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My thoughts on my newly purchased WE M4A1 GBB



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Old February 28th, 2009, 11:23   #31
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That sucks. Airsoft Buddy seemed to be really on the ball when the WEs first came out. Thanks for the heads up about their fail grade of service!

WETTI is getting service centers set up in assorted countries with retailers to supply spare parts. Any of our retailers wanna carry parts for these?
South Island Rangers Airsoft - Victoria, BC
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Old March 5th, 2009, 14:58   #32
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Update, airsoft buddy finally gets back to me. They tell me that their email server was down for 10 days, which is BS! Because they've been in contact with a friend of mine who ordered WE pistol mags. Anyways, they now tell me that they don't have certain items in stock and will ship out my items within 5 days from now. WTF, they kept telling me that my item was shipped and that I will get a tracking number. They've been telling me this for weeks! And now today I get an email from them telling me basically nothing has been shipped. I filed a claim against them and I should be getting my money back shorty.

Just a warning to everyone. These guys are full of S*IT! Don't deal with them if you don't have to. Just a huge waste of time. I have a buddy who's currently in HK now, he placed in order with a local shop and got my parts for me in 3 days. What a joke...
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Old March 13th, 2009, 23:55   #33
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Originally Posted by BKHKMP5 View Post
Update, airsoft buddy finally gets back to me. They tell me that their email server was down for 10 days, which is BS! Because they've been in contact with a friend of mine who ordered WE pistol mags. Anyways, they now tell me that they don't have certain items in stock and will ship out my items within 5 days from now. WTF, they kept telling me that my item was shipped and that I will get a tracking number. They've been telling me this for weeks! And now today I get an email from them telling me basically nothing has been shipped. I filed a claim against them and I should be getting my money back shorty.

Just a warning to everyone. These guys are full of S*IT! Don't deal with them if you don't have to. Just a huge waste of time. I have a buddy who's currently in HK now, he placed in order with a local shop and got my parts for me in 3 days. What a joke...

Sorry to bring up an old thread. I ordered from Airsoft Buddy and had some problems. Their communications were horrible, I emailed them about 5 times threatening a PayPal dispute. The day I was going to make a claim with PayPal I received my parts. I wouldn't order through them unless you use PayPal.

The o-ring I bought was slightly over sized. I fixed it with a bench grinder, it smoothed out the o-ring evenly and worked great.
Age Verifier for Chetwynd, Fort St. John, Grande Prairie, and surrounding areas.
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Old March 14th, 2009, 02:01   #34
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TS-One is starting to make custom parts for the WE M4, and will soon be a distributor for WE replacement and upgrade parts
South Island Rangers Airsoft - Victoria, BC
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Old March 22nd, 2009, 23:05   #35
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I just ordered stuff from them. Seems like a great company. They replied to my emails within 2 hours and took the time to answer all my questions. He also guaranteed that once payment was processed all my parts would be shipped out within 3-4 business days. They are off to a great start. I hope ASB crashes and burns, they honestly caused me nothing but headaches.

So far TS-One doesn't seem to have much in terms of replacement parts, but they have quite a few interesting mods. I've purchased the steel nozzel and increased recoil parts.
WE 1911 GBB
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Old March 25th, 2009, 04:55   #36
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I was also impressed with TS-One prompt reply.
They said they should be releasing in the next few days a reinforced charging handle for about $15 USD, and 30rds CO2 Magazines should be resealed middle April for about $55 USD.

But I was just as impressed, or even more, with Horizon Tactical, which is the new U.S. retailer/tuner of the WE M4A1 that just opened few days ago.
I received instant replies to many inquiries and my order was processed and ready to ship in matters of minutes. Heck I even got the tracking number in about 10 minutes after placing the order :shock:

Like TS-One they don't have much in terms of replacement parts, but said they should have the newest upgrades around middle of April, including CO2 mags, stainless steel nozzle and the new hop-up system with 6.02 barrel which will make FPS more consistent.

They have the new "Grey" mags which supposedly have improved O-rings, and they also have the Mil-Spec Charging Handle already modified from a real steel charging handle to fit into the WE M4 system, which I think is a really needed upgraded part for the WE M4 as the original one breaks rather easily.
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Old June 2nd, 2009, 21:45   #37
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Just an update...

as far as suppliers go..

Airsoft Buddy still sucks, TS-One has fallen off the face of the earth. Although Horizon Tactical is amazing on service, they have recently taken their website down for unknown reasons. The owner Jeff did tell me they were having problems with the ATF, so they won't resume business till Aug. Jeff also says that he won't be concentrating on parts sales and more on service like upgrades and repairs. That's a real shame, because I can't seem to find anyone reliable!

Before anyone buys this gun, they should head over to arnies and really understand how the gun works and be able to take certain things apart. You are really going to need to know how to take it apart and do your own repairs. It's not complicated or too expensive, but certain parts really need to be redesigned.

So far things that have gone wrong.

- Part #59 broke, this is basically a metal plate that holds the trigger hammer in place. Gun won't function without it. Main cause of failure is the screws looseing due to lack of locktite. Also, the metal isn't the best and cracks easily.

- Part #122 nozzle O-ring. Once again, there is no locktite/thread lock used on the bolt holding the nozzle in place. This causes misalignment of the nozzle when it enters the piston. The o-ring then sheers.

- Charging Handle. Cheap metal used, it will eventually crack and you will need a mil-spec real steel or forged/CNC aluminum peice.

- Mag's bolt catch wears down after time, bolt will not lock back once last round has been fired, basically buy a pack of bolt catches for the mags and replace them, not hard at all.

- Mag's fill valve and exit valve both leak. O-rings fail due to lack of silicon or god knows why.

- Middle section of barrel unscrews itself while firing. Once again, more locktite!

- Delta ring/barrel loosens, MORE LOCKTITE!

- Sights on carrying handle have completely seized not allowing for any adjustment... no idea.

- excessive gas blow by blasting out from charging handle.... no idea.

- BB's sometimes exit the barrel at very low FPS, sometimes they even shoot sideways 45 degrees! I've read this is due to inconsistent manufacturing of the hopup, so at times it can be over hopped. There are fixed avilable, but it results in people basically reshaping the hopup themselves, wtf?

Aside from all these problems, I still love the gun. It's a blast. I just hope there will be parts available that will improve the accuracy. It's acceptable in semi, in full auto it's a mess.
WE 1911 GBB

Last edited by BKHKMP5; June 2nd, 2009 at 21:50..
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Old June 13th, 2009, 17:09   #38
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Order a Co2 kit and 2 mags from Airsoftbuddy, got them in 3 days by EMS, they answered all my e-mails promptly, I would definitively order from them again.
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Old June 15th, 2009, 13:46   #39
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
Order a Co2 kit and 2 mags from Airsoftbuddy, got them in 3 days by EMS, they answered all my e-mails promptly, I would definitively order from them again.
I had problems with them in the past. Whether or not they have improved their service doesn't matter to me, I will never order from them again. They basically kept lying to me and eventually I had to file a paypal claim to get my money back. I got my money back close to 2 months after I had placed the order. 3 months later they tell me my order is ready to ship, bunch of idiots.

Horizon Tactical so far has been the most reliable, but they're offline right now because of problems with the ATF. I actually have an exisiting order with HT for the CO2 kit, but a lot of companies seem to be having problems with the ATF now when it comes to GBB M4 parts. Better get em while you still can!!
WE 1911 GBB
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Old June 15th, 2009, 20:36   #40
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We just relase a M16A3 and a new M4, + the AGM, SRC, KJW... I don't think that parts will be a problem since there is so many new rifle GBB
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