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Airsoft and Painball Debate



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Old November 7th, 2007, 22:21   #151
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
But when you have to share a paintball field with paintballers, this comes up everytime. And it's usually much worse in person than online. I've seen guys almost come to blows over it, or you get the drunk 40-something running his mouth off over us and our little toy guns.

I'd rather be shooting too, but it's not always an option.
That's why my friends and I always played in our own field with invites sent out to other like minded teams. We try to avoid the regular paintball field as much as we can beside they don't like to see our RAP4 in their field anyways and even when we do participate in events like the week end long D-day Op the bad apples is certainly never allowed in the field, in fact I've seen field owners kicked out a bunch of woosies (Speed ballers) because they were hurling insults at some local airsofters
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Old November 7th, 2007, 22:22   #152
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One thing I like about sharing field with paintballers is seeing thier faces when we walk onto the field.

They always have this look of awe on their faces.

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Old November 7th, 2007, 22:25   #153
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Originally Posted by amano999 View Post
One thing I like about sharing field with paintballers is seeing thier faces when we walk onto the field.

They always have this look of awe on their faces.
We experienced this at FlagRaiders on the 3rd. We kicked the paintballers off the field so that we could use it for the WWII people. They couldn't help but stare... They were probably amazed that you could have a gun that was both functional and pretty..

psh. Paintball..

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Old November 7th, 2007, 22:32   #154
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
Yea, one thing that a lot of chairsofters and new guys don't understand is what they see --HERE-- on the forums is --NOT-- how it is on the field. I come across as an arrogant prick with an ego the size of South Africa, however I like to think I'm a little bit different in person.

However only team-mates and those I've played with can truly answer that one. But yes I still must agree, the attitudes of airsofters is quite often much different than those attitudes of paintballers.
I have vouch for this, Aqua is a delicious human being and a top notch guy. I have nothing but respect for him and its a pleasure to work with him on the field and hang out with him off the field. He's an excellent shot and great company. Take my word for it, we got lost for a couple hours in the bush during a milsim, mediocre amount of ammo, ran out of water and had absolutley no idea where we were going, but I enjoyed the experience cause Aquas a schmexy human being.

Originally Posted by Andres View Post
Derailed by anal beads.
I dont think Ive gone a day in the last 2 years that I havent atleast mentioned anal beads once through out the day.

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Old November 7th, 2007, 22:34   #155
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
But when you have to share a paintball field with paintballers, this comes up everytime. And it's usually much worse in person than online. I've seen guys almost come to blows over it, or you get the drunk 40-something running his mouth off over us and our little toy guns.

I'd rather be shooting too, but it's not always an option.
This is also another reason why I don't play in with the regular ASC, because the last time this happen it was at Wasaga old field back in 2001 and I did get into a fistfight because some speedballers decide it was funny to pick on one of the airsofters (shooting him from behind), I stepped in and shot him with my "little friend"(my 450fps shorty carbine), He charged and i decked him and two of his friends before Larry stepped in. In the end i made the decision never to play in the same field as Speedballers and I still stood by my comments in an earlier post, this argument is pointless, in both games there will be assholes that ruined everything, there will be cheaters, there will be whiners in the end is you have to ask yourself am I satisfied and happy playing the game? because it is your time you are spending not anybody else so who cares if paintball is better or vice versa does it matter??
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Old November 7th, 2007, 22:44   #156
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It's unfortunate, but unless you have a private field, you are most likely going to play on a paintball field. We have been careful this past year to book well in advance, and do it on a day when the owners are unable to be there. That means no paintballers. But, we can only do this about 4 or 5 times per year.

So, either we suck it up and share the field with them, or we stick to sporadic playing.

And I too, have been shot at by the paintball prick who thought it would be funny. But I live in a corporate town, where companies book the field and drop $20k in a day, so who would win in a fight? I can tell you it won't be the $20/person airsofters.

Paintball is what paintball is. Airsoft is what airsoft is. They are not similar at all, and never will be. One will never understand the other. That's the way it has always been and the way it always will be. Paintball exists as a profitable business, airsoft is not.
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Old November 7th, 2007, 22:47   #157
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
It's unfortunate, but unless you have a private field, you are most likely going to play on a paintball field. We have been careful this past year to book well in advance, and do it on a day when the owners are unable to be there. That means no paintballers. But, we can only do this about 4 or 5 times per year.

So, either we suck it up and share the field with them, or we stick to sporadic playing.

And I too, have been shot at by the paintball prick who thought it would be funny. But I live in a corporate town, where companies book the field and drop $20k in a day, so who would win in a fight? I can tell you it won't be the $20/person airsofters.

Paintball is what paintball is. Airsoft is what airsoft is. They are not similar at all, and never will be. One will never understand the other. That's the way it has always been and the way it always will be. Paintball exists as a profitable business, airsoft is not.
you're not in Ft McMurray are you??
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Old November 7th, 2007, 22:50   #158
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Nope. GP.

Thankfully, I never have to go there again. My relatives moved.
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Old November 7th, 2007, 22:53   #159
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Paintball exists as a profitable business, airsoft is not.
When i went to the states the two games coexist with little or no issues and on the business side they are almost even for the field that we played in, it is unfortunate that situation in Canada is completely the opposite of our neighbour,
I kinda miss the good old days when there was about a few dozen of us playing this game.
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Old November 7th, 2007, 22:56   #160
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Nope. GP.

Thankfully, I never have to go there again. My relatives moved.
there were a group of guys that introduced me to RAP4 that worked in Suncor at Ft Mac( I was there to set up their kitchen and trained the Culinary Staff) all of them a liitle weird but a very stand up bunch and an avid airsofter as well as paintballers.
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Old November 7th, 2007, 23:04   #161
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I don't know Aquamarine personally, had dinner once with a bunch of Ghost members and his Girl friend tho.

But anyone who post pics of Cool stuff from Japan and hot Japanse women is ok in my book.

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
I have vouch for this, Aqua is a delicious human being and a top notch guy. I have nothing but respect for him and its a pleasure to work with him on the field and hang out with him off the field. He's an excellent shot and great company. Take my word for it, we got lost for a couple hours in the bush during a milsim, mediocre amount of ammo, ran out of water and had absolutley no idea where we were going, but I enjoyed the experience cause Aquas a schmexy human being.

I dont think Ive gone a day in the last 2 years that I havent atleast mentioned anal beads once through out the day.

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Old November 8th, 2007, 00:34   #162
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
those are more likely the so called speedball fairies most of the milsim guys that i had the pleasure to play with are pretty much like the old airsofters, they just play the game and chit chat after over ice cold beers. These so called speedball fairies are much like the arrogant noobs we encounter in some of our games to which i have no problem saying to them after an embarrasing knife kill "How do you like them apples biatch??"
Understandable, but players like that in paintball are most definetly in the minority. Not so with airsoft.

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Old November 8th, 2007, 01:15   #163
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Understandable, but players like that in paintball are most definetly in the minority. Not so with airsoft.
Then again, Airsoft is a proportionately much smaller community.
I think what we've tapped into here is that 95% of the world population consists of douchebags and ~5% are decent folk.

I commend the Airsoft community for maintaining it's quality within the player base, but just for argument's sake, if/ when Airsoft becomes more generally accepted and/ or legal who's to say it's player base won't become as 'polluted'
as Paintball once it expands to bring in more money?

There's bad apples in every bunch.
The likely reason why you've met more Shitballers than Paintballers is (as previously stated) anyone with a bit of merit plays with a private club on their
own land, or goes outlaw.

Paintball isn't 'Pfft', Paintball is to Airsoft as Rugby is to Football.
The debate is endless, but the bottom line is that if both sides met on the field in good will, everyone would still have fun.
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Old November 8th, 2007, 09:31   #164
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You know, I've come up with a solution to this debate. I thought about why I started airsoft, and I realized I did it because I have fun playing it.

Play your goddamn game of choice and have fun. Srsly.
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Old November 8th, 2007, 10:10   #165
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If people spent more time playing and less time labeling, these arguments would never happen.
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