different purpose.
Any difference between KSC trade V.S. non-trade version? Does it has metal slide and polymer outer barrel? is it pre system 7 version?

Originally Posted by EOD Steve View Post
Is the KSC full metal? ...
From research, I found there are Japanese version (plastic side and plastic outer barrel) and Taiwan version (aluminum alloy frame and side + polymer outer barrel)

Originally Posted by QKLee11 View Post
I am a SIG SAUER Fan, I owned 2 KJW 226...both bought in the USA back in the old days of ridiculous pricing, ...
People saying that TM E2 mag will fit KJW P226. Also, I believe the KJW stock mag was copied off a civilian version RS 10 rounds mag, and the TM E2 mag looks like it's modeled off military version mag to me.

Originally Posted by juicy View Post
For purely training purposes (1:1 fitment in your existing holster), I do suggest KSC or KWA. TM P226R, common TM kits, WE, and KJ generally are a tight fit in "real" moulded holsters of varying designs. ...
My guess: Pure performance=TM, looking & feeling nice=KSC/KWA or TM+FMK, best bang for buck=KJW or WE

Originally Posted by localfreerider View Post
I have noticed a lot of interest in Sig's P series on ASC lately! It is my humble opinion that the Sig P226 is the epitome of beauty in design with its chiseled Swiss/German good looks.
GREAT POINTS, nice P226 and nice photo, I'll go check classifieds to see if I can find any TM+FMK for reasonable price.

Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
ksc is plastic, the kwa is full metal from what I understand. ...
From what I read on arms-cool, It seems, KSC Taiwan version is metal except outer barrel.

Originally Posted by waylander View Post
ummm, my KSC has a full metal body, not sure on the outer barrel as stated in the OP, I'd have to check. ...
WE is off my list for now. Sorry @Styrak, looks like you are WE lover
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Old February 6th, 2015, 12:50   #15
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Searched Classified forum, could not find any TMP226+FMK on sale. I probably will not spend $1000+ to buy TM and upgrades myself (plz keep in mind, RS MK25 Navy is $1200, regular RS p226 is $900, 22 conversion kit for RS P226 9mm or .40 is only $300 - good alternative option for training, BUT I cannot shoot people with it LOL)

I think I'll most likely go with KSC/KWA, depends on what price I can get.
Does anybody know where to get a KSC(Full metal) or KWA with reasonable price?
Please use post here in AV restricted area.
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