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New BB type ???


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Old June 20th, 2006, 20:51   #16
Ghost Snake
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Without hopup, the range of those will just be shit. They may be accurate, but that doesnt matter if your max range is 30 yards.
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Old June 20th, 2006, 21:20   #17
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I wonder what sound those fins make when they fly by some1's ear.

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Old June 20th, 2006, 21:30   #18
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I just have one observation... Regular football... vortex football... hmmm... The problem is imparting spin on the BB, if it has the same style grooves as a nerf vortex football than the only problem becomes how much power can you give it. Then again the amount of power to make one of these fly in a straight line probably far outweighs the benifits in accuracy gained by the fins. I would love to see some hardcore data comparing the regular style bb and these new accuracy ones.
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Old June 20th, 2006, 21:30   #19
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i wouldnt want to get hit by a tumbling one the fins could hurt... especially those blade ones that load into the shell
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Old June 20th, 2006, 21:35   #20
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Maybe they could work in a springer sniper rifle?
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Old June 20th, 2006, 23:05   #21
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Originally Posted by Drake
Given the shape of the projectile, those fins probably cause more drag than any increase in performance. Those types of fins (like on mortars) are used to keep the shell from yawing, so it doesn't wobble in flight, and lands on the detonator -- and does so by inducing drag on the tail section.
Ya but a football shape projectile has less wind resistance than a round shape.

I wonder if it would work better with a spin on it like a bullet or football. I wont hold my breath but it is an interesting idea.

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Old June 21st, 2006, 05:05   #22
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Well, if that rifling actually works properly on a plastic BB, the accuracy will improve (assuming your rifling twist is appropriate for BB weight & velocity) -- it's been done with pellet guns, they usually have rifled barrels. Some of them can shoot both pellets and BBs (the copper veriety). While less accurate than pellets, the BBs do gain accuracy compared to normal. (and on a sidenote, don't try that with a rifle you like -- BBs have a copper jacket, much harder than a lead pellet; it causes serious wear to the rifling and accuracy will go to hell in no time.)

As for the shape of the projectile, yes the football shape is more aerodynamic, but the tail induces more drag, so you don't gain anything.

Either way, hopup still gives you more range -- and that's probably what most people are after (specially snipers).
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Old June 21st, 2006, 09:09   #23
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I don't know....I've never seen someone launcher a basketball ball as fare as an football one...

I'm sure the idea is good...but I wonder if it will be really working... I hope they (Rap4) will supply us with plenty of data and statistics when these fins wil come out (nex september, I think...)
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Old June 21st, 2006, 11:17   #24
Ghost Snake
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Originally Posted by Slick
Originally Posted by Drake
Given the shape of the projectile, those fins probably cause more drag than any increase in performance. Those types of fins (like on mortars) are used to keep the shell from yawing, so it doesn't wobble in flight, and lands on the detonator -- and does so by inducing drag on the tail section.
Ya but a football shape projectile has less wind resistance than a round shape.

I wonder if it would work better with a spin on it like a bullet or football. I wont hold my breath but it is an interesting idea.

Tanio-Koba Hop Twist Barrel for Marui VSR-10
As far as I understand, those barrels DO NOT impart spin on the bb. The purpose of the grooves is to allow air to travel in them, past the bb, creating a cushion of air around the bb. The bb then rides this cushion of air, perfectly in the middle of the barrel, never touching the the actual barrel. I believe it was Illusion that said this. So that barrel is not for what you think it does.
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Old June 21st, 2006, 16:09   #25
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Originally Posted by Ghost Snake
As far as I understand, those barrels DO NOT impart spin on the bb. The purpose of the grooves is to allow air to travel in them, past the bb, creating a cushion of air around the bb. The bb then rides this cushion of air, perfectly in the middle of the barrel, never touching the the actual barrel. I believe it was Illusion that said this. So that barrel is not for what you think it does.
Meh, in that case it's pretty unimpressive.

And regular barrels (especially tightbores) already do this, by way of Bernoulli's principal (specifically the Venturi Effect). Simply put, if everything is working properly, your BB should never be touching the inner barrel on its journey towards the muzzle. Hrm, actually it's doing the opposite, since the Venturi effect creates a relative low pressure system around the BB (the air has to speed up to get around the constriction; think airplane wing)
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Old June 21st, 2006, 19:29   #26
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i gotta say the fins would only stop the bbs from spinning which would give more predictable shots but i think range would be sacraficed b/c of the drag, not to mention the mess some AEGs would make with all those shells ejecting

as for rifling a bb gun, it would be great but the bb would have to have enough energy to be able to loose some to the friction in the barrel, and i dont think a couple of joules is enough
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Old June 21st, 2006, 21:42   #27
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Drake, I think that for steel barrels copper degrades accuracy less over time, because lead fouling builds up quicker. Aiui copper is no-where near hard enough to ever damage the bore.

Ghost Snake, that picture is pretty much just what rifling looks like, except you can't really tell the distance between lands because it gets blurry at the muzzle.

I think they'd fly OK, but it looks like the made the fins slightly narrower than the bore, probably to feed better. Problems could arise with the fins being slightly off-balance at launch, maybe degrading accuracy.
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Old June 23rd, 2006, 20:44   #28
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those shells r just creating more waste for the environment
why would we want to pay more to destroy the environment?
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Old June 23rd, 2006, 20:56   #29
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Originally Posted by dontask
those shells r just creating more waste for the environment
why would we want to pay more to destroy the environment?
Because we can....muh ah hah hah hah hah....
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Old June 23rd, 2006, 21:02   #30
Ghost Snake
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Originally Posted by dontask
those shells r just creating more waste for the environment
why would we want to pay more to destroy the environment?
Because we're not all hippies. Ruining the environment is a small price to pay for realism in airsoft.
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