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Why are younger players frowned upon so much?



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Old May 15th, 2013, 13:47   #1
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Why are younger players frowned upon so much?

I'm not posting this thread to evoke an argument in anyway. I'm actually curious as to why people tend to dislike when younger people play? (Under 18)

Obviously, people dislike the immature kids who run around in public with their guns. I get that, but what I don't understand is why people tend to lash out on the more mature players, the ones who actually conceal their guns, play on real fields and respect the sport.

Again, just curious - not trying to evoke a flame war.
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Old May 15th, 2013, 13:57   #2
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I have shot with younger kids. I even lead a bunch of them for the last LZ game. I don't have a problem with the kids, on a personal level, most of the time: The problem comes with the legal association with shooting at a minor.

If I took that kids eye out because his goggles had failed, I would feel horrible, knowing he was not of the age of consent to play (regardless of parent's permission).

Secondly, I don't have two settings while playing, I don't have "kid friendly mode". There are some things you shouldn't say / do around kids which is 100% fine as an adult (insert chuckles, but seriously).

I think these are the two main sources of troubles with shooting with kids, other than maturity issues, that a lot of people face.

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Old May 15th, 2013, 14:06   #3
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Me it's more the legal side with kids. If something happen to one of them and a soccer mommy gets in all this, your pretty fucked up IMO. The only minor I play with it's my little brother, because he's aware of the danger of the sport and I know hes intelligent enought to not take is gun in public.
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Old May 15th, 2013, 14:09   #4
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Yeah there's a big liability issue. I know laws are different here (Quebec) than the rest of Canada but there are probably similar issues. If you injure a kid here, no amount of waivers or parental consent is going to protect you if the parents decide to take action against you.

edit: that isn't to say you can't win in court... but nobody feels like going to court: that's just a nightmare in a bottle. So we don't allow kids. Some paintball places allow minors, and I guess it falls under their insurance or whatever. That's fine, their problem. But most games here are on private land.

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Old May 15th, 2013, 14:10   #5
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Isn't there a sticky thread on this yet?
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Old May 15th, 2013, 15:02   #6
Brian McIlmoyle
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No one looks down on the younger players. they just don't want to play with them.

look at it this way.. you and your 14 year old buddies are all doing 14 year old stuff and hanging out together .. and an 8 year old comes along and says "hey can I play too?"

what do you say? you probably don't want this "kid" jamming up your 14 year old vibe, What if he falls down and starts crying? what if he's too slow and keeps holding you up, but you don't want to leave him behind now, because he's followed you away from home, and now you feel kinda responsible for the Kid. But he's really getting in the way?

would it not be a lot easier if he stayed in the sand box with the other 8 year olds and stopped trying to "fit in" with the older kids?

well it's exactly the same , when a 16 year old kid wants to come pay with the 30 somethings.. except worse.
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Old May 15th, 2013, 15:09   #7
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1- You can't sign my waiver, which means when you die at my game your parents will come looking for you and I will have to move your body.

2 - What Brian said. (Brilliant analogy Wood....brilliant.)
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Old May 15th, 2013, 15:12   #8
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I think your mistaken, who lashes out on mature kids?

The issue is younger people have less realization and experience in general.

18 is just the number when you become legally responsible, there is idiots on both sides of it.

I know a kid who has strived to learn all the responsibilities of airsoft when he was 15 and he accepted a lot of criticism from people of age and now after being taught a few things he's a respectable player. He's 16/17 now and he really wants to play more than 'backyard skirmishes' but I told him- its great your respecting the sport and i've seen people older than him that have no idea what that mean but there is still a legality.

Also as Brian said, and being a young person myself, we don't always get along with older people because they have more experience and we have different interests.

At the same time I play with a lot of older people and they realise my age and treat me no different. After all were still just playing with toys right
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Old May 15th, 2013, 16:49   #9
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Brayden View Post
Also as Brian said, and being a young person myself, we don't always get along with older people because they have more experience and we have different interests.

At the same time I play with a lot of older people and they realise my age and treat me no different. After all were still just playing with toys right

This is what I always say..

you will be too young for a couple of years and too old the rest of your life.

I would eat the hearts of a thousand virgins to crawl back into a 14 year old body... but then I'd probably just abuse it like I did the one I have...
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Old May 15th, 2013, 17:09   #10
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Also as Brian said, and being a young person myself, we don't always get along with older people because they have more experience and we have different interests.
Just called you OLD .

Old guys have less free time than young kids with nothing but free time so we respect it more. We call our hits, so we can go back to the safe zone and take a hit of Oxygen.
Young guns and Old Guys speak different languages too, When an Old guy says IN he means IN when a Young Gun says "In" it means "Maybe if my buddies Mom will drive us".
we don't know what you mean when you say "Thats so Random. "
When discussing New AEG prices you say Thats Expensive and we say Thats Fkn Cheap and we are talking about the same AEG price.
We have a respect for other players and their things and young guns have a lack of common courtesy for other players and their stuff.
Don't argue with the stuff presented in this Post, we know better, if you disagree your actions will speak louder than your web-blathering.

and then there's the creepy shit.....

crawl back into a 14 year old body... but then I'd probably just abuse it

Last edited by Armyissue; May 15th, 2013 at 17:12..
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Old May 15th, 2013, 17:13   #11
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I'm a young-guy-turned-old-guy *sigh*.
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Old May 15th, 2013, 17:26   #12
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Old guys know who this is.

Young Guns think it's Pedo Bear
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Old May 15th, 2013, 17:27   #13
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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The age thing isn't an argument for maturity
I've seen just as many young kids cheat as young adults cheat as older guys cheat. I've seen young and old argue the most ridiculous things on the field. I've seen grown men whine like 12yr olds, and 12yr olds tell people to stop complaining.
You are who you are, and that's just how it is.

Most dangerous age seems to be 18-22 honestly.
The younger crowd is typically in better shape, but it's easier to teach the more milsim side of airsoft to older guys, especially the individual tactics.

I'd say any argument of age for maturity is invalid, it's all about how the person is taught and how they grew up.
So the main reason most people don't allow minors is for legal reasons.
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Old May 15th, 2013, 17:57   #14
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Originally Posted by Armyissue View Post

and then there's the creepy shit.....

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Old May 15th, 2013, 17:59   #15
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Originally Posted by Armyissue View Post
Old guys know who this is.

Young Guns think it's Pedo Bear
They don't???? I grew up on those comics and I'm a pretty young guy (I think).

Although I just realized that book on my bookshelf is like 30 years old cause I know my dad got it around the time when it was first published.
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