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SO many guns....which one to make mine?


Newbie Tank

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Old October 17th, 2012, 02:06   #1
Join Date: Oct 2012
SO many guns....which one to make mine?

Pretty much no clue about this airsoft thing. But a pal and I are pretty pumped for the idea of a camping/airsoft milsim game and have decided to get kitted out. That means a gun.

So help me "kit out" my 2 man squad forum!

Hes figuring on a g36 by umarex- good gun right?, $450.00 locally

Im thinking were gonna be rolling together so maybe something that could serve as a dmr at some point if I wanna get optics, to give us more range.(not sure about how range works in airsoft 100 yardd shots) really wouldnt mind getting a socom m14. or an mp5? is it possible/worth it to have a dmr in our situation?

Anyways ideas/opinions on brands are welcome as Im pretty overwhelmed derp! Not wanting a wal mart $100.00 gun but definitely nothing over $500/$550
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Old October 17th, 2012, 03:00   #2
a.k.a. HKpro
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You seem set on a DMR. They require quite a bit of investment (Minimum a new barrel, compression system, optics) to outperform your standard AEG. Most "DMR" guns, like the M14, G3, or SR-25 start at $500, and with $200 worth of upgrades required to get it performing like an airsoft DMR, it puts them well out of your price range.

That said, I'd recommend starting out with a basic, all-around performing assault rifle and game it for a while so you can see if you actually like airsoft. The Umarex G36 your friend wants is a solid gun, and most people on here recommend the King Arms M4 as an excellent and inexpensive choice for someone starting out.

Seeing how you're going to be "rolling together" with your friend it might help to use guns that use the same magazines and batteries. The Umarex G36 can be fitted with a $20 part that allows it to use standard M4 magazines, and takes the same mini battery as a M4 does.

Hope that helps a bit
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Old October 17th, 2012, 03:02   #3
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Originally Posted by danceswithpellets View Post
Pretty much no clue about this airsoft thing. But a pal and I are pretty pumped for the idea of a camping/airsoft milsim game and have decided to get kitted out. That means a gun.

So help me "kit out" my 2 man squad forum!

Hes figuring on a g36 by umarex- good gun right?, $450.00 locally

Im thinking were gonna be rolling together so maybe something that could serve as a dmr at some point if I wanna get optics, to give us more range.(not sure about how range works in airsoft 100 yardd shots) really wouldnt mind getting a socom m14. or an mp5? is it possible/worth it to have a dmr in our situation?

Anyways ideas/opinions on brands are welcome as Im pretty overwhelmed derp! Not wanting a wal mart $100.00 gun but definitely nothing over $500/$550
General rule of thumb is, get yourself to a brick and mortar airsoft store, and try some on for size. For general middle of the road costing airsoft rifles/assault guns, it comes down more to ergonomics, versus actual range. I have both of your considerations, an Mp5A4/5 and an M14 Socom as secondary weapons/loaners. Both can range out to 200 feet or so, the MP5 is great for closer quarters, while the M14, not so much. When i want to reach out and 'touch' someone with a telescopic sight from more of a distance, out comes the M14. The M14 is somewhat heavier and unwieldy to be running and gunning, but the Mp5 is perfect for that. These are my secondaries - my primary is the ubiquitous M4 - which can do both reasonably well, and i don't feel silly using it for either role, ergonomically speaking. The M4, especially a shorter barreled version, is something of an all-rounder.

I don't know if the above makes a lot of sense, unless you try them on for size, so to speak. They both have their specialties in real life, and to a certain extent, so too they do in airsoft - but more in the sense of ergonomics.

I'm going to speak for what i am used to - AEG's. Range of airsoft ballistics is pretty much limited to 250-275 feet for the average airsoft long-gun. Accuracy of course is influenced by environmental conditions (ie. wind/foliage) and weight of the bb used. Spring rate basically dictates how quick the bb leaves the barrel, and sustains it's trajectory down-range. Then there is accurized tight-bore barrels, better hop-ups, aftermarket higher compression pistons in the mech-box, etc etc etc..

While you may be pumped for a milsim type game - i'd suggest trying out a few 'skirmish' type games for the first little bit to get into the groove, get into shape and learn tactics/procedures, as well as build up a passable kit (bdu's, webbing etc) suitable to the higher demands of milsim. It's not cheap, and it takes a bit of time to get a sense of what you need to outfit with - using skirmishes allows you to see what others use, what works, and what doesn't. It'll give you time to 'clue-in'.

Last edited by HackD; October 17th, 2012 at 03:07..
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Old October 17th, 2012, 03:51   #4
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I'd suggest a m4 too, great all purpose platform and G36 mags are a pain to fit into vests. Whatever you choose, if you go with same platform, you can share mags. You can run scopes on any rifle platform anyways, may look silly but it'll work

BTW, HackD is sharing good wisdom, don't need to be fully fitted out for your first game. I found that you'll figure out what you're lacking when you've experienced it. Not to say you shouldn't buy proper eye protection and boots, those are a must!
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Old October 17th, 2012, 05:09   #5
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The M4 is sound, look at this beauty...

Really is not that expensive for its specs, 300fps! This place here has a decent variety of Airsoft Guns. It came with a battery and charger so it's pretty handy as a first gun, eases you in nicely while you save up for a better one after a bit of playing around!

I'm a bit of a newbie myself but I hope that helps you out a bit!
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Old October 17th, 2012, 05:20   #6
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he's most likely playing outdoor if he's gonna run a two man team w/ one being a marksman
300fps is kinda lack luster for that purpose

Last edited by BennyBoy; October 17th, 2012 at 07:20.. Reason: spelling..
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Old October 17th, 2012, 07:17   #7
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Originally Posted by kaos99 View Post
The M4 is sound, look at this beauty...

Really is not that expensive for its specs, 300fps! This place here has a decent variety of Airsoft Guns. It came with a battery and charger so it's pretty handy as a first gun, eases you in nicely while you save up for a better one after a bit of playing around!

I'm a bit of a newbie myself but I hope that helps you out a bit!
#1 - 300fps is set up for UK FPS/Joule standards, as such, 300fps is pretty weak for primary weapon field use, in Canadian outdoor field events. It's useable, but meh.. i'd be upgrading it by about 75 fps (375 fps on .20's) right off the bat, so i could be using .28 bb's without them dropping like a stone about 100 feet out. I say using .28's or similar, because in the outdoor fields i go to, the extra weight ammo is good for punching through light foliage and keeping on going. Indoor use, it'd be fine. My opinion only.

#2 - Your URL link is UK based, and 300 fps falls below the minimum import standards of 366fps to get across the Canadian border. It'll get seized and you'll be out your money without recourse. The photo is linked to a US site, and one that neither guarantees shipping to Canada, nor has a particularly good reputation. Kaos99 please get yourself educated first, before dispensing advice to others or costing yourself some money with a seized gun. Some friendly advice.

Domestically, prices and variety has improved markedly within the past year as the border restrictions have relaxed, including for entry and mid-level guns. It makes a lot of sense to be buying what you need, in-country now. Get age-verified and then find the retailer section here - you can then get hooked up with one of the uber-competitively priced domestic retailers for the gun of your choice, without the very real risks of and hassle of importation.

#3 - No linking to gun retailers in the newb tank. This is something requiring age verification, and what the Restricted Age of Majority Discussion sub-forum is for.

Last edited by HackD; October 17th, 2012 at 13:11..
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Old October 17th, 2012, 13:29   #8
a.k.a. HKpro
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Originally Posted by kaos99 View Post
I'm a bit of a newbie myself but I hope that helps you out a bit!
If you've only been on here for less than 10 days you probably shouldn't be giving advice, especially advice that will lead to a customs seizure.
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Old October 17th, 2012, 13:46   #9
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You can find clone m14s for relatively cheap, like ~300-400. Put a few upgrade parts into it if needed and your golden. Sometimes simple mods like a new hop up sleeve/rubber or new piston head oring will be enough.

Research your brands tho, not all m14's use compatible parts
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Old October 17th, 2012, 15:59   #10
formerly bazza
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If you want a decent m14 outta the box , buy TM M14 . Although i did buy a cyma M14 once and it was ok outta the box after i changed the hop up bucking and cleaned and regreased it .
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Old October 17th, 2012, 16:35   #11
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Originally Posted by peacekeeper View Post
If you want a decent m14 outta the box , buy TM M14 . Although i did buy a cyma M14 once and it was ok outta the box after i changed the hop up bucking and cleaned and regreased it .
that sounds appealing what do those cymas go for around here? Since I likely couldnt do the work myself, im assuming, it might not be cost effective for me to go that route.

Thansk gents very helpful input! As per getting age verified not sure if that's worth my time...How much better is the selection and how much money will I save? I have already found a reasonable amount of canadian dealers (stores) online.

Really debating this DMR thing- though I would like an m14 socom mainly because I have one and it would be cool to practice without having to go to the range. If I buy a decent brand of socom around $500 then I can always upgrade it later, right?

Any brands that offer something like that gents?

Last edited by danceswithpellets; October 17th, 2012 at 16:54..
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Old October 17th, 2012, 16:36   #12
Mr. inked
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for a DMR i have the G&G m14 ebr MAX the max version comes upgraded have not had a problem with it yet other then it shot a bit hot out of the box....almost 500 haha mags can be hard to find sometimes and expensive though
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Old October 17th, 2012, 16:59   #13
Devious Sinner
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Originally Posted by danceswithpellets View Post
that sounds appealing what do those cymas go for around here? Since I likely couldnt do the work myself, im assuming, it might not be cost effective for me to go that route.

Thansk gents very helpful input! As per getting age verified not sure if that's worth my time...How much better is the selection and how much money will I save? I have already found a reasonable amount of canadian dealers (stores) online.

Really debating this DMR thing- if I just get a pistol grip rifle like the m4 dont I have the same capabilities as a dmr? airsoft doesnt shoot near far enough to really take advantage of a scope anyway does it?
CYMAs aren't very expensive (as low as $180 - $350+) actually compared to some other brands and they're actually not that bad either. Unfortunately they focus mainly on AK variants except for the one m14 model mentioned above.

Getting age verified gets you more help and opens much more possibilities for you than just purchasing airsoft in this website. In my opinion, extra information is worth the couple hours to get verified, especially in a country where the airsoft community helps each other to the best of their ability.

One more thing, airsoft is an very expensive hobby to start...debating what gun will be your first purchase may not meet your expectations. comparing a m4 to a dmr...well, there's a pretty big gap between, the model, the upgrades, the range...
But judging from your questions (airsoft does shoot far enough to take advantage of a scope), I think its best if you actually go out and play a few rounds before you begin debating for a more permanent purchase...

A person can dream about being the team sniper and spend hundreds building a sniper rifle only to play on the field as a sniper and realize just how it was NOT how they imagined it to be...
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Old October 17th, 2012, 17:00   #14
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just looked at a g&g Canada based dealer has them for $570.00 for the socom version.
Sounds right up my alley except for price...

I think Ill be happy if I get a rifle that can be converted to whatever. It seems to me without calibre restrictions for real guns you can improve the range of most airsoft guns, right?

Mp5 could be made to shoot out to 80 yards with the right upgrades about as much as other guns.

Im liking the Mp5s by ICS and g&g. whats word on the street about these?

Classic army Classic Army CA33 KA3 seems alright too and is only $300. too good to be true?

edited for justice

Last edited by danceswithpellets; October 17th, 2012 at 17:16.. Reason: edited
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Old October 17th, 2012, 17:15   #15
Devious Sinner
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i strongly advise you to remove those links...

this is why you need to get age verified, no retail links in none age verified areas.
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