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Old December 13th, 2008, 15:48   #1
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Hey guys,

I was looking at the JG M4A1 as my first gun purchase (well real gun instead of my 20Dollar p99)

i would also like it to be scoped...

anyone have any pros/cons about the gun they can tell me about

something that is good for mid / long range.. i would like (hence the scope)

Yes I know GET AVed!!
im working on it

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Old December 13th, 2008, 15:50   #2
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There are many reviews on the internet, and might be even be some on this site.

Bottom line, JG's are nearing the quality of TM's.

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Old December 13th, 2008, 15:55   #3
Brit ter
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Secound owner of one, has a systema inner barrel and I outshot a PTW at one of the flag raiders games,still shootin at 401 fps!
Weapons : 39 airsoft weapons. Daf YA 314, 3 ton Dutch Army Truck. Retired Reg.Force 1 Brigade RECCE.
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Old December 13th, 2008, 16:01   #4
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Today’s airsoft guns are nothing more than a motor driven gear set that cranks back a piston which is then released to push and compress air in a cylinder which is then directed out the nozzle to propel the BB down the barrel. How you want it to look is up to you. Although JG is a fair brand these days, and have come along way from what they used to be.

Here are some additional points to consider before your first purchase.

1. Cost, is the airsoft gun you desire in your price range? Is it in your price range in the future if you save. Is it the brand you want? Its not just about the looks of the gun, each and every company has their own little take and twist. An example of this is that ICS M4 have a different threading on the upper receiver than that of say a Classic Army M4. Taking that into consideration you would be limited to front ends made specifically for ICS guns if you choose to change out your front end eventually. Unless however you choose to purchase a rethreading tool to change the threading of your upper receiver. Which brings me to my next point.

2. Cost + availability or parts and your own ability to do upgrades. So you have chosen your airsoft gun. Now you want to do some modifications and upgrades. Do you know what you’re looking for in terms of compatible parts? Do you know where to acquire them easily and do you have the know how to do the work yourself or are in a situation where you know someone who can do it for you. If your not mechanically inclined and do not have access to an airsoft gun doc, I would recommend that you purchase something that has already been preupgraded or at least something that has already had the standard preventative maintenance performed on it be it used or new. Preventative upgrades are simple upgrades that will keep the airsoft gun running longer (maybe not forever but defiantly longer). Most airsoft guns come with nylon bushings; the bushings are what help hold the gears in the mechbox. Most people believe that under heavy stress they bushings can melt and warp, it is recommended that they be replaced with metal bushings. Another example of a preventative maintenance upgrade would be a spring guide. A tokyo marui M4 comes with its stock plastic TM V2 spring guide, while this maybe all fine and dandy for the time being with its stock spring, attempting to run a spring with to high a strength rating may cause that spring guide to break. Over time even with its stock spring the spring guide can weaken. It is suggested that this be an item that you do replace if performing preventative maintenance, usually with something along the lines of a bearing spring guide.

3. Is it available in Canada through one of our retailers? It’s a well known fact that attempting to import an airsoft gun from outside of Canada is equal to that of tossing your money in the toilet, lighting the toilet on fire and then pushing it out of the back of a moving school bus. It may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but now you are out a bunch of money and you also ruined a perfectly good toilet.

4. Magazines, you have your airsoft gun and you only have one magazine well that’s all fine and dandy but I’m certain there may come a day where you will require more than one magazine. You may wish to look into the different brands and manufactures out there to see what is compatible with what and how much it costs.

5. Other. You may wish to consider cost and availability of other items you may want in the future and their availability. For example lets say you bought some form of armalite variant and wanted to go the SR 47 look. Well unfortunately at this time do the Canadian law you would be unable to bring the parts in required since they are prohibited, even if it were possible it is en extremely rare mod to find and even more expensive to buy. Another example would be an under barrel grenade launcher. Hope you can find someone in Canada because importing is a no no. Other things you may wish to consider are the cost of a sling, maybe some gear and optics.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old December 13th, 2008, 17:02   #5
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Most you'll ever need is 1.5-2x magnification if that. You should read the FAQ's and you'll see why scopes are bad.

On the other hand. There are some good optics that you can get, including reflex sights, and red dot's. 99% of the time, out of the box you'll never need any kind of magnification. But it's should all be documented in the FAQ section there for you to read.

I personally use my BUIS and Red dot and that's probably all I need for a while.
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Old December 13th, 2008, 21:00   #6
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Are you talking about the DPMS A-15 Panther M4A1 Jing Gong clone? If so, I've heard rumors that mags aren't compatible with TM mags. Don't know if the rumors are true, but its worth looking into.
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Old December 13th, 2008, 21:23   #7
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An aimpoint is a great tool but a full blown scope is too much for an AEG. With AEGs your range is limited by the length of the inner-barrel and FPS (the limit is usually around 400 for outdoor play).

As for JGs, I currently run a JG HK416 and it's great. They're solid rifles and sturdy (although plastic). The mechboxes are good stock (and many actually shoot too hot stock) and the durability is approaching that of the more reputable brands with proper maintenance. In general, JGs are great for the price.
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Old December 14th, 2008, 02:35   #8
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Try an EOD scope but don't get all sniper on people it's really lame because you can see the BB travel and drop and it'll make you sad
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Old August 30th, 2009, 18:40   #9
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Originally Posted by Sicyon View Post
Are you talking about the DPMS A-15 Panther M4A1 Jing Gong clone? If so, I've heard rumors that mags aren't compatible with TM mags. Don't know if the rumors are true, but its worth looking into.
I hope thats not true-i just ordered mine and my buddy has extra metal jg/tm mags. I hope they fit
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