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Any Other Prop Maker's out there



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Old January 5th, 2009, 21:34   #1
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Any Other Prop Maker's out there

So one of the reasons i originally looked into airsoft was i like prop building creating the items that make fantasy a reality.

I'm wondering if any one else enjoys this kinda thing from building a rode side IED for an event evolving a convoy scenario. to building a Fake nuclear bomb for a airsoft broken arrow scenario. even making Special effects charges and a missile station for a commando raid on a north Korean missile base

for me a part of larping and airsoft is creating the little items that the player's use to emerge them self's into the world for the evening or weekend is as important as actually playing for me

currently i looking the time to make some Faux Dynomite for a Suicide bomber I've done shields and larp weapons and various props for that and i was wondering if any one else enjoyed making props
When you make an account at like 17... think... will you wanna live with it at like 26?

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Old January 6th, 2009, 00:08   #2
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Youll actually find that this is a small world for finding others involved in the theatre and film community, including people involved in propping.

I know as an indie filmmaker myself, Ive used airsoft as props, as well as building other props. Currently my projects call for puppetmaking, and i cant wait to do that. I think the production aspect is my favorite part as its making the unbelievable real. Im not totally anti- CG, but comparing the performances of actors with real objects and scenes compared to bluescreens and invisible objects is just too great for me.
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
your right,when it rains the burger joint across the street does have cats for 4.99$ but that doesnt mean that i can just go get all the grape jelly i want
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Old January 6th, 2009, 00:13   #3
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Special effects charges?
Annoyingly good with numbers

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Old January 6th, 2009, 09:06   #4
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My spring/summer project will be making old 5L kegs into bombs
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Old January 6th, 2009, 10:37   #5
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I don't really make them for airsoft, but I do work in the industry professionally. So yeah I enjoy it!
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Old January 6th, 2009, 10:38   #6
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I enjoy making props... it helps to add to to the milsim of WWII airsofting. I've made demo charges, bullets for ammo belts, crates, built a .30 Cal and a lot of other little odds and ends.... I wish I had more time to make more. I hate it when life gets in the way of your fun!
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Old January 6th, 2009, 11:00   #7
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yieh, same for me - I like props that are ultra basic, cheap and look decent; if you can make some tutorials with pics people will appreciate a lot I think.
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Old January 6th, 2009, 11:35   #8
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I usually provide the sound effects at games.

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Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old January 6th, 2009, 19:04   #9
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Originally Posted by surebet View Post
Special effects charges?
basically what it is is a device that fits in a pouch with three small pressure cylinders all hoked up to a solenoid valve one with a Burst diaphragm and the others to small cannons is the best way i can describe them filled with say fllor corn starch for times when A Pyro is dangerous or B illegal to use with added condition of every one will wanna have a chance to blow up the objective and do you want people untrained with explosive's handling them no way

what it does is when it's activated the pressure in the 3 cylinders is released the two filled with powder create a cloud of dust and the burst disk makes a loud bang with out you having to worry about nasty chemicals and that fun element fire you would with any thing with flame

just got to figure out wiring for the IED and I'll post that with some pics of faux artillery shells a very common IED ingredients i am sure no event producer wants to be lugging lug a bunch of around the field
When you make an account at like 17... think... will you wanna live with it at like 26?

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Old January 7th, 2009, 23:53   #10
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Originally Posted by BloodDrinker View Post
basically what it is is a device that fits in a pouch with three small pressure cylinders all hoked up to a solenoid valve..... filled with say fllor corn starch for times when A Pyro is dangerous or B illegal to use
Well if you aren't a certified technician, then it is always dangerous and always illegal for you. Don't forget that.

This -IS- airsoft, not LARPING with your buddies in some grave-yard after the sun sets... we take safety seriously.
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Old January 8th, 2009, 00:19   #11
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there's lots o fun to be had in graveyards after dark ehhehehee
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Old January 8th, 2009, 02:15   #12
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The last two 'Larp'ers' that I saw in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Saskatoon were sitting ontop of grave-stones and one of the bigger fuck-heads ran and slammed himself against a grave-stone to knock it over. Yea, wish I was a LARP'er dressing all in black and pretending to be a vampire... that'd be sweet... even better than pretending to be a soldier. . .

I dislike Larpers even more than furries and cosplayers JUST because of the cemetery experiences.
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Old January 8th, 2009, 02:26   #13
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hehehe that's really fucked up, when I said "fun to be had", I meant with a member of the opposite sex, weirdo's like that are fucked up tho, and more common than furries so it's a bigger problem
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Old January 8th, 2009, 22:28   #14
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well don't pain all larper's with the same brush that's what the Liebrals did with men who own guns those who didn't shoot 14 women and the one who did.

i enjoyed larping because it is being someone different the same reason many play airsoft.

idiots who larp in a grave yard are lame idiot's who knock over someone's head stone should be buried alive.

i am looking into go for my Pyro technicians permit but needless to say unless it was a very small group I'll always use Non pryo cause it wouldn't be fair to others for me to use the real explosive when they couldn't

none of the events i've been to would play at a grave yard they where likly a bunch of friends with a copy of Vampire the masquerade then any thing resembling reputable.
When you make an account at like 17... think... will you wanna live with it at like 26?

Voting liberal or NDP and signing a petition to ban airsoft is the same thing.
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Old January 9th, 2009, 00:24   #15
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Let's all try to stay on topic here. Props, right?

I've built several props for our games, including a "bomb" in a case, as crashed satellite, a faux grow op/ drug lab as well as several other items I guess could be called props in a greater sense but are more tools for the game and not meant to replicate anything in particular. I have not made any pyro props but have worked on several air powered props with varying degrees of success (usually from majorly sucking to just mildy sucking).

I personally won't make pyro props without proper training and preferably certification as I don't feel making a game more "realistic" is worth risking my safety or the safety of my fellow players. Intigrating professionally made pyro devices into a cool prop is a different ball game, providing player safety can be assured as much as possible.

I mean, we all play for fun and there is a certain level of risk associated with the game that we are willing to accept, varying from player to player. But at the end of the day, I showed up with 10 fingers, 2 eyes and my hearing, I expect to leave the field the same way. Spraining an ankle or cutting a finger or the like is just part of the game. Losing body parts, eyesight or hearing because some twit wanted to use "cool" homemade pyro grenades and didn't have a clue what he was doing or made a miscalculation on the mix isn't part of the game I signed up for. That's stupid and irresponsible bordering on neglegent. I don't even want to think of the legal ramifications to the guy who built the device (especially if he was not licensed), the guy who ok'd it to be used on the field and the field owner, never mind what the injured player might have to go through. Ohh, I can smell the lawyers coming up the elevator.

Last edited by Darklen; January 9th, 2009 at 00:32..
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