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Old December 25th, 2006, 00:01   #31
A Total Bastard
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Originally Posted by JAFA View Post
I think we need an International Airsoft Watchdog, a site where the good and the bad sellers can be shown as they are. With the money some of these companies make I think they should be expected to provide a lot more in the way of customer service.
I think thats a slippery slope because one bad experience doesn't necessarily make a bad retailer. I think feedback systems like eBay and the one here and word of mouth, just as we are doing now, are all the best ways to flag the bad apples. Bad retailers tend to be ones who consistently fcuk people, whereas good retailers will go out of their way to satisfy a customer. But there are also those customers out there that no matter what you just can't satisfy...

I know in all my dealings I stand 100% behind what I sell and if I fcuk up on shipping or product, its my responsiblity to make that customer happy. Sometimes it means I drive product to someone's door to exchange it, or sometimes it means sending out extra items no charge when someone loses something or it doesn't quite work the way they thought. I try to be clear in all my communications but sometimes there are simple misunderstandings. Good retailers will overcome those things and have a happy outcome. Bad ones ignore those customers and hope they go away. Thats never a good strategy.
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Old December 25th, 2006, 19:13   #32
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Sudbury, On
Agreed Scarecrow. Even if, as it's happened that my "helper" forgot the package on the counter for two days, I'll flip the switch and ship out Priority Post, or even Overnight Early AM (I always love the responses I get from using that service - nothing like waking up customers at 8 am ), regardless if it means I'm out on money for the entire order (read: $32 shipping on a 17 dollar mic).
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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