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TM/WE Glock Help!


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Old September 17th, 2014, 21:06   #1
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TM/WE Glock Help!

Hey, I recently got a TM glock 17, and a WE glock 35.
I took one shot with the TM, and the nozzle broke. I took a shot with the WE, and guess what... The damn nozzle is stuck all the way forward, and now has no spring tension.

I'm using green gas, and I know it's not good for the TM, but damn, one shot?

Am I unlucky or what.

I need help.

Were can I find a replacement/better nozzle for the Marui G17?
Also, how the heck do I fix the WE nozzle, or should I just replace it?

The WE nozzle feels like there is no more spring tension, but also when the slide is on the glock 35, it does not go all the way foreword, it stays back about 2mm from fully closing.

I am quite upset. Also does anyone make reinforced nozzles?
And are TM and WE nozzles cross compatible?
"Hold on, we paid good money to see this down in Louisville, except of course, the pigs were dressed as the king and queen of France..."
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Old September 17th, 2014, 22:46   #2
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You'll want to look through the WIP Glock thread in the Upgrades forum.
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Old September 18th, 2014, 08:37   #3
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Could someone please clarify weather or not WE and TM nozzles are cross compatible?
And does the glock 35 use the standard glock 17 fill nozzle?
"Hold on, we paid good money to see this down in Louisville, except of course, the pigs were dressed as the king and queen of France..."
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Old September 18th, 2014, 08:55   #4
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Originally Posted by pcvando View Post
Could someone please clarify weather or not WE and TM nozzles are cross compatible?
For semi-auto only glocks, the nozzles are "supposed to be" cross compatible between WE and TM G17 (for select fire glock they are just not compatible), but in practice, you will very likely run into problem of different tolerance, or just minor difference in dimensions.

I think you may need to buy a OEM or third party nozzle specified for TM, and another OEM nozzle for the WE (there is currently an enhanced third party nozzle specified for WE glock, but not available outside Taiwan).

Before you replacing the nozzle, try find out what caused the problem, or you may have next nozzle broken quickly as well. What you described is uncommon in both WE and TM. Are those guns new when you get them? Is there anything weird when you firing them?

Last edited by ccyg8774; September 18th, 2014 at 08:59..
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Old September 18th, 2014, 09:36   #5
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Simple fix for both of them

WE Glock:
Unscrew the sights located at the bottom of the slide.
Pull out the internals and re-assemble.

Most likely what happened with your WE Glock is that it was not well lubricated enough where the Nozzle and the Piston head is. Make sure to lube it before assembling. Its either that or the spring broke or something but I'm confident its just a lubrication issue.

TM Glock:
Unscrew the bottom and pull out the internals
Replace nozzle set (make sure you don't forget to replace the internals in the nozzle)

There could be a number of factors here. Lact of lube is one of them. You could have used really bad BBS and caused it to jam or the Gas was too powerful and cracked the stock nozzle. Considering how flimsy a lot of the after market nozzle is I wouldn't be surprised at how easily it broke.

HK3/WE Stock nozzles are very solid for the G17. Try replacing the TM nozzle with that. You may get some fitment issues here and there but nothing a bit of sanding can't fix. Again make sure to lube the area inside the nozzle and piston head. Remember not all replacement nozzles come complete.

Also some more advise. Try and do your own gun work if you own a GBB. TM Glocks and Clones are super easy to pull apart.... there is no excuse not to be able to learn how to fix your own Glock (KWA/KSC is different)

Hope that helps
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Old September 18th, 2014, 11:57   #6
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Thanks guys for the help. I took them apart, and noticed the WE nozzle is broken in the back where it pushes on the spring. A relatively easy fix by replacing the nozzle.
The WE is a glock 35 which is a full auto, yet the nozzle appears to be identical to the WE glock 17....
So I assume it can be swapped for a replacement.
Does anyone know any good retailers or websites to get good replacement nozzles?

Also both guns were bough used and have most likely seen use.
"Hold on, we paid good money to see this down in Louisville, except of course, the pigs were dressed as the king and queen of France..."
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Old September 18th, 2014, 12:46   #7
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I have a replacement WE G18C nozzle if you want that. Any full auto WE Glock should use a WE G18 nozzle. And yes they're different from TM nozzles and WE semiauto nozzles.

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Old September 18th, 2014, 13:59   #8
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Oopps read it wrong there lol

Thought both Glocks were 17s

If it is a WE full auto Glock make sure to mod the guide rod for the nozzle. You just shorten the rod by about 40% and it should fix the issue of cracking where the rod connects. The theory is that the rod is too long and when shoot the force slams the nozzle against the rod causing damage to the nozzle. Shortening the rod helps relieve or eliminate this apparently.

I've done mods to my rods and I've fired who knows how many rounds I've shot over the past 3 years with my primary HK3/WE G18C and its still kicking like a beast!

I measure how much I cut based on how far I can pull the nozzle past the piston lid. If you can pull the nozzle with your finger past the piston lid the length should be good

Originally Posted by pcvando View Post
Thanks guys for the help. I took them apart, and noticed the WE nozzle is broken in the back where it pushes on the spring. A relatively easy fix by replacing the nozzle.
The WE is a glock 35 which is a full auto, yet the nozzle appears to be identical to the WE glock 17....
So I assume it can be swapped for a replacement.
Does anyone know any good retailers or websites to get good replacement nozzles?

Also both guns were bough used and have most likely seen use.

Last edited by shelcoof; September 18th, 2014 at 14:08..
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Old September 18th, 2014, 15:13   #9
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Originally Posted by pcvando View Post
The WE is a glock 35 which is a full auto, yet the nozzle appears to be identical to the WE glock 17....
WE select-fire glocks use proprietary nozzles. Different from WE/TM semi-auto Glocks, and different from TM G18.
Get a OEM nozzle for WE glock 18 and do the spring guide mod, that should make it last.
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Old September 18th, 2014, 15:26   #10
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Thanks guys, this is great info!

Now when you guys mention the nozzle spring rod, are we talking about that tiny pin that the tiny spring goes over?
And does anyone have pics of it being shortened?

Also as for the OEM nozzle, where can I find one? Or a suitable alternative nozzle?
"Hold on, we paid good money to see this down in Louisville, except of course, the pigs were dressed as the king and queen of France..."
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Old September 18th, 2014, 18:10   #11
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Originally Posted by pcvando View Post
Thanks guys, this is great info!

Now when you guys mention the nozzle spring rod, are we talking about that tiny pin that the tiny spring goes over?
And does anyone have pics of it being shortened?

Also as for the OEM nozzle, where can I find one? Or a suitable alternative nozzle?
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Old September 18th, 2014, 21:13   #12
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There are 4 main components that act collaboratively to deteriorate and eventually destroy you the muzzle.

1). Hop up Bucking:

The main reason that the loading muzzle is able to recoil as far forward as it does is because the hop up bucking does not release it.

The loading muzzle essentially jams itselft in there during the return stroke of the slide.

When this happens, when also combined and exacerbated by the speed in which the slide recoils, bring the loading muzzle tab (the part that broke) in full contact with its relevant spring guide.

The bucking issue can be a number of things. This includes a swollen bucking or even an overpowered recoil spring....

The fix is to changed it to a MARUI bucking. Theoretically, this should work as the Marui loading muzzle is a bit larger than the WE OEMs.

2). The loading muzzle spring:

When the slide recoils at a high velocity and if the bucking is hanging unto the loading muzzle and won't let go, then the function of this spring is basically moot.

This spring is designed so that the loading muzzle WILL NOT recoil all the way forward ON DUSTER GAS, NOT PROPANE. During the slide's charging stroke, this spring is suppose to overcome and "pull" the loading muzzle away from the bucking BEFORE the loading tab (the part that broke) comes into contact with the spring's guiding rod.

The fix is to buy a 150% spring. I think Action or SAPH makes them. I can't remember off the top of my head.

3). The Piston Head

Contrary to what's been written above, the loading muzzle SHOULD NOT be able to over extend itselft such that the piston head is basically "out" or completely visible.

If this happens, the loading muzzle will not be aligned with the piston head and thus will jam in it's full recoiled state. In fact, if it ever does come to this point, your slide will not fully close at all.

The fix?
Fix the above two issues. Then you're golden.

4). The spring guiding rod:

It's too long. Simply cut it to a safe length as others have already stated....

The WE is a glock 35 which is a full auto, yet the nozzle appears to be identical to the WE glock 17....
Are you sure?

The give away for a full auto loading muzzle for the Glock system is the shape. The Full auto ones usually have a flat clearing while the G17/semi auto Glock is cylindrical in shape.

But you are dealing with a WE gun. I don't know if they changed their design but if it's a true Marui clone, a G17 nozzle is definitely not compatible.

My two cents for your Marui G17?
Get an Airsoft Surgeon loading muzzle. Crazy good.
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Old September 24th, 2014, 11:59   #13
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Originally Posted by pcvando View Post
Also as for the OEM nozzle, where can I find one? Or a suitable alternative nozzle?

Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
I have a replacement WE G18C nozzle if you want that. Any full auto WE Glock should use a WE G18 nozzle. And yes they're different from TM nozzles and WE semiauto nozzles.

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Old December 7th, 2014, 07:00   #14
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Originally Posted by pcvando View Post
Hey, I recently got a TM glock 17, and a WE glock 35.
I took one shot with the TM, and the nozzle broke. I took a shot with the WE, and guess what... The damn nozzle is stuck all the way forward, and now has no spring tension.

I'm using green gas, and I know it's not good for the TM, but damn, one shot?

Am I unlucky or what.

I need help.

Were can I find a replacement/better nozzle for the Marui G17?
Also, how the heck do I fix the WE nozzle, or should I just replace it?

The WE nozzle feels like there is no more spring tension, but also when the slide is on the glock 35, it does not go all the way foreword, it stays back about 2mm from fully closing.

I am quite upset. Also does anyone make reinforced nozzles?
And are TM and WE nozzles cross compatible?
If you want to replace a TM G17 Nozzle, Guns modify is your choose. Cheap Price!
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