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Is this a somewhat trusted brand?


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Old August 9th, 2011, 11:30   #1
Join Date: Aug 2011
Is this a somewhat trusted brand?

Hi all i am looking to buy a airsoft gun off of and i was looking at this

Its a A.C.M i my self have not herd of this brand could it be a typo?

i was also looking at this

again it is A.C.M i my self did some looking around and i think they may be a type of WELL?

so two things

1. is this A.C.M a decent brand for a starter sniper?

2. witch one would be more acurate? or shoot the best?
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Old August 9th, 2011, 11:43   #2
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All Chinese Made
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Old August 9th, 2011, 11:46   #3
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so your saying there the cheeply made guns that will brake in a few shots?

or are you saying that they have some what of a decent quailty?
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Old August 9th, 2011, 11:48   #4
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Juste to let you know, this is not a brand, ACM = All China Made
So usually it's cheap...with poor internal parts... but it depends, sometimes it could be good, it's lottery.
So if you are looking for a better gun in this price range, look for a real brand like Well or Echo 1, it will be a good price and a decent quality.
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Old August 9th, 2011, 11:48   #5
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They're too much trouble for their worth. So don't bother.

Price reflects quality, remember that. And generally things that come out of china without a set brand name to it aren't really of high quality. That being said, its more or less an issue with quality control. I've known people to get really nice models from them, and the majority to get unusable peices of shit that aren't worth a breath.

And judging by your post, this is probably your first airsoft gun. Before you even start, No. Don't buy a sniper rifle as your first gun. Sniper rifles are for experienced players only, and take a massive investment to get working in advantage over an AEG.

Buy an AEG, or better yet. Get age verified (If you're over 18 years of age.) and buy from the classifieds. Don't waste your money or your time on that shit.

Last edited by Strelok; August 9th, 2011 at 11:51..
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Old August 9th, 2011, 11:51   #6
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so would like this be a bit more trust worthy? and i just want one to do some target shooting. and a bit of games on the side. they also have asr 10.
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Old August 9th, 2011, 11:54   #7
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Originally Posted by hidequick View Post
so would like this be a bit more trust worthy? and i just want one to do some target shooting. and a bit of games on the side. they also have asr 10.
... No.

Again, its just another china brand.

Get age verified. Buy a Classic Army m24, a Tokyo Marui VSR-10, a Maruzen APS2/L96. they'll be expensive. Keep that in mind.

If you're doing target shooting, just buy an airgun. Airsoft sniper rifles aren't pinpoint accurate out of the box. Not even the high end ones save for the tokyo marui.

Again, it takes an investment to get a sniper rifle going.

How old are you?
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Old August 9th, 2011, 12:13   #8
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Originally Posted by hidequick View Post
so would like this be a bit more trust worthy? and i just want one to do some target shooting. and a bit of games on the side. they also have asr 10.
I'm sure everybody here has at least one story they can share about an impulse buy that they regretted later. There's something to be said for lurking for a good time anytime you want to get into something new. Peruse, lurk and take your time, and you'll get a good sense of what an appropriate purchase is.
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Old August 9th, 2011, 12:28   #9
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Originally Posted by Grey Ops View Post
I'm sure everybody here has at least one story they can share about an impulse buy that they regretted later.

Listen to what your being told by these fine gents, although the temptation to buy a gun real quick is hard to resist, you will seriously regret buying just about anything from buyairsoft.

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Old August 9th, 2011, 12:46   #10
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Both those L96's you linked are most likely the same brand, WELL.

It would be an alright starter gun/sniper rifle. Not exceptional by any means, but OK. For a beginner I'd recommend and AEG though.

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Old August 9th, 2011, 13:23   #11
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I'm in process of acquiring my first weapon as well, and I echo what has already been said here.

One: From what I've learned through none-too-slight research (and from my limited physical experience) the general rule of airsoft is "You get what you pay for." If a deal is too good to be true, it probably is. I just spent $250 on a gun (from a brand that supposedly great for their GBBs), and it died in under 50 rounds. It's been through two reputable gun techs as well, and the problem still remains. In other words, even spending hundreds will not guarantee you a good, reliable gun. You have to do your homework (in addition to emptying your wallet in most cases, unfortunately.)

Two: Strongly advised that you don't purchase a sniper rifle for your first game gun. To use it effectively requires different tactics, different gear, and often (I have seen this happen) people get bored with the whole process very quickly and let it fall to the wayside. For a beginner, I personally think going to casual scrims with a decent AEG would be more enjoyable.

I second Strelok as well -If you're just in for target shooting, you can probably find another air rifle (ie. pellet gun) that's superior, both in price and accuracy. Just don't go shooting your friends with it.
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Old August 9th, 2011, 21:54   #12
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Well I'm 21 and live in frederction nb and I am not planning on going to massive 20 on 20 games I'm more than likeley going to be doing it at my 20 acre property with a few of my freiends and then just some shooting of tin cans every once in a while but i have been looking at buyairsoft and their vsr 10 has some very good reviews I may just take my chances with this one and on a side note my crappy tire had a classic army carbine aeg for 230 I may pick this up as well.
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Old August 9th, 2011, 21:58   #13
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Originally Posted by hidequick View Post
Well I'm 21 and live in frederction nb and I am not planning on going to massive 20 on 20 games I'm more than likeley going to be doing it at my 20 acre property with a few of my freiends and then just some shooting of tin cans every once in a while but i have been looking at buyairsoft and their vsr 10 has some very good reviews I may just take my chances with this one and on a side note my crappy tire had a classic army carbine aeg for 230 I may pick this up as well.
Kinda funny how many times people ask us questions on how good (Insert shitty sniper rifle clone here) is, get very honest answers on how poor a choice they are...

And they totally disregard our efforts and go ahead and buy it anyway.

But yeah. If you insist, go ahead and buy it. Just expect chopped up trigger sears, a misaligned hopup unit and poor compression.
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Old August 9th, 2011, 22:05   #14
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Originally Posted by hidequick View Post
Well I'm 21 and live in frederction nb and I am not planning on going to massive 20 on 20 games I'm more than likeley going to be doing it at my 20 acre property with a few of my freiends and then just some shooting of tin cans every once in a while but i have been looking at buyairsoft and their vsr 10 has some very good reviews I may just take my chances with this one and on a side note my crappy tire had a classic army carbine aeg for 230 I may pick this up as well.
Go by random uninformed reviews on the retailer's website. Those are always reliable.

Yea, don't worry about anything we say. It's not like we have any experience with any of this stuff. This is Airsoft Canada after all. Oh, wait....

Now, I've actually owned the L96 you're looking at.. the WELL version. To give you a bit of background, I play a rifleman when I play. I bought the sniper rifle simply to try out and have the occasional fun with at a game, and to do random plinking with a bolt action.

I sold it about a month after I bought it. THAT should tell you something. The tolerances were crap. The finish was crap. The bipod was crap. The scope was actually the only decent thing on it.

It's a fine gun if you're not serious about playing the sniper role (read: not having an overly effective gun). But I WOULD NOT recommend it as a first airsoft gun AT ALL. Do you know what a sear is? Do you know what a trigger box is? Read up if you buy this gun. You'll end up replacing one or the other in very short order.

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Last edited by kalnaren; August 9th, 2011 at 22:09..
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Old August 9th, 2011, 22:57   #15
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A decent sniper riffle setup will hit 1000$ rather quickly and will still be outperformed like a boss by a a pellet gun every time. If your intention is just to plink at home, I would look more into the later. Can't shoot people with those however.

Get in touch with the NB age verification guys, it's probably going to be a bit more complicated than finding on in say Toronto, but there is an active community is your town.

About a week later you'll have access to all the private and commercial sale on this site. If your intention is to get something for casual play and plinking, 300-400$ will buy you something acceptable.

An AEG will be a better first gun, the maintenance on a model from a proper brand is near nil and will outperform the guns you are looking at.

Both of the models you have linked to are kind of a running gag over here, every new player wants them because they want to be a sniper but they are really that bad.
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