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Why you don't wear Military Insignia you haven't earned..


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Old April 28th, 2008, 18:05   #46
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Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers View Post
oh snap this could go bad
it could, but people could just ignore my post and go on with their daily routine.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 18:38   #47
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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I don't mind people wearing patchs they did not earn as long as they are not pretending to be for a gain.

I'm not very fond of the attitude some soldiers have about their stuff and how we must respect this and that about them. We all have a job to do, we all make sacrifices in order to get it done. No one is better than the other. As long as we respect each other, it's all good IMO.

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Old April 28th, 2008, 18:47   #48
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
No one is better than the other. As long as we respect each other, it's all good IMO.

respect +1
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Old April 28th, 2008, 18:48   #49
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Originally Posted by max.power View Post
I obviously have no problem with wearing some camo uniform you bought and adding some patches you bought. This is a game/simulation/whatever.

The problem is when you upload pictures of yourself doing such to MILITARYPHOTOS.NET, not "MILSIMPHOTOS.NET" or whatever. (If he actually did upload them himself, he brought it on himself.)
To be fair, he posted his photos on the Reenactment / Airsoft / Paintball forum of It's not like if he was posing as a British soldier elsewhere.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 19:03   #50
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That website if full of attitude and misplaced testosterone. The reenacment part is just a feeding ground for those "real soldier power" guys that know it all.

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Old April 28th, 2008, 19:32   #51
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What about actors in movies??? Should they not wear the patches or insigs of those they are portraying? They never earned them, does that mean we should burn every war movie ever made? As long as your not going around telling people that your something your not i dont see the issue. The tattoo this is a little to extreme but gee patch?? Dont people have something better to get their panties in a bunch over?
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Old April 28th, 2008, 19:45   #52
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A uniform is a physical manifestation of the membership into your unit. It distinguishes you and places you in line with all other past/present members of that unit. This includes trade badges, coloured berets, etc. I for one think the right to wear the aforementioned must be earned, and not be worn just to go around playing army. In some courses, it is an extremely hard endeavor to accomplish, and I can see where someone wearing their badges can become agitated. Furthermore, In the CF(and probably as well in the British Army), the cap brass is what you salute 'from' and should not be taken lightly.

Let me turn this discussion on it's head. What is the big deal in not having a 'perfect' uniform setup and just playing with team badges, or even made up names? Why is it that you MUST have those Royal Marines Commandos and Airborne Tabs?
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Old April 28th, 2008, 19:47   #53
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Originally Posted by Sturmur View Post
Let me turn this discussion on it's head. What is the big deal in not having a 'perfect' uniform setup and just playing with team badges, or even made up names? Why is it that you MUST have those Royal Marines Commandos and Airborne Tabs?
Why are we using replica weapon and not generic plastic boxes that shoot BBs?

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Old April 28th, 2008, 19:50   #54
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How can you compare a C7 to a PPCLI cap badge? C'mon.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 20:01   #55
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Originally Posted by Sturmur View Post
A uniform is a physical manifestation of the membership into your unit. It distinguishes you and places you in line with all other past/present members of that unit. This includes trade badges, coloured berets, etc. I for one think the right to wear the aforementioned must be earned, and not be worn just to go around playing army. In some courses, it is an extremely hard endeavor to accomplish, and I can see where someone wearing their badges can become agitated. Furthermore, In the CF(and probably as well in the British Army), the cap brass is what you salute 'from' and should not be taken lightly.

Let me turn this discussion on it's head. What is the big deal in not having a 'perfect' uniform setup and just playing with team badges, or even made up names? Why is it that you MUST have those Royal Marines Commandos and Airborne Tabs?
I dont use any badges or patches on my bdu and i dont feel naked. I dont see the point of getting a real unit one unless its for reenactment. Also i understand military servicemens point about the honnor and sacrifice they made to get their real one.
I plan to have one made in memory of hellranger (like my avatar) and maybe get some name tapes.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 21:58   #56
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i disagree with that article. the people on that end should be flattered (for lack of a better word) that someone tries to emulate them as such. maybe fire them a link to ive never seen lerch clain to be anything hes not, but he puts a lot of time and research into his kits

i didnt realise he flaunted specific patches and posted pics of himself on a real deal website. if thats true than yes those people have everty right to be concerned.
Age verifier southern Alberta

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a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.

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Old April 28th, 2008, 22:02   #57
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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militaryphotos is anal about people who aren't in the forces wearing armed forces insignias.
The majority of airsofters are not, as we understand it's just part of the game.
Let's just leave it at that lol
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Old April 28th, 2008, 22:46   #58
Since Sturmer mentioned it, I'm kinda wondering the same thing.

Why do people feel the need that they have to have these patches? Would you still not look like a Soldier, or whatever look you're going for without them?

And, some people say they do it because they respect the real troops, etc but, if wearing the insignia pisses off real soldiers isn't that kinda defeating the point?

Also, would any of you wear a Police Badge for a game?
Old April 28th, 2008, 23:06   #59
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I agree with Mike/Sturmur.

You DON'T need patches, and shit to have fun.

And really, there's no need for cloning a SOF soldier, or any other soldiers credentials for a game, unless, ofcourse it's some sort of reenactment.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 23:27   #60
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I know Lerch personally from when I was OJTing his division at HMCS Quadra and I know that he in no way shape or form would try to pass himself off as anything he is not. Though he was drooling over joining the CF at that time. Sheer, sorry for the bad luck. Just another showing of how some people have no life other than picking people apart on the net to make themselves look better.
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