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Old August 6th, 2006, 13:34   #16
Lego Head
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You know its not so much the weight of the gear and weapon you carry as where you put it on yourself to keep balance that's a key component here too.

If your worried about loosing mobility and speed because your gun is too "heavy" deffinatly stick to SMG's. The P90 is a great suggest as is the MP5 because it has so many varriables. There are also the UMG out there, UZI's, MP7's, and so on. What ever you decided to get make sure that you can accomondate the equipment to keep going.

Like Droc had pointed out, your gun is the least of your worries when thinking about weight. Droc what does the CIRAS LBV's we got weight in at? Cause they're not light with just the fake plates in them. Anyway, on top of that you carry your mags, radio, water, and if you're me rations ((nothing helps keep me quiet and from fidgeting more than trailmix to nibble on...))

"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster

Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!
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Old August 6th, 2006, 13:58   #17
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I would say p90 as every thing in the gun is straight forward. As well its an aeg not an aep like the mp7 and it also doesnt have a plastic gearbox like the uzi. But on a previously mentioned note you could use pistols. My girlfriend her glock 26a (tm) actually has better distance and accuracy(on propane) than the mp5 that she uses. Downside small capacity for mags, and they require propane/duster. Also the sig 226 by tm that our friend Tank71 has is more acuarate than some upgaded sniper rifles and gets some fairly good distance(once again this is on propane). Hope some of this helped.
Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Imagine ads for semen restaurants. I can see it now... "Come to Seminal Sam's, where you can eat loads without blowing all your wad..."
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Old August 6th, 2006, 15:48   #18
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If you're serious about getting into airsoft, you're going to limit yourself in terms of guns. I still stick to my opinion about you getting a P90, but in the future, you're probably going to want/need something different if you want to stay with this sport. In all honesty what you should do, is find someone with a big heavy metal gun and lug it around with you for an entire game day, maybe more. It may be hard, tiring, annoying and your arms will hurt, but it will make almost any other gun you use after that seem like nothing. My Fiance has a full metal Classic Army C9 that he let me use for the day and it weighs around 20 lbs. Let me tell you, lugging that thing through the bush is not easy, but after that, EVERYTHING seemed so light. Also like NuttyHunter said, it may be how you're holding your gun. If you're holding it wrong, that will be part of the problem as well.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
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Old August 6th, 2006, 15:59   #19
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I'd agree with the P90 suggestion. Even though I'm about 6'2" and 200lbs, I still have given though to gun weight for tricks like being able to blind-fire around corners or carry/fire the gun one-handed if needed. (Don't laugh, I pulled it of with a Firepower XM8 once and emptied half a clip into my buddy at 20 feet from around a corner, he never saw it coming )

Seriously I may not own one but I did get to use a friends P90 once and they are nice and comfortable no matter what size you are. Depending on what your comfortable with you may want to consider Bullpup rifles as well, since they are shorter than say an M16 but still have a good effective range. Not sure about the weight though, never had a chance to use anything other than a P90 and some crappy imitation airsoft.
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Old August 6th, 2006, 16:05   #20
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Originally Posted by Dracheous
You know its not so much the weight of the gear and weapon you carry as where you put it on yourself to keep balance that's a key component here too.

If your worried about loosing mobility and speed because your gun is too "heavy" deffinatly stick to SMG's. The P90 is a great suggest as is the MP5 because it has so many varriables. There are also the UMG out there, UZI's, MP7's, and so on. What ever you decided to get make sure that you can accomondate the equipment to keep going.

Like Droc had pointed out, your gun is the least of your worries when thinking about weight. Droc what does the CIRAS LBV's we got weight in at? Cause they're not light with just the fake plates in them. Anyway, on top of that you carry your mags, radio, water, and if you're me rations ((nothing helps keep me quiet and from fidgeting more than trailmix to nibble on...))
Try putting sand in the fake plates for realistic weight+it sits better. More comfy... to me at least. Henry's CIRAS floats on me. The sand makes it stay in place... He still has to do that to mine... Gr.

Originally Posted by Grim Fandango View Post
Ok, so let me get this straight here Megan.

- You wish to buy your boyfriend some airsoft stuff and/or video games for christmas
- You enjoy playing airsoft
- You enjoy playing video games
- You like to drink beer
- You seem to have a reasonably healthy obsession with sex

Do you happen to have like, a sister, who is like you in all these ways and is single, and lives in Toronto
~ Lady *Lucky* *Lass* Sparks~
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Old August 6th, 2006, 16:58   #21
Lego Head
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They are the solid rubber plates Nutty Hunter... though still on the light side do give a good weight to them...

All I was saying is that how much weight you are trying to carry shouldn't be the KEY issue. Its also how you displace it...

"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster

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Old August 6th, 2006, 17:24   #22
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Originally Posted by NuttyHunter
I like how a bunch of guys answered with 'lift weights'.

From a girl's perspective- gym's suck-

That's why my answer wasn't just "lift weights", it was "lift weights, princess." :P

And I stick by the statement. Airsoft is a physical sport, if she wants to get involved in any sort of serious way, she needs to get up to snuff or she'll be a field ornament all her life.
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Old August 6th, 2006, 17:47   #23
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I'm late to the party but I'd say P90 too. If you've never held one, shoulder your keyboard. That's about the size in terms of length. The grips on them are insanely comfy as well. HTH.
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Old August 6th, 2006, 19:20   #24
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Originally Posted by Drake
Originally Posted by NuttyHunter
I like how a bunch of guys answered with 'lift weights'.

From a girl's perspective- gym's suck-

That's why my answer wasn't just "lift weights", it was "lift weights, princess." :P

And I stick by the statement. Airsoft is a physical sport, if she wants to get involved in any sort of serious way, she needs to get up to snuff or she'll be a field ornament all her life.
well aware, which is why i'm trying to find a gun that will help me get the best balance between weight/size and range/accuracy. I'm not going to be any good to anyone trying to run around with an m249 when i tire out every five minutes and can't move very fast.

I have been working out to try and get the upper body strength necessairy to do this kind of stuff, but again, i don't want to be pushed to my limits just by carrying my gun.

Also, i just wanted to see what else the other girls that airsoft are useing, as we don't seem to have many (if any) girls that airsoft outdoors around Winnipeg.
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Old August 6th, 2006, 19:43   #25
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I airsoft not just chairsoft. I use an MP5 SD5. With added weights. It's heavier then everything except the L85-A2. It's stupid heavy and I like it. It keeps my lithe body from blowing away in the wind lawlz.

Originally Posted by Grim Fandango View Post
Ok, so let me get this straight here Megan.

- You wish to buy your boyfriend some airsoft stuff and/or video games for christmas
- You enjoy playing airsoft
- You enjoy playing video games
- You like to drink beer
- You seem to have a reasonably healthy obsession with sex

Do you happen to have like, a sister, who is like you in all these ways and is single, and lives in Toronto
~ Lady *Lucky* *Lass* Sparks~
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Old August 6th, 2006, 20:28   #26
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Originally Posted by NuttyHunter
To be fair 200 lbs of deadweight (carrying a human body that is) is incredibly hard. 180 is easy so somewhere in between is where my legs give in the arms are fine; it's the legs and the walking.

What do you do for work? Sit at a desk? If you can lift your own weight off the ground (pushups) you should be okay no? Logically.... try gettign up to 30 pushups maybe? That's where I am and I can do my own weight easy.


If you're able to do at least 30 push ups , you certainly can have the weight of a 3 kg airsoft gun in your arms for an hour before dropping it. Well , I gotta say it's sounds really easy for me in my head. I'm a 6' 260 Defensive tackle and I also have a couple years of growth in front of me. I guess people that doesn't go to the gym everyday and lifts about 300 lbs. on the bench press and about half a ton on the leg press have a bit more difficulty carrying a big heavy gun but I'm pretty sure you can handle a tiny MP5k or MP5a5

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Old August 6th, 2006, 20:57   #27
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Originally Posted by ^Hyperion^
Originally Posted by NuttyHunter
To be fair 200 lbs of deadweight (carrying a human body that is) is incredibly hard. 180 is easy so somewhere in between is where my legs give in the arms are fine; it's the legs and the walking.

What do you do for work? Sit at a desk? If you can lift your own weight off the ground (pushups) you should be okay no? Logically.... try gettign up to 30 pushups maybe? That's where I am and I can do my own weight easy.


If you're able to do at least 30 push ups , you certainly can have the weight of a 3 kg airsoft gun in your arms for an hour before dropping it. Well , I gotta say it's sounds really easy for me in my head. I'm a 6' 260 Defensive tackle and I also have a couple years of growth in front of me. I guess people that doesn't go to the gym everyday and lifts about 300 lbs. on the bench press and about half a ton on the leg press have a bit more difficulty carrying a big heavy gun but I'm pretty sure you can handle a tiny MP5k or MP5a5
I played the line at my tiny size. The only thing I had ont he bigger guys was being able to get down lower. I carryt he extra weight added to the MP5 all day. It's not easy for others but for me it's an extension of myself. The aeg quit on me once and I had to pistol/shotgun it with an M3 and a 1911. Felt strange but not as strange as not having a weapon at all

'Oh shitz, I be screwed!'

Originally Posted by Grim Fandango View Post
Ok, so let me get this straight here Megan.

- You wish to buy your boyfriend some airsoft stuff and/or video games for christmas
- You enjoy playing airsoft
- You enjoy playing video games
- You like to drink beer
- You seem to have a reasonably healthy obsession with sex

Do you happen to have like, a sister, who is like you in all these ways and is single, and lives in Toronto
~ Lady *Lucky* *Lass* Sparks~
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Old August 6th, 2006, 21:04   #28
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you played the line ?? what d'you mean by that

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Old August 6th, 2006, 21:13   #29
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I can't run very well, The guys can throw further; and my catchign is 50/50. So I played on the line of scrimage. As in... deep in the shit?

It was mad painfull.

Originally Posted by Grim Fandango View Post
Ok, so let me get this straight here Megan.

- You wish to buy your boyfriend some airsoft stuff and/or video games for christmas
- You enjoy playing airsoft
- You enjoy playing video games
- You like to drink beer
- You seem to have a reasonably healthy obsession with sex

Do you happen to have like, a sister, who is like you in all these ways and is single, and lives in Toronto
~ Lady *Lucky* *Lass* Sparks~
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Old August 6th, 2006, 21:30   #30
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Oh so you play ( played ? ) football ???

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