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Pétiton: Légalisation de l'importation de airsoft au Canada Legalization of the impo



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Old May 13th, 2008, 23:13   #16
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Le airsoft est un sport vraiment fantastique et je crois que nous devons démontrer que les canadiens aiment ce sport. Tout comme le Paintball, les canadiens vont devoir montrer Ã* leurs dirigants qu'ils veulent vraiment jouer Ã* ce sport. La seul façon de le faire s'est de nous faire entendres... Une pétition est justement une très bonne façon de le faire !!! Si vous croyez que nos efforts ne donnerons rien, c'est que vous ne croyez pas en l'avenir de notre sport au pays. Si tout les canadiens qui pratiquent le airsoft travaille de concert, il est fort possible de faire avancer les choses et de permettre une meilleure accessibilité aux équipements. De beaucoup, le Paintball ressemble eux aussi Ã* des armes réel, et il son l'égale au canada alor je ne vois vraiment pas pour quoi nous, nous ne pourriront pas avoir droit Ã* notre liberté d'achat et d'importation de l'encreur de type airsoft... Moi je suis sure que nous pouvons réellement faire quelque chose pour notre sport et j'entend bien me battre pour que nous puissions pratiquer le airsoft en toute légalité Ã* travers tout le Canada. Je ne veux pas vous forcer Ã* être du même avis que moi, mais j'ai espoir de vous convaincre. Ensemble, nous avons beaucoup plus de pouvoir. Travaillons tous dans la même direction et nous finirons bien par être récompenser par nos efforts. Moi j'en suis sure, il est possible de faire quelque chose mais moi tout seul, je ne pourrais y arriver. Aidez-moi Ã* faire avancer les choses S.V.P.! Il est grand temps d'obtenir tout le respect que mérite ce sport!

Merci pour votre attention!
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Old May 14th, 2008, 10:30   #17
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Does anyone have that picture of the guy bent over with his head up his ass?

Okay, a loose translation of what you just said SRivard is that you really do not understand the intricate political system that is Canada. A petition simply will not do jack squat.

Paintball ONLY barely got by the skin of its chin, and its very simply because the markers look ridiculous and nothing like real guns.

Now, with out trying to sound anti-Quebec, I simply won't sign any petition voiced in Quebec, for two reasons: 1. Language barrier, I've had the habbit of what I was told and what was written be very different things when I cross the river. 2. Its a Nation with in a Nation and because of this Quebec does not really speak for the whole of Canada.

And lastly, the only way any petition could ever ACTUALLY sway the government, you'd need to get several MP's on it in one political party. Who you gonna get? Block? They're against anything for the whole of Canada. NDP? Taliban Jack doesn't want us to have an army let alone civilians having hunting rifles or even pop-gun. Liberal? They're too busy bailing water with Dion at the helm. And Conservative? HAH The last thing they want to do is push any gun law changes too far, since its the image that they're all gun toting red necks when thats simply not entirely true.

It'll never work, stop wasting time, and lastly, if this was gonna stay Canada wide you'd have translated that last message.

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Old May 14th, 2008, 12:01   #18
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
Does anyone have that picture of the guy bent over with his head up his ass?
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Old May 14th, 2008, 12:19   #19
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
Now, with out trying to sound anti-Quebec, I simply won't sign any petition voiced in Quebec, for two reasons: 1. Language barrier, I've had the habbit of what I was told and what was written be very different things when I cross the river. 2. Its a Nation with in a Nation and because of this Quebec does not really speak for the whole of Canada.

You need to cross the river more often.....seriously!
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Old May 14th, 2008, 12:56   #20
Alex Le Chef
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qui qui disait que lon avait le droit de parler la langue que lon voulait sur ce forum sans se faire juger....

téka moi jy croit plus
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Old May 14th, 2008, 13:08   #21
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Originally Posted by Alex Le Chef View Post
qui qui disait que lon avait le droit de parler la langue que lon voulait sur ce forum sans se faire juger....

téka moi jy croit plus
Faut pas juger tout le monde pour un commentaire Alex. Ce genre de commentaire est loin de représenter la majotité. Si il sait pas lire en français et se met des barrière c'est son problème pas le mien. Connaitre 2 langues c'est pas un défaut, loin de lÃ*.
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Old May 14th, 2008, 13:22   #22
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OK after a rough translation and read thru i have a few questions to ask you

why should the canadian goverment allow the importation of realistic looking airsoft guns that could very easily pass off as real steel to an untrained eye just to please a couple hundred to a few thousand hobbyists across the whole country?

if someone put a glock 17 and a airsoft glock 17 next to each other side by side and brought you in the room your ten feet away from them and you cant examine them close would you be able to tell the difference? cuz i doubt i could

what does the canadian government have to gain from allowing the importation of replica firearms?

why should the canadian government take a free online petition seriously?

care to take a shot at those for me?
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Old May 14th, 2008, 14:29   #23
Alex Le Chef
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Originally Posted by Blitzz40 View Post
Faut pas juger tout le monde pour un commentaire Alex. Ce genre de commentaire est loin de représenter la majotité. Si il sait pas lire en français et se met des barrière c'est son problème pas le mien. Connaitre 2 langues c'est pas un défaut, loin de lÃ*.

t'inquiète pas blitz..c'est global ce que jai dit mais je généralise pas avec un stupide exemple sa me dépasse c'est tout

Dracheous seriously that tavern talk right there
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Old May 14th, 2008, 15:17   #24
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post

Now, with out trying to sound anti-Quebec, I simply won't sign any petition voiced in Quebec, for two reasons: 1. Language barrier, I've had the habbit of what I was told and what was written be very different things when I cross the river. 2. Its a Nation with in a Nation and because of this Quebec does not really speak for the whole of Canada.
are you serious ?

Because you are from Ontario, speak english... then you can speak for the whole Canada ... what the f**k, are you alone in this country?

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Old May 14th, 2008, 15:49   #25
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
Now, with out trying to sound anti-Quebec, I simply won't sign any petition voiced in Quebec, for two reasons: 1. Language barrier, I've had the habbit of what I was told and what was written be very different things when I cross the river. 2. Its a Nation with in a Nation and because of this Quebec does not really speak for the whole of Canada.
Sincerely, I think you voice a racist point of view that is profundly insulting for me and other folks living in Quebec or speaking French.

So it means any ontarian or manitoban petition is speaking for Canada? Is it true for cities or individuals, as long as they "speak white" and are not from Quebec?

And if Canada "talks", does it talk for Quebec too?

In any case, it seems Quebec people just have to shut their "câlisse de gueule"...

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Old May 14th, 2008, 16:01   #26
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no you don't speak for me I can speak just fine thanks.

I will not sign it
A: it is in french only! how racist an profundly insulting (funny how thats a two way street eh?)
B: it sounds like your only arguement is you want lower prices
C: it has been done before again, again, again and again
D: it is an online petition! no brainer
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Old May 14th, 2008, 16:21   #27
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Originally Posted by ToTaL_oWnAgE View Post
Personally I'm all for it. Technically importation is 100% legal. The reason importation is so difficult is because CBSA doesn't want us to have them. I think they should leave the decision to the courts and the RCMP.

You have my signature.
You need to do your homework before you sign you name away, because history and jurisprudence just totally owned you. The courts DID decide, the RCMP DID give their expert witness - guess who won?
The CFC are just going on what has been ruled, and giving their expert opinion to the CRA on how to handle and classify Airsoft accordingly.

"...because they don't want us to have them..." - my god we're back in grade school.
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Old May 14th, 2008, 16:21   #28
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A: it is in french only! how racist an profundly insulting (funny how thats a two way street eh?)

Good point but i dont think that it was the language part that was the most insulting. Maybe you should reread Dracheous post, its in english so i dont think it will be a problem eh!!
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Old May 14th, 2008, 16:24   #29
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Turning this into a language issue...bad form guys. Truely bad form.
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Old May 14th, 2008, 16:32   #30
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I'm sorry but writting something in french is not racism. Come on! In Canada there are 2 official languages (yes 2!). In the worst case nobody will answer you. But saying that everything that come from Quebec (where more than 80% the population speak french) should be ignored, it is racist!

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