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Blown Fuse after upgrade, MP5 RAS


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Old December 1st, 2006, 18:52   #16
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Sorry if i'm not helping, but since the spring is bad what will be the best brand to put in a mechbox ?

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Old December 1st, 2006, 21:14   #17
Corey Darling
Join Date: Mar 2005

well, got a 25 amp fuse, gun fires now, but it still doesnt quite sound right, and the bbs are just rolling out of the barrel lol. Any suggestions? at this point im just glad that the thing is still making noise lol. im making small adjustments to the set screw, but no change to how well the bbs shoot, at this point i have a range of 3 feet lol


after every other trigger pull in semi auto, i heard the piston thud, before it wasnt moving, just gear noise,


HOLY CRAP ARE THESE THINGS COMING OUT FAST LOL - still intermitent pistion fireing though ill keep trying

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HOLY CRAP THIS THING IS WAY TO POWERFUL NOW LOL... using the popcan test, at 1 ft it broke through the top :S

this is using .25g bb. I think tried fireing into an old office chair at 8 ft. The bbs penetrate the fabric and into the foam.

I heard about velocity reducers, I'll look into those soon before i try playing with this thing.

One problem still, The fire selector doesnt seem to be working. will fire full auto in semi mode. will keep testing

will update

Thanks everyone for the great help




Last edited by Corey Darling; December 1st, 2006 at 21:58..
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Old December 2nd, 2006, 09:52   #18
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If it's shooting too hard, don't bother with a velocity reducer, njust get a better spring (psst, I like the Prometheus ones, I have a 110 and shoots around 340-350fps in my MP5).............. why one might ask? Because the MP5 has a V2 mechbox, and a hard hitting spring like that, well, literally hits hard and will reduce your mechbox from two halves to 3-4 pieces. My 350fps PDI 150% spring snapped the front end off my MP5 mechbox after a couple thousand shots, yours won't last that long. BTW, did yo umeasure the length of the spring before you put it back in? I'll bet it's about 6 3/4". Lol, 7" is pretty much impossible to get compressed and into the mechbox, shorter doesn't shoot as hard.
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Old December 2nd, 2006, 12:19   #19
Corey Darling
Join Date: Mar 2005
Hey Stalker

yeah sounds like a plan. I wanted speed for range and accuracy, but wasnt expecting this much.

I didnt get a chance to check this spring, luckly i didnt have to take it apart before i got it to fire.

It seemed to be a matter of holding the trigger long enough for the system to cycle through, something i wasnt used to before upgrade. so rate of fire is way down. will get an upgrade battery.

Now that i know how to upgrade these guns, I wont be so worried about taking it apart for maintenance and/or repairs

Next time I have it apart, Ill certainly check the length of that spring, I dont rememer is being the brownish black one you described (good one right?) it was dark glass black i believe. and it was a real bitch to get into the box lol

Thank you all for the tips and suggestions.

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Old December 2nd, 2006, 13:03   #20
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Ya, sounds like you have one of those crap PDI springs. It was a bitch to get in, and had that gloss black finish on it. Don't run it too much, your mechbox will most likely be at risk. And because it was tough to compress to get in, it's tough for the motor to turn the gears to compress it, which means the motor has to work harder, draw more current, more current drawn means you need a higher amp fuse....................... all means slower response rate, lower rate of fire and lower number of shots per battery charge.

Buy a Prometheus 110 or 120 spring. Generally, when there is a number like that, it means meters per second, so you do a quick conversion and you should be close to that. 110m/s equals 362fps, and 120m/s equals 392fps, it's not set in stone, but close, and other upgrades (such as your bearing spring guide, even a tightbore barrel) will add 10-20fps on top, depending what combination you go with. I had my 110 spring in my main MP5 for a game (and a week before, week after), had the bearing spring guide in it and I noticed my range and brush penetration dropped off a reasonable amount over the PDI 150% spring I had in, so I yanked it and put my 150% back in. Then I got another MP5, and put the 110 spring in, my hopes were to keep it for CQB/night games and for indoors games where 350fps is the max. Haven't chronied it yet, but it's lower (and faster, even using just an Intellect 8.4V 1400mAh battery!) than my main MP5, which is shooting 387fps from the 350fps spring in it, bearing spring guide and 330mm inner barrel (fits in my SD front end perfectly).
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