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PSG-1 aluminum piston?


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Old April 9th, 2008, 15:56   #16
Eagle Eye
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On a side note regarding voltage and PSG-1: With the 200% spring and a 10.8v custom battery, my PSG-1 would fire two round bursts. The innards were spinning so fast, the piston would fail to catch at the end of the cycle and fire a 2nd time. Next trigger pull would result in just cranking the piston back to firing position. So, 1st trigger pull = 1.5 cycles, 2nd pull = .5 cycle. It was fun, but we decided to remove the extra cells and now all is well with 8.4v. Just something to be aware of if you go with a custom battery.
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Old April 9th, 2008, 15:59   #17
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Originally Posted by Apoc_ View Post
On a side note regarding voltage and PSG-1: With the 200% spring and a 10.8v custom battery, my PSG-1 would fire two round bursts. The innards were spinning so fast, the piston would fail to catch at the end of the cycle and fire a 2nd time. Next trigger pull would result in just cranking the piston back to firing position. So, 1st trigger pull = 1.5 cycles, 2nd pull = .5 cycle. It was fun, but we decided to remove the extra cells and now all is well with 8.4v. Just something to be aware of if you go with a custom battery.
What gears were you using for that upgrade?

What you're describing sounds like a problem you'd get with standard ratio gears with too much voltage. What happens is that the increased ROF will cause the motor to overtorque and because the spring is not excessively heavy, it doesn't stop the overtorqued gears, and thus, rotating past the stop point.

It's an imbalanced setup.
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Old April 9th, 2008, 18:14   #18
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The gears that came in the FTK. and yep, that's exactly what was happening.
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Old April 9th, 2008, 18:17   #19
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
I'll take a wild stab in the dark and say velocity will be 650fps.

Even with the 300% spring, I was powering it with a 12V and Systema Magnum motor. I'm sure the same setup can crank a 400% spring, but you'll definitely have some serious durability issues in the long run.

If you want velocities so high, why not just pick up a Tanaka M700 series bolt action rifle and install the G&G Power bolt? You'll easily hit 800fps with propane, and it'll save you tons of money and headaches.... it will also perform much better. Bolt actions are inherently more accurate and quieter. The only feature you lose is the semi-auto fire.

As a field gun, the PSG-1 is one of the worst guns to do up, due to the wobbly body and the inherent limitations of applying high velocity upgrades to the auto-electric system. I always tell this to all my clients who request to do the upgrade: Unless you REALLY LOVE the PSG-1, it's a lot of wasted money to achieve a goal that you can get elsewhere for better and cheaper. There's a certain coolness factor versus cost benefit ratio that needs to be weighed on the owner's mind.

As cool as I think the PSG-1 system is, I can't honestly see myself ever using that gun as a field gun.
I actually love the PSG1 and thus the reason I bought this long ago. I've already upgraded the gears, air nozzle, 180% spring and the old Systema torque up motor for 402fps. I'd just like a little more out of it. I'm not looking for crazy fps just something around the 500 to 550 level. As far as the battery goes, I hooked up my 10.8v from my M4 to it and sometimes it had trouble compressing the spring. My 9.6v will not compress the spring at all.
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Old April 9th, 2008, 19:18   #20
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
We're talking about PSG-1's here. Not standard AEGs.

The function is opposite, where the piston stays cocked in the off cycle. It allows for instantaneous shots on trigger pull. The wind up cycle occurs after the piston is released.

This is why PSG-1 upgrades require so much torque - being able to crank an already cocked spring from a resting position requires way more current and torque than normal functioning AEGs do.
Oh, ive never worked on a PSG-1 before. Thats a pretty smart way of making an AEG sniper.
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Old April 10th, 2008, 00:26   #21
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Originally Posted by Apoc_ View Post
The gears that came in the FTK. and yep, that's exactly what was happening.
I never ran the 200% setup with a battery past 8.4v before, so I wasn't aware that would happen. I just knew that 200% springs with the infinity torque up gears that come with the FTK would be overkill, and extra voltage wouldn't be required.

The 200% spring should be at the strength level where you could almost get away with running standard ratio gears.

Originally Posted by DSFD506 View Post
I actually love the PSG1 and thus the reason I bought this long ago. I've already upgraded the gears, air nozzle, 180% spring and the old Systema torque up motor for 402fps. I'd just like a little more out of it. I'm not looking for crazy fps just something around the 500 to 550 level. As far as the battery goes, I hooked up my 10.8v from my M4 to it and sometimes it had trouble compressing the spring. My 9.6v will not compress the spring at all.
If you're going to push the velocity up that high, I highly recommend you installing a MOSFET. If you don't, you're going to burn holes in to your switch assembly due to the huge electrical arcing that occurs with current draw that large.
Once you burn out your switch contacts... good luck getting a replacement. :P
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Old April 10th, 2008, 11:10   #22
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Again: Yep.

I went with the extra voltage to gain the quickest possible 2nd shot with the idea of trying to engage mulitple targets before getting hosed down. It worked a little TOO fast. P-ha! 8.4 is more than enough, and less hassle than cramming in a larger battery.
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Old April 10th, 2008, 15:30   #23
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
If you're going to push the velocity up that high, I highly recommend you installing a MOSFET. If you don't, you're going to burn holes in to your switch assembly due to the huge electrical arcing that occurs with current draw that large.
Once you burn out your switch contacts... good luck getting a replacement. :P
Yeah i've already planned on getting a MOSFET and i'm ordering a Guarder anti heat selector switch to replace my stock one. Would the systema torque up motor I have be efficient with the 300% spring ?
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Old April 12th, 2008, 02:05   #25
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Damn, I didn't think there would be so much info on my thread, thanks guys.
I'm saving up for my very own PSG-1 and school's out next month so this should be a good summer. (Hooray for Cégep!)
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