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AK-74 Mags in M4 Pouches


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Old March 5th, 2009, 04:02   #1
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AK-74 Mags in M4 Pouches

I'm looking to buy my first rig here and a have a concern that I haven't been able to find any real answer to... I've looked in multiple sources and tried searching a few different places... Nothing, other than a kid on youtube, that wrote in the description that AK-74 mags will not fit in the M4 pouch. (A vid on compatibility of mags using an M series pouch.)

I have a stock CA SLR 105. (Five mags so far. Should increase...) I have a CAD 'surplus' OD BDU. (Which is only the first BDU I will own...) Now I'm looking for LBE.

I have seen some ones I would like to consider for a start. Cheap, yes. Also they would do the trick for me. Aswell, when I'm done with them/Am looking for a change. I can sell them to someone local here cheap. Which will help the group here grow.

Basically I'm wondering if AK-74 mags will fit in a 'standard' M series pouch. On my BDU the small chest pouches look to be made for M series mags. They fit 2 AK-74 mags. The mags stick out a about 1 1/2 an inch more than the M series mag (Speed loader) I have. So I realize they would stick out the LBE pouch. The vest/chest rig I'm looking at seems to have double pouches, which I'm thinking would be similar to whats on my BDU in size.

Just for reference. The two options I'm thinking of now.... (Because I don't know what would work well with green other than green... I was thinking about some dark tans/browns... But I do not know. Maybe when I actually get out to a big game I'll be able to check out some equipment in RL.)

If the mags won't fit and I don't go try it anyway. I think I'll end up getting a Nerpa chest rig.. Maybe a GRAD-2 Assault vest. But that's a fair amount more money.

I have about 2 months till the game in Melville, (Which is a bit more than two hours from where I live I think.) But I still need to order soon because of shipping... Aswell as having some other needs. Like goggles. I have mesh ones... And other misc. needs.

Oh and also, any personal opinions on what to use with Canadian OD surplus? What do you prefer chest rigs or vests? Colors with OD? No digital camo please... I've seen that alot of people prefer it in general... I thought about it already. Any particular LBE stand out for you? Don't like my choices? All appreciated, but if it is random hate for something... Give reason.
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Old March 5th, 2009, 07:56   #2
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I've got an Eagle chest rig and I just checked the double m4 pockets on it with my ak47 mags. One mag fits great if a touch loosely, you can fit two mags in there but it's a very tight fit, tight enough that I don't think I'd want to game with it. Perhaps if you left them in there for awhile the pouch might stretch some. *shrug*

As to vests vs. chest rigs, alot of people seem to prefer the vests, but in my opinion that more bulk then you really need. After all it's not like you need to carry more then mags and some water with you. We're not going on patrols for hours, miles away from base camp. And our lives don't depend on having a pile of different equipment on our person.

If you're uncertain about your loadout or are thinking you might want to change it in the future, definitely go molle. That will allow you to change the pouch layout whenever and however you want. You can get molle chest rigs but molle vests are much more common.

As to colors, If a TW variant or OD is your camo then OD or CB is probably what you'd want in LBE. RG would work as well. Tan not so much.

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Old March 5th, 2009, 10:22   #3
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Modern I am not. I have a older rig, from the 70,s that still uses the bren mag holders. It is compfortable and allows freedom of movement, not as restrictive and hot in warm weather as a full vest. The bren mag holders carry three AK mags easly and you have the option to use the whole rig or the mags can also just go on you belt. There is a back pack that detaches when not needed. I believe it is an M51 rig. Old but reliable.
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Old March 5th, 2009, 10:28   #4
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Maybe get some russian gear/webbing for russian guns...

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Old March 5th, 2009, 10:35   #5
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Hey Fiya check the gear classifieds out, there is a guy on there right now with a ton of AK mag holders. Chinese mag vest, Gali mag holders, lots of stuff.
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Old March 5th, 2009, 10:36   #6
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You can usually fit single AK mags into a double M4 pouch. I can easily get an AK mag in each pouch on my CADPAT vest or my CIRAS without issue.

Although I would recommend getting a MOLLE rig and some proper AK mag pouches for it. That's the ideal if you plan on running an AK. It will allow you to carry more mags more securely. And if you ever switch to a different gun down the road, you just have to get new mag pouches rather than a whole new rig.
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Old March 5th, 2009, 10:38   #7
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Ak74 mags fit very snugly in single M4 mag pouches -- too much so, they snag terribly on the way out. In a regular double mag pouch they'll fit (I can put 2 in), but if you plan on closing the lid/cover flap on them, make sure you use the Eagle style ones with velcro and adjustable sizing since the AK74 mags are longer than M4 mags.

Personally I'd stick to a MOLLE setup and just get AK mag pouches instead of M4 ones. Pantac has some in a variety of sizes/colors, for relatively cheap, if budget is a concern.

Also bear in mind that the Ak74 mags will fit into pouches those horrible metal AK47 ones will not.

Last edited by Drake; March 5th, 2009 at 10:41..
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Old March 6th, 2009, 06:08   #8
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Hmm... What I've been looking for now is a MOLLE (How is that pronounced?) Chest Rig in the style of a vest. This is the only thing I've really found like it, that doesn't have built in M4 pouches.

That is a bit much for me, for my starting rig. I have been looking at Russian, and Russian styled chest rigs which I like, but I don't think they will be dynamic enough. I like the liftchik rig, but it lacks 'space' for much else other than Mags. I'll be getting a pistol eventually, and I'd have to have a fully independent holster with that I think. Actually, everything else would have to be independent or on a different system I think. I'll be wanting a hydration system, aswell as a few other things.

I may change what I want from my rig a fair bit, until I find what I like so I think I will get a MOLLE system, as has been said. But I'm not sure I'll be able to find a chest rig with the 'options' that I want, so I may just go to a vest. (Also I'll be going with AK pouches.)

Coyote brown is what I meant by a dark tan/brown. But now, I'm starting to think it would just clash and look funny...

Oh yea... The other thing is that I don't trust the pictures for alot of these places... The colors sometimes seem alot off. I've seen Coyote brown look like light tan, or like a MARpat Brown. I've seen 'OD' look really light like that chest rig that I posted. Darker like a Ranger Green, or almost beige/tan. I don't trust any of these pictures now, and am not sure if OD will be OD, or something different. I'd like the pouches that I'll be buying to match somewhat... That's another reason I'm troubled about buying this rig... Some of the colors look alot different... Although I suppose a MOLLE Vest will just be covered up with pouches anyway.

Thanks for the help.
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Old March 6th, 2009, 07:56   #9
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MOLLE is pronounced "Molly"

The Eagle RRV is a nice rig, it can be worn as a full front plate carrier, chest rig, or with the bib folded down and the bottom edge rolled up it can be worn as a light chest rig. If the price is too steep, you might one to consider one of the knockoffs. Bean has a nice comparison review between the Flyye and Pantac versions, and I'm in the process of doing a comparison between the Pantac and Eagle versions of a few items.

What you described, about the independent components, is where MOLLE is an advantage, since you can configure your kit whichever way you need.

I also wouldn't worry too much about the built-in M4 mag pouches on some rigs (like the WASATCH), if you like the rig go with it. Not sure how the copies are made, but the real HSGI product has built-in double mag pouches, so you definitely can fit at least one AK mag in there, possibly two depending how loose/snug the pouches are made. And you can still mount additional pouches on it. Also, not sure how the repros are sized, but the real WASATCH was made to be worn over soft armor (like a PACA) and may be pretty loose on you (also depending how big you are); the smaller sized version is the WEESATCH.

Also don't worry too much about perfectly matched color shades. Pretty much only airsofters do. Real world equipment comes in different shades, too: USMC Coyote Brown is lighter than USSOCOM CB, AITES' coyote is pretty close to Eagles, SDS has like 3 different coyote browns, etc. You'll often see Marines still throwing on woodland, tan or OD pouches on their CB rigs.
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Old March 6th, 2009, 07:56   #10
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That particular chest rig you linked to is the "real deal", not airsoft stuff, so naturally it's more expensive. Take a look in the classifieds. You can often find a bare MOLLE platform for by Pantac or other similar brands for $75-ish.

And for colour, you're best off going for a neutral colour like OD or CB, as they will work with any style of BDU.
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Old March 7th, 2009, 02:37   #11
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I was in the same situation back 3 weeks!!!!! I got AK 47 mags
I was looking at Molle vest... but didn't find nothing and I end up with a tactical chest rig

Don't even try to get ACU vest unless you have time and money to assembly one!
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
Chuck Norris decides that all guns will fail, and he will crack the world in two with his third fist that is his jaw!
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Old March 7th, 2009, 05:15   #12
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I've done some looking (In many places, everywhere from the classifieds to Russian websites ) and have decided to go with an OD SMERSH Rig. Russian modular tac gear. This will help me eventually set up a more modern Russian loadout aswell.

It will be either that or a GRAD-2 assault vest.

Thanks for all the replies.

Not going for ACU, btw. I'd like to stay away from 'Digital' Camo of any sort... Unless its Beryozka/Berezka (I don't understand the difference in terms... Both seem like generally the same.)

One last *random* question. What do you recommend I acquire for other misc gear? I will be going to 2 games fairly soon and would like to get gear for it all in one batch. One is Sask's 'boot camp'. (A milsim'ish training 'exercise'. Or at least that's what I believe it to be so far.) While the other is the game in Claybank.

As of now I have my CA SLR 105, 5 midcap (90 rnd) mags, my OD BDU, surplus boots, bandana for headgear, knee and elbowpads, (Although I think I'm only going to be wearing the kneepads, as the elbow pads aren't very comfortable in a shooting stance) mesh goggles, (I'm going to need some actual goggles, because mesh isn't allowed at the Claybank game) and I think thats it...

I need some kind of watch, a compass, a new speedloader or 2, a canteen/hydration, (Which I will be ordering) a Swiss Army knife or equivalent small bladed knife, a kill rag and perhaps binocs. Maybe some paracord and/or electrical tape? Small notebook/paper and pencil I think too, but those are easy to get.

Last edited by Fiya; March 7th, 2009 at 05:20..
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Old March 7th, 2009, 05:43   #13
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Originally Posted by Fiya View Post
I need some kind of watch, a compass, a new speedloader or 2, a canteen/hydration, (Which I will be ordering) a Swiss Army knife or equivalent small bladed knife, a kill rag and perhaps binocs. Maybe some paracord and/or electrical tape? Small notebook/paper and pencil I think too, but those are easy to get.
Holy excess weight, Batman!

Watch is only moderately useful.

Compass, unless you're been issued a map... and even then, airsoft doesn't usually span that great a distance you can't use visual references. The only time you need it is games that specifically require land navigation (like cache hunting)

Swiss Army Knife... I keep mine in the first aid kit. On my gear I prefer a Leatherman style multitool. Pliers and screwdrivers (it's airsoft: you'll be happy you have that sooner or later), a straight blade and a serrated edged one, small saw and can opener if you wanna go camping with it someday.

Most binocs generally don't work with goggles on, not enough eye relief.

Paracord... you plan on weaving bracelets while you're waiting to respawn? Unless you're doing some long game where you're putting up shelters in the base camp or something, you probably won't need it.

Electrical tape... duct tape's better, and again, you probably won't need it (unless its raining and your poncho gets torn or something).

When you're hot and you start getting tired, especially in rough terrain, every extra ounce you carry starts feeling like an extra pound, so do yourself a favor and travel light.
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Old March 7th, 2009, 06:15   #14
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Ahh, I should have posted a bit differently. These are things I would want to have at home or in my vehicle at the game. May not put most of it in my pack. I'm just wondering for anything from a Milsim to a Skirmish, what gear might I need.

The things I mentioned that I needed were things I would like to have. Most won't go in my pack, especially if its not a Milsim.

I'd like the watch either way, good to know the time. I'm not sure, but we may be needing to do some time specific things during the 'Boot Camp'. Aswell as knowing when a game/event will end.

The compass may not be useful like you said, but I would like to have it. I don't know whats coming during a milsim/the 'Bootcamp'. And I'd like to try and have a few things like that. I'll have a 'butpack' on my rig, if needed so I'll have some room.

And a Leatherman was what I was planning to bring, if its allowed. I have one around... Just need to find it.

I had no clue about binocs though. I'll have to remember that.

Paracord would be another just incase. I wouldn't bring alot, more like a handful. It may be useful at the 'Boot camp'. Generally, if anything needs it. Or someone/me has gear troubles. Nothing fastens gear like some paracord (I suppose) ... I guess I'll find out.

Yea ductape would probably be better, I just would like to bring electrical tape because I can bring a very small roll. Alot less weight.

I haven't yet experienced what you said, but I'll take that into consideration. As I said, most/if not all of this stuff is just to take to the game incase. Probably won't find its way into my pack, unless its a Milsim. And I'd like to have alot of this stuff at home beforehand, so I don't need to go get it if its likely to be useful/needed.

Thanks alot for the info!

Soo... With that said, anything else you/anyone can think of? Or comments?
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Old March 10th, 2009, 01:04   #15
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Diamondback Tactical makes an extremely wicked AK chest rig.
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