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Lots of PTWs at A&A


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Old September 20th, 2007, 16:03   #106
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Our teams plays every weekend so having a gun that is not reliable is not an option in my opinion. So if the only thing I got out of buying a PTW was reliability then that would be enough for me to justify the cost, the performance is extra.
I also have an ICS M4, and although its a good gun and its been to upgraded a fair bit while still keeping reliablity in mind, its no PTW. It may shoot harder on the Chrono then say a PTW M4 CQBR Max with the blue cylinder but that PTW still manages to have more range, and accuracy not to mention trouble free playing.
There will always be people that won't agree with us paying that much money for a "toy" which is fine, to each his own but I felt that its a justifiable cost that I use every weekend and will continue to do so for a long time.
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Last edited by jameskersten; September 20th, 2007 at 21:42..
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Old September 20th, 2007, 16:52   #107
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by jameskersten View Post
There will always be people that won't agree with us paying that much money for a "toy" which is fine, to each his own but I felt that its a justifiable cost that I use every weekend and will continue to do so for a long time.

What he said, Some of the regulars at TTAC3 train 8-10 hours a week they are putting 6000 rounds through their guns every month if not more..

I have worn out 5 pistols and 3 AEGs in 2 years... with the amount of use my weapons see.... PTW will likely work out to be cheaper in the long run...
Damn.... what I really need is like 10 of the things... for rental guns...
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Old September 20th, 2007, 16:54   #108
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I really want one too... My wife would kill me though after all the money I have put into my Q&P. She just wouldn't understand...

The problem I see for myself is the PTW is just the start... Then I would want all real accessories (Eotech, rail system, etc) and before I knew it I would be 5K in...

Mark @ A&A is great, and I don't think the prices are out of line for the confidence and simplicity that comes with the sale from him... Mind you that LE PTW is a bit steep

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Old September 20th, 2007, 17:47   #109
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Question G'day,

So if the PTW is 1-1 scale 100% copy, is it safe to assume that it will mount an M203? If you're going to sink $2500 into it, might as well up it to an even $3K (or $4K if you're going for the anniversary edition!).
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Old September 20th, 2007, 17:48   #110
wey ferro
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yeah a real 203. i dont know if g&p are exact
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Old September 20th, 2007, 18:46   #111
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considering a PTW

So, I'm reading through all of the pros about the PTW and trying to decide which model is the one to get. I am mainly looking at the M4A1 and the M733 models. Just not sure what the difference between the two and what features offer an advantage down the road.

First, what's the real difference between the M4A1 and the M733 models?

Does the fixed carrying handle on the M733 hamper installing various add-ons - ie scopes, etc..?

Is there a noticeable accuracy difference between the M4 and M16 models?

Thanks the help.
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Old September 20th, 2007, 19:02   #112
Mr. G36!
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Are there, or will there ever be any PTWs that aren't M16s and M4s of some sort? G3s, MP5s, etc?
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Old September 20th, 2007, 19:06   #113
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As much as having a PTW would rock, my systema internal ICS m4 is good enough for now.

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Old September 20th, 2007, 19:07   #114
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"Now we are also developoing SMG type GUNS and handguns." quote from systema anything else is just rumors (right now) but the MP5 makes the most sense.
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Old September 20th, 2007, 19:07   #115
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If i had the $$$ i would buy the challenge kit...
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Old September 20th, 2007, 19:42   #116
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I don't think Systema is going to produce anything other than armalite variants, afterall these guns aren't designed for airsoft, they're designed for training purposes. Although they may produce their own line of RAS systems, the G&P equipment seems to be 100% compatible with systema, someone on this site has already mounted a G&P RAS to a PTW, so the M203 is a good bet.
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Old September 20th, 2007, 20:14   #117
Mr. G36!
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I don't think Systema is going to produce anything other than armalite variants, afterall these guns aren't designed for airsoft, they're designed for training purposes.
Not everyone uses the armalite series though, and I imagine that their numbers will be dropping off in the next decade or so anyway with all of these new models and prototypes landing. If Systema were an American company, I'd understand focusing on that line, but I'd imagine that with the amount of MP5s in everyone's arsenal, and other various weapons, they'd eventually want to replicate those as well.

I guess they chose the armalites for their metal bodies and overall look. If Systema made a G36 for instance, the only real difference would be polymers instead of ABS/fibreglass.
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Old September 20th, 2007, 20:26   #118
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I don't think Systema is going to produce anything other than armalite variants, afterall these guns aren't designed for airsoft, they're designed for training purposes. Although they may produce their own line of RAS systems, the G&P equipment seems to be 100% compatible with systema, someone on this site has already mounted a G&P RAS to a PTW, so the M203 is a good bet.
The outerbarrel on a PTW is much closer to a real barrel than to an airsoft barrel. Some Dremel and file work is requied if you want to barrel mount an airsoft grenade launcher. If you install an RAS, then you are set.

Originally Posted by Mr. G36! View Post
Not everyone uses the armalite series though, and I imagine that their numbers will be dropping off in the next decade or so anyway with all of these new models and prototypes landing. If Systema were an American company, I'd understand focusing on that line, but I'd imagine that with the amount of MP5s in everyone's arsenal, and other various weapons, they'd eventually want to replicate those as well.

I guess they chose the armalites for their metal bodies and overall look. If Systema made a G36 for instance, the only real difference would be polymers instead of ABS/fibreglass.
I don't see that as a big issue. There are 100 times more AR-variants in military/LE hands and private ownership than there are MP5's. A 9mm was fine for the "We're humane so let's not kill an criminal" days of the 80's and 90's, but now, we just can't afford to have a criminal (terrorists especially) survive the first shot. Remember the "Bank of America" shootout in Hollywood, where the criminals had AK's and the cops had 9mm and shotguns? Every police force in the world got a wake-up call and took notes. The stakes are too high (think suicide bomber). When an officer or soldier must fire, the target must be downed and quickly. That's why you see more guns like the G36 becoming popular. They need a powerful round to get the job done.

And "IF" Systema ever made another gun variant (MP5 has been rumored for years), they will go with whatever their market dictates. If that is G36, then you can expect Systema to use a fibre body as well as spec mags.
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Last edited by mcguyver; September 20th, 2007 at 20:34..
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Old September 20th, 2007, 20:50   #119
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Yeah I'm sure there handguns will be heavy and exact replicas. Glocks, M9's and beretta's probabbly. I'd like to see some Systema handgernades or gernade launchers. Cheaper magazine clips as well.
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Old September 20th, 2007, 20:58   #120
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Originally Posted by rocketguy View Post
So, I'm reading through all of the pros about the PTW and trying to decide which model is the one to get. I am mainly looking at the M4A1 and the M733 models. Just not sure what the difference between the two and what features offer an advantage down the road.

First, what's the real difference between the M4A1 and the M733 models?

Does the fixed carrying handle on the M733 hamper installing various add-ons - ie scopes, etc..?

Is there a noticeable accuracy difference between the M4 and M16 models?

Thanks the help.
This webpage at The War Store may help answer some of your questions on the PTW models.

The M733 is the newest model PTW and is also a Limited Edition run. This webpage has some good information on the M733.

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