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Do U think white is an underused color?


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Old June 28th, 2006, 01:16   #16
^Hyperion^'s Avatar
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it's not the fact that it's white that makes it silly , as I mentionned earlier , my favorite camo above all is the russian sniper winter camo ( Klyaksa ). It's the mix of beige and white that to me , makes it look silly. Hey that's only my opinion.

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Old June 28th, 2006, 11:02   #17
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Originally Posted by ^Hyperion^
Hey that's only MY opinion.
Yes it is only you :-D haha
Anyways, I like white in one kind of camo and it's Urban. Well In winter camo too... but shushh....

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Old June 28th, 2006, 11:57   #18
Wear whatever the hell you want. If you like it, then go for it. You're in it for your own enjoyment, and that includes the impression you wish to play.
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Old June 28th, 2006, 15:04   #19
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I agree with MadMorbius

I would suggest to anyone to stay far far away from lookin like a StormTrooper ... unless it tickles your fancy
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Old June 28th, 2006, 15:13   #20
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Originally Posted by ^Hyperion^
in fact , black isn't used in outdoor games for the same reason as white : stands out too much.
I've worn black a ton outdoors, and know several people who wear primary black colours in outdoor games. And you know what several of them have no problems disappearing in the bush. Yes cammo plays a big role, but at the same time, knowing how to use your surrounding and environment to your advantage helps even more. Using tree lines both in front and behind you to mask and cover your movements will quite often allow a person in black to move up on or awa from an enemy force with no issues.

Heck one of my own teammates even comment one time that I disappear in the bush wearing black. And I'm not a small guy for those on here who know me so its not always a easy thing to do. But I have spent a ton of time in the bush, taken some evade and survival courses, and like to hunt (both animals and humans).

It's all in your own abilities to use your resources to your advantage, and just how good the other guys eye is. Heck even the predator with his fancy dancy stealth cammo couldnt hid from Arnie and Glover :razz:

White, you do see the odd times, but I do have to kind of agree that it does stand out a lot more in the bush, maybe in a more arid region you could get away with it more, hence the off whites and beiges in Desert and Multicams. But straight out white, no thanks for me. Black sure no problems.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 09:49   #21
Listen, it's all about contrast, color, shape, etc. White will work just fine...IF there's white in the environment and the pattern on your fatigues doesn't stand out against that environment.

There is NO universal pattern....not yet. You will always find some areas where certain patterns are markedly more effective than others. Some are close, and provide the *best universality* but none are truly universal in their effectiveness.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 13:48   #22
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You should remember this field, Morb.

enough white???

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Old June 29th, 2006, 15:03   #23
Yup, perfect example (K-town...I miss that field). In THAT environment, those colours and patterns are quite effective. But as anyone who was at OpCT2 can attest (you should remember that one too ) once the sun went down our desert camouflage made us rediculously visible in the lower light, where it gave us a specific advantage during the day hours.

Reinforcing my original point - camouflage is the sum of the parts, not any single part in and of itself. I could blend in wearing all the colours of the rainbow, for example...on Welseley.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 19:52   #24
Porkchop, what pattern is that?
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Old June 29th, 2006, 22:53   #25
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Righto, Morb. Was waiting for someone to say it.
White really does stand out. Which is why it works best for the 'low light' camoflauge like Urban. it constrasts with the black which tricks your eye into thinking the darker colors are the only 'object' infront of you, and it deffinatly doesn't look like a human.
Or at least that's the only way I can describe it. I once expirienced this when I walked out of a dim hallway into a room that had a mirror facing the door while wearing it.
I found I couldn't focus on myself in the mirror until I was standing right in the light.

I think if you're going to include white in a camo for daylight, examine a picture of the forest and plants then see how the light shines off of leaves and looks white. Then paint the odd white streak in your camo to mimic it. I would suggest right on the edge of a green blotch.

That's 'Safarri-flauge' in the picture Porkchop posted. Tiger Tactical will make gear with that pattern under the name 'Hurricane'.... That's Salamander Field isn't it?
How much desert camo did I buy in preperation for playing there again?
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Old July 2nd, 2006, 05:47   #26
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Well I don't know many standard patterns that would use white or very bright colors at all - must be a reason for it!

For example: the old Swiss-Pattern had a few white spots on it, see for yourself if it works... Compared to that, the old soviet pattern works quite well in green areas on sunny days with lots of shades and bright spots... (see:
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