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Old August 6th, 2006, 21:42   #31
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ed. Don't now. In highschool. Yes.

Originally Posted by Grim Fandango View Post
Ok, so let me get this straight here Megan.

- You wish to buy your boyfriend some airsoft stuff and/or video games for christmas
- You enjoy playing airsoft
- You enjoy playing video games
- You like to drink beer
- You seem to have a reasonably healthy obsession with sex

Do you happen to have like, a sister, who is like you in all these ways and is single, and lives in Toronto
~ Lady *Lucky* *Lass* Sparks~
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Old August 6th, 2006, 21:48   #32
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That's nice but it's weird to know a girl played in the trenches. Happy to know it , though. In my high-school team , the lightest guy on the DL was about 180 lbs. Me being the biggest at about 115 kg. of pure muscle :P For the ones that never saw me in action or that like statistics , I run the 40 yards in 5 seconds , which is the average in the NFL ( and that's fast for a big guy , really fast ) , bench pressing 300 pounds ( 240 in highschool ) and legpressing about 450 kg. ( about 350 kg in high school ) but you Nutty muste have been one hell of a fast DL

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Old August 6th, 2006, 22:21   #33
Freedom Fighter
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Wow. I'm totally confused here. Nutty, if your 5'6" and 130lbs your not "tiny" for a woman and if you could actually carry 200lbs ... well I'd eat one of my AK mags, really I would. I would struggle to carry that much. Two hundred pounds is A LOT of weight to carry.

kameleon - I'm not even sure what the point of this thread really is. The guns are plastic and do not have any weight to them at all. You should be perfectly able to carry any small AEG ... and if your unable to do that maybe airsoft is not the sport you should be getting into in the first place. Sorry, I'm just being honest. I can't see anyone not being able to carry around a couple pounds for awhile.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old August 6th, 2006, 22:48   #34
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True , I'm confused also. A 130 lbs. DL is something I never saw and doubt I'll see someday

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Old August 6th, 2006, 22:52   #35
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Originally Posted by Droc
if you have trouble luging around an Mp5, then your gonna have trouble lugging around gear, water, radios, mags...not to mention in the sweltering heat in the bush. Hit the gym...oh, and the bikini shot for shure.
We had a guy on the team awhile back, not a very big guy, but just fior fun, Apoc let him use his gear for a while. So, Xervis, with a G&P SPR M203, elcan, Cmag, light, laser, bipod....vest with another cmag, 10 midcaps, like a dozen M203 was funny, be he could mamage

Who's that little kid that weighs him self down on purpose with all the extra gear, back pack, full metal gun with 2 larg batteries and grenade launcher (his gun has gone beyond realistic in weight). He impresses me and makes my head hurt at the same time.

kameleon while there are many knights out there that would gladly carry your guns and gear for you you're going to have to learn to carry your own weight.
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Old August 6th, 2006, 23:11   #36
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well, i didn't really want a thread of telling me to work out and that i shouldn't play airsoft.

I was just looking for some suggestions as to what some decent small-sized guns were. I'm sure i COULD lug a big gun around. Do i want to? No. I've seen people in much worse shape then me play big outdoor games, and i have been able to play multiple consecutive rounds indoors.

Just looking for some suggestions for people who have been out and used a variety of guns, not comments on my general physical wellness or aptitude for the sport.
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Old August 6th, 2006, 23:17   #37
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Originally Posted by kameleon
well aware, which is why i'm trying to find a gun that will help me get the best balance between weight/size and range/accuracy. I'm not going to be any good to anyone trying to run around with an m249 when i tire out every five minutes and can't move very fast.
Okay, but why do you want to move "very fast"? Like I said in my first post, this isn't paintball, and you won't be hiking this gun 20km or anything either. The only time you'll really be moving very fast is sprinting from cover to cover. Otherwise you're usually moving carefully and/or quietly, expecially if you plan on milsimming.

The M249 is maybe exceptionally heavy compared to the average gun, but I still think you should be considering every carbine- or commando-sized assault rifle. Look at it this way, if you have the range you don't have to move as much, but if you're outranged you'll always be forced to move in order to try and get into range - which won't only tire you, it exposes you and basically robs you of the initiative time after time.

I have been working out to try and get the upper body strength necessairy to do this kind of stuff, but again, i don't want to be pushed to my limits just by carrying my gun.

It's endurance you want, more than brute strength. Get a 5lbs dumbell at CT or something, and get used to doing tons of reps. You don't really need to be able to lift a huge amount of weight, only carry a smaller one for a long period.

Also, i just wanted to see what else the other girls that airsoft are useing, as we don't seem to have many (if any) girls that airsoft outdoors around Winnipeg.
Not to slam you on this one, but personally I think this is a wrong attitude. Gender is irrelevant on the field, there's just teammates and opponents, and when they're getting the job done, the fact that they're female is anecdotal at best. Everyone kits out based on preference, size, and physical shape - not their gender.
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Old August 6th, 2006, 23:18   #38
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Originally Posted by Drake

Also, i just wanted to see what else the other girls that airsoft are useing, as we don't seem to have many (if any) girls that airsoft outdoors around Winnipeg.
Not to slam you on this one, but personally I think this is a wrong attitude. Gender is irrelevant on the field, there's just teammates and opponents, and when they're getting the job done, the fact that they're female is anecdotal at best. Everyone kits out based on preference, size, and physical shape - not their gender.
Yes, i know, i'm just thinking other girls are going to have more similar physical shapes to me then guys will...
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Old August 6th, 2006, 23:19   #39
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Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter
Wow. I'm totally confused here. Nutty, if your 5'6" and 130lbs your not "tiny" for a woman and if you could actually carry 200lbs ... well I'd eat one of my AK mags, really I would. I would struggle to carry that much. Two hundred pounds is A LOT of weight to carry.

Be it that you're in the Ottawa region at a game that I happen to be at and we find a 200lb player I'll not shy from performing my odd feat. 200 I struggle with, 180 is easy as pie.

And as for football- I got hurt a lot and in magnificent ways but I could get down lower then most guys so... well. If you know football- this makes sense.

Originally Posted by Grim Fandango View Post
Ok, so let me get this straight here Megan.

- You wish to buy your boyfriend some airsoft stuff and/or video games for christmas
- You enjoy playing airsoft
- You enjoy playing video games
- You like to drink beer
- You seem to have a reasonably healthy obsession with sex

Do you happen to have like, a sister, who is like you in all these ways and is single, and lives in Toronto
~ Lady *Lucky* *Lass* Sparks~
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Old August 6th, 2006, 23:37   #40
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Don't worry about barrel length and size of guns. As long as it's a bona fide AEG and not an MP7, they can all be upgraded to approximately the same level. Never seen a 400 fps MP5K, but I doubt it would be too different from a 400 fps MP5A2.

Some people even believe that beyond a certain point (some mention 247 mm) you get drastic diminishing returns and the length could cause more problems than gains with accuracy. (see M16 barrel wobble)
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Old August 7th, 2006, 00:04   #41
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Eve say's don't be a wuss.
This is Eve, she is holding a FMU HK33. She ran around the house for an hour shooting invisble flys. She is 6.

Go with the P90.
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Old August 7th, 2006, 00:23   #42
Originally Posted by odp
Don't worry about barrel length and size of guns. As long as it's a bona fide AEG and not an MP7, they can all be upgraded to approximately the same level. Never seen a 400 fps MP5K, but I doubt it would be too different from a 400 fps MP5A2.

Some people even believe that beyond a certain point (some mention 247 mm) you get drastic diminishing returns and the length could cause more problems than gains with accuracy. (see M16 barrel wobble)
well, untill you add a long barrel to the MP5k, its not going to make a viable field gun. The range and accuracy difference between the MP5 and the MP5k is very noticable.

and as for adding longer barrels, its generally a good thing. Since I never recommend a gun with barrel wobble, a solid gun with the longest cylinger matching barrel is always fun.
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Old August 7th, 2006, 00:25   #43
Generation vexed
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Originally Posted by NuttyHunter
I can't run very well, The guys can throw further; and my catchign is 50/50. So I played on the line of scrimage. As in... deep in the shit?

It was mad painfull.

I know what you mean. i played line first year then i did four years of full back (running back) and line backer (middle).
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Old August 7th, 2006, 00:26   #44
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Originally Posted by Generation vexed
Originally Posted by NuttyHunter
I can't run very well, The guys can throw further; and my catchign is 50/50. So I played on the line of scrimage. As in... deep in the shit?

It was mad painfull.

I know what you mean. i played line first year then i did four years of full back (running back) and line backer (middle).

You learn how to smile when you're hurt and how to walk on sprained ankles without limping so that the guys won't think you're 'weak'.

Originally Posted by Grim Fandango View Post
Ok, so let me get this straight here Megan.

- You wish to buy your boyfriend some airsoft stuff and/or video games for christmas
- You enjoy playing airsoft
- You enjoy playing video games
- You like to drink beer
- You seem to have a reasonably healthy obsession with sex

Do you happen to have like, a sister, who is like you in all these ways and is single, and lives in Toronto
~ Lady *Lucky* *Lass* Sparks~
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Old August 7th, 2006, 00:47   #45
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Originally Posted by Tankdude
Eve say's don't be a wuss.
This is Eve, she is holding a FMU HK33. She ran around the house for an hour shooting invisble flys. She is 6.

:lol: that is hands down the best reply on this thread. Eve rocks :tup: :duke:
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