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What is this mag pouch called? noobie


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Old April 15th, 2010, 13:43   #1
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What is this mag pouch called? noobie
and are they commonly used? They seem quicker to access than the conventional velcro strap...are they?

also, in general, what camo do most people run? is ACU really unpopular? I dont really see it much. I'd figure green/od in canada but I've seen alot of tan/coyote brown.... I'm going to get a full set up of gear and dont want to buy an unpopular camo that will match with no one...

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Old April 15th, 2010, 13:46   #2
The Saint
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Something like 30-50% of players I see out these days are wearing Multicam.
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Old April 15th, 2010, 13:49   #3
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IIRC there is no specific name for that style of pouch. Its just an open top universal magazine pouch with bungee cord retention instead of using a flap.
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Old April 15th, 2010, 13:52   #4
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Condor just refers to them as "open top" mag pouches...

I use these on my rig and love them. Much more convenient than the conventional velcro closed top pouches.
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Old April 15th, 2010, 13:54   #5
Sha Do
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The open top shingles allow you to easily access the mags by simply moving the elastic cord to the side while you pull the mag out. You are also able to stack them like roofing shingles to allow you to stack a few on top of each other to create a "speed kit" set up where you can place something like 12 M4 mags to the front panel.
I have heard some good things and some bad things about them, though I would not recommend them for anything other than stand up fighting (with minimal going to ground) otherwise you'd be better off with covered double mag pouches.

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Old April 15th, 2010, 13:59   #6
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For camo, I usually run Woodland DPM. I'm also usually the only one at a game wearing it

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Old April 15th, 2010, 14:15   #7
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I can't really see ACU being very useful unless you play in a gravel pit or around a lot of birch trees. Way better to just use greener camo's (CADPAT, MARPAT, Flecktarn, DPM, US woodland)
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Old April 15th, 2010, 14:20   #8
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I've always called them shingles. I have some, and I will NEVER go back to those velcro ones. You may as well just say "hey guys, im reloading! shoot me!" in a firefight.

CB matches pretty much any camo, and goes in pretty much any environment, so that would be a good choice (IMO).
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Old April 15th, 2010, 14:21   #9
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In southern ontario DPM works amazing in the twilight, and especially in the early-mid fall just as the foliage is staring to change colour. You simply dissapear in it. CADPAT works excellent in greenary, especially where you have combinations of sunlight and shade.

Personally I find any tan-ish or red-ish camo (especially Flektarn) to stick out pretty well.

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Old April 15th, 2010, 14:23   #10
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The use of tan/coyote brown is more for nylon gear than as a camo for clothing. The CB colour is well suited to go with a variety of camo types and fit in with a number of different settings, e.g. woodlands, grassy areas, urban, etc. I often use ACU/UCP, but I play in an area with lots of exposed rock, sandy soil and pale-barked trees. And I use Coyote Brown nylon gear over top of it.

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Old April 15th, 2010, 14:30   #11
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I often call ACU "ICU"

On gear it doesn't work too bad, like OD... as an entire BDU though.. there's isn't much in north america that looks like that

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Old April 15th, 2010, 14:41   #12
Frozen Tex
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
...there isn't much in North America that looks like that

But there are one or two places...

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Old April 15th, 2010, 15:10   #13
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Oh sure, you'll find some.. but I bet the 10 sq/m of rock is surrounded by several acres of green forest

Of course, if one didn't know the terrain very well they'd probably assume some dude was just another rock.

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Old April 15th, 2010, 15:15   #14
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Originally Posted by pancakedestroyer View Post
IIRC there is no specific name for that style of pouch. Its just an open top universal magazine pouch with bungee cord retention instead of using a flap.
They're specifically called "single mag pouches"
Personally I prefer the double mag pouches and run them without flaps. I never have any reason to have any sort of retention on my mags, so flaps just get in the way.
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Old April 15th, 2010, 15:25   #15
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Why not stick with what the Canadian Forces sees has the best compromise for....

Canada... CADPAT

I know... Automn is going to be a problem... for all 3 weeks!!!..



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