Question about Lipo battery and Lipo Balancer Charger
Hi ! Everyone, I have a question regard to lipo battery since I'm very nob to that battery so Please don't flame but just give me some good advice. Thanks.
I got a FIREFOX, Superpower 11.1 v 1200 mah, 20 C a while and wait for my lipo balance charger to arrive and ready to used at the game. Since I'm very low on cash so I decide to buy a VENOM, Lipo balancer charger 2 cell - 3 cell which cost about around 30 $ shipped to use with this battery.
I start charging the battery about about 12 hours but the battery still not full because in the user manual say that the battery will be full when the green light come out steady and I charge it almost like 16 hours already and the green light still not come out yet but the battery is show no sign of hot either the charger.
So Anybody has good advice about that ? I'm really appreciate. Thanks in advance.