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Getting 'higher end' radios


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Old May 28th, 2012, 15:54   #1
Sugarfreetargets's Avatar
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Getting 'higher end' radios

I'm looking into purchasing a Motorola ht1000 vhf radio. But I honestly don't know anything about radios. I feel pretty newbish about it. :-?

So I have some questions about radios that I hope some of you can answer...

There is UHF and VHF radios, what's the difference between the two?

Do I need a licence to use a VHF and UHF radio?(I do live in the US)

Can it connect with talkabout radio users? Or how do I find the correct frequency/channel for those users?

What does programming do?

And what are some tips or warnings before I start using it at a field?

Last edited by Sugarfreetargets; May 28th, 2012 at 15:59..
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Old May 28th, 2012, 16:29   #2
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What kind of radios are all the other folks in your area running?

That's the key feature, if you can't talk to them then your nice radio is a decoration.

Most folks seem to go with some variant of FRS/GMRS radio, maybe right out of the bubble from Radio Shack, or maybe a nicer programmable version.

Techseller on here has a great store for radios. Don't forget you're going to want a headset too. Something that will let you talk an listen without everyone within 100' also hearing where you are.
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Old May 28th, 2012, 16:55   #3
Ministry of Peace
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1. VHF/UHF refer to the frequency band they operate on, VHF being 30-300Mhz, and UHF being 300-3,000Mhz. You'll want a UHF radio that operates in the 450-480Mhz band most likely, but check and see what others are running as Dante said.

2. Technically you need a license to operate any unapproved radio equipment (so, anything not and FRS or GMRS radio ) on the FRS and GMRS bands. But you shouldn`t have a problem using it at games.

3. `Programming` refers to inputting frequencies into a radio and assigning them number keys, also can fill the radio with a number of other variables like channel spacing.

Google is your friend, try the following links to learn more about radio communications;
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Old May 29th, 2012, 00:13   #4
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oohh, thanks!

So I've been skimming those pages and I think I got an idea of it...

Let's say a FRS/GMRS user are on channel 2(462.5875MHz) And if I use a UHF radio, I can program that radio to have that same frequency (462.5875MHz) in one of my channels. So as long I get that correct frequency, I am able to send and receive calls from the FRS/GMRS radio to my UHF radio, right?

But I honestly don't know what people run around with in my area. It's a mix with talkabouts, Icom, and other radios I know nothing about. And the main reason why I want this radio is because it's the cheapest radio that's compatible with a certain headset I would love to have... Oh and apparently the Motorola HT1000 have UHF and VHF models. If that helps?
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Old May 29th, 2012, 00:53   #5
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1.) go UHF, to use VHF you need to be licensed and no one else uses it.

2.) Adapters can be found for pretty much anything if you have such a hardon for a particular head set.

3.) Cheapest and anything usually ends up in fail.
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Old May 29th, 2012, 11:22   #6
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Something like a Linton/Woxun/Puxing will probably best. You can log into them and program your local freqs and talk to the other players. There are various dual band versions out there.

What's the headset? Chances are good someone here will have a similar setup and be able to chime in.
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Old May 29th, 2012, 11:42   #7
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Something like a Linton/Woxun/Puxing will probably best. You can log into them and program your local freqs and talk to the other players. There are various dual band versions out there.

What's the headset? Chances are good someone here will have a similar setup and be able to chime in.
+1 on the Puxing. I have the -888D and it works wonders and lasts more than 24hrs when I was a radio control troop for one of the US trucks at OP Rhino. I could communicate with command from anywhere in PRZ including inside the 3 story structure without issues.

What kind of headset were you looking at?
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Old May 29th, 2012, 12:15   #8
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I got Baofeng UV-5R this year. UHF/VHF.
Fantastic little radio. Battery life is amazing (7.4V 1800mAh Li-ion). Comes with the simple headset (Kenwood pin). Has a flashlight and FM Radio

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Old May 29th, 2012, 14:50   #9
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With the reviews I've read, the Motorola HT1000 is extremely reliable and durable and people still use them after years of abuse. It's also the cheapest radio that's compatible with a communication system I'm going to use(Nacre Quitpro's) I can't buy a custom PTT for this(Because the whole system is a ptt) and I'm very limited to radios. Otherwise I have to look into very expensive radios like MBITR, AN/PRC-148's, and motorola XTS series. That's pretty much it.

I am using this for firearms as well. So it'll be nice to use the same system when I go out shooting.
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Old May 29th, 2012, 14:58   #10
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I'd check out on Arnies Airsoft. I know few guys in the SEAL and SF threads have rigged those up.
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Old June 1st, 2012, 17:25   #11
Ministry of Peace
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You seem to be really set on the Moto HT1000 - I am confused because you seemed to want help, but are dead set on ignoring it.

For someone who didn't know the difference between UHF and VHF when you first posted here, you've gotten this idea in your head that this Moto MT1000 MUST be the radio for you, and nothing anyone says is going to change your mind.

The MT1000 has been out of production for awhile, and well it is an excellent radio, you are painting yourself into a corner. I've owned a Moto Saber 1E previously, same deal: Awesome radio, pain in the butt to get a headset because no one is making connectors for it anymore.

The MT1000 needs custom software and cables to program it, and if you try and take it to any Moto service shop here in Canada to do that for you, they won't do it - the FRS/GMRS freq bands are for those devices only, not any UHF radio. You can find ebay sellers who will program the radio for you when you first buy it, but after that you are up a creek WRT programming as you will need to buy programming cables, software and a really old computer - cables use serial ports and the software is designed to be run (generally) on Windows 3xx or DOS.

To get this radio up and running, you are looking at around $200USD for the radio and programming cable, plus the software and an old computer or laptop.


You could take some advice from this thread that the people above have kindly given and get yourself a nice UHF 5W programmable radio (see the little numbers??? You enter freqs with those, no programming cables, software etc) for about $80 CAD.

Don't get so wrapped up in a headset - it's only an accessory, the radio unit itself is what is going to be there for you and let you talk to your buddies when you need it to.
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Old June 1st, 2012, 18:23   #12
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Guys, he's mentioned that he wants to use the radio with a Nacre QuietPro system. That particular item combines active hearing protection with PTT features and is only compatible with a select few radios, the HT1000 being one of them. This is because the Nacre will only accept certain Motorola JEDI radio downleads as well as Mil PRR types, and must actually be specifically provisioned (firmware load) by Nacre themselves for one or the other, so he'd also best be aware of this little fact before purchasing the wrong one from eBay.

The rest of what Kokanee has said is absolutely correct respecting radio programming etc. so to the OP I say's not going to be an easy path that you are embarking upon. NOTHING in commercial Motorola radios ever is...


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Old June 1st, 2012, 19:13   #13
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Thumbs up

Steave at SRStactical can make you custom Ptt with a proper downlead. It costs a little but you can get almost any radio and he can make it work.
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Old August 31st, 2012, 09:59   #14
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Guys I need your help. I've got the same NACRE QUIETPRO with XTS cable. Can you advise another low cost radio, not Motorola HT1000, that will be compatible to NACRE QUIETPRO headset? Thank you in advance
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Old August 31st, 2012, 14:37   #15
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To the OP you are in the US check your state and federal laws. They are quite different than Canada. Asking that question on this board other than getting compatibility options will not answer the legal questions.

For those of you in Canada, the US is far more strict about radio communications outside the FRS ranges, including significant fines and jail time. So don't tell someone form the US to grab a VHF or UHF radio and use it unlicensed unless you know the ramifications.
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