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UTG AK47 Paratrooper Problem


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Old March 15th, 2008, 18:05   #1
max.power's Avatar
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UTG AK47 Paratrooper Problem

Hey all. I'm new to these forums and stumbled across them today trying to find an answer to my problem. I was generally airsofting in my basement with just clear Crosman guns, but I upgraded to the UTG AK46 Para model. I got it new the other day.

Anyways, occasionally it stops firing...still making the sound of the internal parts moving and working, but it has a weird almost grinding now to it. Eventually it goes away, but then it will start back up again.

I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this kinda of problem and what the remedy might be. Also, would it be a good idea to upgrade the internal parts (I have read that the gun is pretty much upgradeable using TM parts) and how difficult would it be?

Thanks in advance.
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Old March 15th, 2008, 18:16   #2
rideout's Avatar
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it could be your internal gears are out of line.
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Originally Posted by Harbinger of Darkness View Post
No, but the pope was phone.
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Old March 16th, 2008, 15:01   #3
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Sounds like your motor height needs to be adjusted.
Bob - My TM M14, AK47 and G36KV
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Old March 16th, 2008, 16:05   #4
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I'm with namloot on the motor height issue. If it's an AK, remove the outer grip, and you can adjust the motor height.

As far as internals, I'd say it wouldn't be a bad idea to upgrade the internals. However, if you don't want to spend a fortune on internals, you could get away with just cleaning out the mechbox of the thick goop these guns are usually lubed with, replacing the stock plastic bushings with metal ones, reshim the gears (bushings & shims will cost less than $25), and relubricate with proper gear grease or white lithium grease (from Cdn Tire). This alone would make it shoot more consistently and make it more reliable.

As far as other internals, I'd say that all the internals in that gun will be rather cheap, so any upgraded parts would be an improvement. Personally, I'd get parts other than TM, as most aftermarket parts are of better quality anyway. But seriously, if the gun shoots well with the stock parts, you're probably better to just leave the rest of the internals stock and just wait till something breaks to repair it.

As for how easy it is to do, that's another story. Once you know what you're doing and understand how everything works, the process is not horribly complicated. You can go to and watch their videos on how to disassemble and reassemble your guns. They have video guides on how to disassemble and reassemble a TM-compatible AK, as well as a V3 mechbox upgrade video guide. You may want took through them several times each before actually attempting the work. However, as you probably know, the 'ideal situation' in these videos and reality often differ, especially when you consider your gun is one of the cheaper Chinese clones, which are generally TM compatible, but not always 100%.
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Old March 18th, 2008, 10:31   #5
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Problem was a jammed bb kept the piston back (good airseal) the sector gear caught the piston and chattered and the torque snapped off 1/3 of the teeth that mated with the spur. Besides that everything is in good shape.
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Old March 21st, 2008, 08:35   #6
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Yeah, thanks for the help with that. New gears coming soon!
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