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CA M24, inconsistent hop-up, inconsistent accuracy, offset scope.


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Old May 29th, 2009, 07:29   #1
Join Date: Oct 2005
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CA M24, inconsistent hop-up, inconsistent accuracy, offset scope.

Hi all

It has been a long while since I posted on this forum, several things (Which are soon to be made clear.) made me want to post about my problems with my CA M24 here instead of posting it on my "local forum", so to speak.

Well, this is my CA M24.



I bought it used from a person that is said to be the airsoft guru around these parts, instead of a completely new M24, because I was told that it was a gun in good shape and modified by said person.

I bought a King Arms M3 scope and King Arms Mil-Spec Scope Mount rings for it, as well as 1000 0.43gram bb`s, once I picked up the gun. Upon mounting the scope, I found that the scope was terribly off-set (So much that even if I had 3 times the windage adjustment, it would not do any good.) despite the fact that the rings were pictured with the CA M24 and the KA M3 scope. I found a temporary solution to that, by spacing the rear scope mount claw with some tape in between the claw and the 22mm picatinny rail.

Now, after adjusting the hop-up a few notches back, as the BB`s were 0.02 grams lighter than the BB weight the hop-up was adjusted for when I bought the gun, and firing a few rounds, being assured it was dialed in just right. As I pulled the bolt back once again, and then pushed it forward, it would stop at this position:


It turns out the hop-up screw had gone back down after a few shots, and somehow digged itself into a groove around the air nozzle:


By carefully lirking to the sides and out, I managed to drag the cylinder out of the hop-up assembly, the hop-up screw was merely a little scratched, so I screwed it all the way out, applied some thick industrial silicone, and screwed it back in. I also applied normal AEG silicone on the nozzle.

I fired some rounds, to make sure everything was the way it was before, and could happily conclude everything worked perfect.

So I decided that I had fired enough rounds through the gun (By this time I had fired a total of around 50bb`s with the gun, since I first got it, as 0.20 bb`s went straight up and I had no scope or 0.43bb`s at first.) and figured I ought to take the entire gun apart, in order to clean it, and to know my weapon. What I found thereafter was entirely shocking...
See for yourself:


Is it just me or is that a air-nozzle o-ring completely slammed into the hop-up assembly? To my knowledge, o-rings never came on any M24 air nozzles, aftermarket nor original, so it must have been custom work at any rate.


Here`s inside the cylinder (Which appears to be a CA Advanced Cylinder kit, and the piston seems to be a CA APS-2/M24 Vacuum Piston, but again, O-rings, seals, gaskets/whatever the stuff is named, is completely worn out..

And the bolt handle assembly:


..... I`m going to have to postpone my DPM kit purchase AGAIN, and do some work on my "mint-condition" M24.. :hammer:

I have completely cleaned and applied silicone and grease on the respective parts for now.

I have been talking with ASG (By tips of the seller of the M24.)
And see if they could get me M24 Steel Bolt Handle, and all seals-gaskets for the parts in my gun, they simply told me to ask my local-retailer, as ASG only distribute to shops, not to individual persons, they failed to answer me whether or not they actually sold seals/gaskets/o-rings for all these tuning parts though.. I have sent enquiry to my local retailer though, in the hopes of a positive answer.

But in the meanwhile, I should think that the 6.03mm tightbore and new systema hop-up as well as PDI barrel spacers ought to make the gun accurate? At ranges beyond 65 feet the gun is like a musket, sometimes the hop-up hits in just perfect, other times not, and the bb`s will swerve randomly to the left or right, (As if the swerve effect was because the BB hit something inside the barrel or hop-up assembly, which btw is smooth.)
alas, sometimes I hit spot on what I`m aiming for, other times not, I`m not sure this is how a sniper is supposed to perform, but then again it might be because of the worn o-rings?

I have no experience in CA M24`s, so I`m left to only speculate, and post what I know, for more experienced and capable persons to deduce..

Thank you very much for reading this insanely long post, if you find my questions worthy of answer, I would be very much appreciative!

Sincerely Yours

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Last edited by RedHammer; May 29th, 2009 at 07:53..
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Old May 29th, 2009, 08:41   #2
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Old May 29th, 2009, 09:13   #3
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by testtube View Post
Talk to Cnd_Stalker
I quickly realized he was probably the biggest authority on CA M24`s that I will ever find, I added him on MSN yesterday, but I`m kind of impatient`ish :P

Last edited by RedHammer; May 29th, 2009 at 09:34..
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