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Orange tip on Canadian 226?


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Old September 1st, 2014, 03:56   #1
Join Date: Mar 2010
Orange tip on Canadian 226?

Hello forum,

I have been trying to find the KWA M226 in stock somewhere in Canada (Toronto Airsoft is what I mainly use), and the only place I can seem to find it is on here

KWA M226 NS2 Airsoft Gas Pistol airsoft gun: Sports & Outdoors

I am just trying to figure out whether it will come with an orange tip, since most guns you buy from TorontoAirsoft don't seem to come with one by default. I'm also wondering if anyone has received from that seller before and can tell me if it's actually still shipping from the states. If so, I assume I'd be paying a good deal in duties?

Appreciate any help =)
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Old September 1st, 2014, 08:38   #2
Cobalt Caliber
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A gun coming from overseas/states might not make it through you need to review importation laws.

Allot of overseas guns may come with an orange tip if they where originally destined for the states or came from the states. If it comes with an orange tip its not biggy to paint/replace an orange tip.

We cannot tell you where to actually buy an airsoft gun until you are Age Verified.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old September 1st, 2014, 14:49   #3
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I've reviewed the importation laws and it should get through fine apart from having to pay a substantial amount in duties (not sure what the correct terminology for that fee is). I was just reading that the stock outer barrel on the M226 is plastic, though, so I think I would replace that anyway. All I'm wondering now is whether anyone recognizes that seller and knows if they are shipping from within the country.
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Old September 1st, 2014, 15:15   #4
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Originally Posted by TechnoLlama View Post
I've reviewed the importation laws and it should get through fine apart from having to pay a substantial amount in duties (not sure what the correct terminology for that fee is).
I think you need to review harder: that gun will not pass customs.

I was just reading that the stock outer barrel on the M226 is plastic, though, so I think I would replace that anyway. All I'm wondering now is whether anyone recognizes that seller and knows if they are shipping from within the country.
If you bother looking at the seller's info you'll see they're in California. Ergo, to address your original question, yes the gun would absolutely have an orange tip.

Advice, as already stated: 1) get AV'd, 2) buy from a reputable Canadian source. (and keep in mind that those may have an orange tip as well since some Canadian retailers deal with American wholesalers)

Last edited by Drake; September 1st, 2014 at 15:18..
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Old September 1st, 2014, 15:30   #5
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To be fair, especially as someone new to airsoft, I don't think it's unreasonable to have thought that an airsoft gun for sale on might, you know, ship to ".ca". I'm not sure where you saw that they are shipping from California (I did look), but that is very helpful, thank you. I guess I'll need to find a Canadian distributor that sells it. For some reason it seems to be out of stock all over Canada.

I will work on getting Age Verified.

In all seriousness, Drake, you might want to tone down the attitude. I don't particularly care if you think my questions merit your snarky tone, but if you found them too troublesome to answer, why answer in the first place? Ah, right, because we are on the internet and your familiarity with a system to which I am a newcomer makes you feel like a big boy, huh? Ah, the internet =).

Thanks for the help, guys.
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Old September 1st, 2014, 15:48   #6
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Hi Techno... Well Drake may sound a little straight foward, but he is correct.

ABC Toy 4 Me

15962 Downey Ave, Paramount, CA
1 562-630-0888

Jäger Friedrich Dietz 62865 117
Gruppenführer II. / Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 2
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Old September 1st, 2014, 16:21   #7
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Originally Posted by Rememberows View Post
Hi Techno... Well Drake may sound a little straight foward, but he is correct.

ABC Toy 4 Me

15962 Downey Ave, Paramount, CA
1 562-630-0888
Oh I know, I wasn't knocking the content, just the delivery. I really could not find that address. Perhaps you need to be signed in to see certain information? Either way, thanks for the information, guys.
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Old September 1st, 2014, 19:41   #8
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I called both the CBSA and the RCMP about airsoft guns and both officers claimed that if it shoots between 366 and 500FPS it will get through. Maybe some taxes but thats the only info they gave me
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Old September 1st, 2014, 20:01   #9
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Ah, that actually could be a problem, then, since it is listed as shooting 345. I suppose if I could find it pre-upgraded from Evike or AirsoftGI
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Old September 1st, 2014, 20:09   #10
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It *might*, but that's still a huge dice roll. Anything being allowed or denied entry into Canada is still 100% discretionary to the individual screening packages.
Caveat emptor. Canadian retailers don't have higher prices so that they can screw people. If getting a lower price from a US retailer was so easy and reliable, prices within Canada would be a lot lower.

Edit: You also jumped on Drake for sounding snarky, in my reading of his post I detected no such snark. When Drake is snarky, the dude is goddamn snarky.

I think you may be reading hostility where there in fact is none. We're not some secretive cabal trying to get you to throw money at certain people, we're working from years of collective frustration and bad spending here.

Last edited by Cliffradical; September 1st, 2014 at 20:11..
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Old September 1st, 2014, 21:28   #11
Ministry of Peace
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@technollama: You'll find that the KWA PTP line of pistols shoot below Canadian legal velocities.

You'll find getting into this sport that there WILL be Canadian retailers whom stock illegal items, and some who don't because they follow importation laws. As a consumer it's up to you to vote with your dollar and decide if you are going to support legal retailing or not.

If your heart is set on the KWA P226, you might want to get AV'd and check out the classifieds for a gently used one.
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Old September 2nd, 2014, 03:19   #12
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Dated yet relevant information in the FAQ. You can expect a bit of 'attitude' when asking about importing airsoft guns into the country as there are at least 5 new threads a week created on that very subject by people who refuse to research before posting.

What CBSA tells you on the phone =/= what John Q border guard will do when your package arrives at customs. You might get lucky, or you might have your name flagged for smuggling. It's a crap shoot.
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Old September 2nd, 2014, 04:39   #13
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You will never get lucky. This is how the Merphy's law works.
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Old September 2nd, 2014, 15:48   #14
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Originally Posted by TechnoLlama View Post
To be fair, especially as someone new to airsoft, I don't think it's unreasonable to have thought that an airsoft gun for sale on might, you know, ship to ".ca".
New to airsoft or new to the internet?

Amazon.CA means as much as Amazon aren't the actual sellers.

In all seriousness, Drake, you might want to tone down the attitude. I don't particularly care if you think my questions merit your snarky tone, but if you found them too troublesome to answer, why answer in the first place? Ah, right, because we are on the internet and your familiarity with a system to which I am a newcomer makes you feel like a big boy, huh? Ah, the internet =).
Skin a bit thin, cupcake? Cuz that was actually me being nice with sugar on top. If you want someone to hold your hand and stroke you hair, go see your mom; I'm here to pass along relevant information in an efficient manner (namely because I have to do it over and over and over again). Moreso when someone (Curo, in this instance) provides you with a perfectly valid answer/warning and you brush him off saying you've reviewed the import laws -- and its plainly obvious you didn't review shit.

Would you have prefered we not say anything, let you order, see your stuff get seized and lose your money?

Either way, maybe my reply comes off as curt -- and seriously, you're offended because you think someone is being rude on the internet? Really? You're not going to survive long -- but even if it does what you get to do it is suck it up and deal with it.
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Old September 2nd, 2014, 17:36   #15
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So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Don't order that fucking gun.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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