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Need help with my CA M15A4 Gearbox


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Old February 22nd, 2009, 17:14   #16
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
oh god this is your first time isnt it

take it to a gun doc and make him do it, believe me, no one ever see a good result on their first time.
I beg to differ. I've opened up my CA gearbox at least 5 times with no trouble. is a big help, also if you're scared (as i was my first time) you can have a friend help you. Whether he knows anything about airsoft doesn't matter so much as a second hand and second opinion.

I agree with Crunch, the black mechbox is a bit strange but the yellow piston and reciever look genuine. So i'd say you have yourself a CA

Mine says it was made in HK too. Strange.

In addition, while the gun as a whole is built pretty solid, smaller parts seem pretty flimsy. The front sight moves too easily, the sling post is loose, and the magnet on the dust cover came off in my hand the first time I tried opening it.
Funny mine did all those too. Sling post was loose but i think it's supposed to be like that. The dust cover magnet came off mine too but was easily fixed with epoxy and no trouble whatsoever with it. The front sight on mine striped when i tried to adjust it so me in my stupid self superglued it in and no problems yet. And my airsoft shop gave me a new front sight assembely but i haven't needed to replace it because the superglued one works just fine, and i'm running an aimpoint compm2 now anyhoo.....
CA's m15a4 does have some asthetic issues, but i don't mind a bit. I have a track record of breaking everything that comes into my hands and this gun simply will not break on me.
Hope this helps.

Last edited by incrediboy729; February 22nd, 2009 at 17:26..
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Old February 28th, 2009, 22:47   #17
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I would say go for it. you never learn if you dont try!

a mechbox is a 'relitively' simple piece of electronics/machinery.

all you have to do is open her up, and run the wires to the other side!
I would definately recommend having a friend there, even if they dont know anything about airsoft guns, because its always helpful to have someone hold the compressed spring down while you reassemble the other half of the shell :banghead:

like everyones said, go to, and dont be afraid to try it yourself!
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Old March 1st, 2009, 01:40   #18
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Originally Posted by GreyCoyote View Post
Believe me, I've got no idea. There are a few things about this AEG that I find rather... odd. Like the "Made in Hong Kong" sticker that was plastered across its side when I first removed it from the box. It's probably nothing, though...

I'm going to check out those tutorials, and I've contacted a couple of the gun doctors in my area.
Wow that's a really high rate..

If you're willing to ship the mechbox to Manitoba I've got a very good gundoc that works with me that charges $20 per hour (if you send just the mechbox you're looking at under an hours worth of work)

My gundoc would also check all the shimming and everything like that if you want...

(Would probobly be no more than $40 labor)
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Old March 2nd, 2009, 00:15   #19
asexual lumbricus terrestris
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Shims shims shims... Take it apart, it's pretty easy actually, I did that on my first gun with no problems. Make sure you press the spring and the piston into the gearbox as you lift the top half off. My CA M15A4 had a silver casing as well, however, it was a 4 digit serial number, and a non-ported piston, maybe yours was just the result of a later production model? It is not of much concern as "classic army" has been carved into the side. Make sure when you open it up to put any washers left on the bushings back on the correct gear, this will allow you to skip the process of shimming your gearbox. Just watch and you'll be perfectly fine.
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Old March 2nd, 2009, 00:27   #20
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Most companies are painting mechbox shells black now, recent G&G's I've seen are painted black even though G&G's I saw a year or two ago where unpainted metal.

Every CA gun I ordered new from ASCA back when they where running came with a gold "Made in Hong Kong" sticker somewhere on the outside of the gun.

I didn't see the quoted price that Amos said was high, but here in Ottawa to get an armalite simply rewired (and always reshimmed at the same time) costs tops $40, would probably do it for $20 if someone brought me just a mechbox though I always want to at least test fire the mechbox before I give it back.
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Old March 7th, 2009, 22:38   #21
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In the video, it mentions something about removing the electrical component and later mentions putting a "new" one in. Can you not use the old one and just filter the wires back through the mechbox, or do you have to buy a completely new electrical component? The trigger switch assembly I think.
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Old March 7th, 2009, 23:05   #22
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Originally Posted by NovaKaynE View Post
In the video, it mentions something about removing the electrical component and later mentions putting a "new" one in. Can you not use the old one and just filter the wires back through the mechbox, or do you have to buy a completely new electrical component? The trigger switch assembly I think.
You can use the same one and rearrange the wires. Usually involves unsoldering a wire from the switch, and changing it's direction out the switch/mechbox and resoldering.

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Old March 7th, 2009, 23:38   #23
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Thanks dood.
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Old March 7th, 2009, 23:45   #24
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Its possible to do it without resoldering, I did it. Just gotta... push it into place lol.
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