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Trying to decide on an M4


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Old June 12th, 2006, 06:13   #1
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Could use some help starting out

I have been searching through these forums along with other sources of airsoft information and I am trying to decide what to purchase as my first airsoft rifle. I have a few question that I havent been able to obtain the answers to. I appologize if some of these questons have been answered but I havent seen them.

A bit of info about me and what im looking for "in general"

I have played paintball for many years in the Vancouver, B.C area.. both recball and speedball. Eventhough I find it entertaining.. I find myself looking for more of a milsim game.

I am NOT the type of person who will buy something "lower end" to try out the sport then decide later that I want more. I prefer to spend good money for good equiptment. I am going to play airsoft.. and I want good stuff to play with. I don't want to be out gunned on the field plain and simple. Money is really no big deal so Im not even looking for bang for the buck... just BANG!

Now on to the questions.

I am looking for a M4A1 style rifle. The ICS/Olympic Arms has caught my eye mainly because of the easy access to the gear box and the metal construction (metal body being a MUST for me). First, am I making a good decision here?

What immediate upgrades are reccomended? Everything requires some sort of immediate upgrade that produces good increases in performance.. so what are they for this rifle?

Is this a good rifle in terms of available upgrades? From what I have seen there are some upgrades for it.. but remember im a noob here and I could be wrong.

If anyone can steer me in another direction, by all means do so. I can't stress enough that I do NOT want to regret my purchase months down the road when I get really into it. And I will really get into it.

I really, really appreciate ANY help that is available out there.. and I look forward to becoming a contributing member of the airsoft community!
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Old June 12th, 2006, 07:45   #2
A Total Bastard
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If you have read, ok, but you must look up a age rep to get verrified, do that, dont be in any hurry to buy a gun or yea you probably will regret it. Go to a game near you, also in the forums, and have a look at what players are using. See what you like the best.

I personaly have an ICS M4A1, first aeg, and I like it, works good, excelent stock accuracy/power, and you can do alot with the upgrades parts which I am planning on. I had always liked the M4 style armalites and when I did alot of research before buying it, and it really helped make that tough should I decision happen, and I dont regret it as I got it for under retail and with alot of extras.

Also getting verrified will get you access to better deals and packages in the ASC classifieds then you ever will get on retailers.

Dont think to far ahead, dont worry about upgrades or accessories before you get the gun, one thing at a time man.
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Old June 12th, 2006, 08:06   #3
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The one upgraded ICS I looked at is going on it's 4th, (or maybe 5th) piston. I found, in my limited experience, that they were significantly higher maintenence than other guns I own.

If full-metal is a must and you have a decent gun budget ($700+ for the gun alone), look at getting a Classic Army, or having a G&P custom imported from WGC. Both are fine guns.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old June 12th, 2006, 11:22   #4
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I Have a ICS M4A1, with metal bushing and pdi 150%, shoot 350 fps. Still have the original piston and internals.

I'm pretty please with it, except i had to change the motor 2 month after i bought it. The magnet inside the motor came loose and stuck the rotor. I replaced it with a eg1000 and everything is great.
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Old June 12th, 2006, 19:21   #5
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Grey, you don't have to shit on all the newbs here, just a thought...

Moto, I am an owner of a second generation ICS M4 RIS. I would not recommend it for a first aeg. Although I do like the ease of access when it comes to changing out springs, or just working on the mechbox in general; it is a bit of a maintenance hog. You should already be familiar with how to strip down and completely rebuild a v2 mechbox to give you a good knowledge base to start from.

The split gearbox was a great idea, but the execution was a bit lacking; ICS was planning on a split gearbox for their AK release, but reverted back to a traditional solid gearbox, so that itself should speak volumes.

For reference, I've had my M4 a little over a year, and it's gone through 2 motors and three pistons so far. As well the safe lock lever and semi/auto bar have both broken, as they are made from a pretty cheap plastic. Gun still functions without them, and replacement parts are on their way.

I hear excellent things about the newer Classic Army models.
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Old June 12th, 2006, 20:57   #6
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Hey-yo! Well I can't speak too much about ICS, etc. But I have recently purchased a G&P M4A2 (fixed stock).
So far, so good. I'm loving the AEG. It's solid, shoots great.
Though it does involve a tad of fine tuning to make it shoot true.
As for upgrades, depends on your preferance, though keep in mind certain fields will specify FPS. As was mentioned go for around 350 - 380, there really isn't much need for anything more.
Upgrades for an M4? PLENTY!
Conversions, grips, stocks, rail systems, m203's, supressors, etc. So for mods, no need to worry, you can customize to your hearts content!
Hope this helped!

Good luck on your decision!
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Old June 12th, 2006, 23:02   #7
deep in the bush
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i agree...

i am sorry if my posting created issues...i think grey is right when it comes to gaining important info by coming out ... but as far as guns go...i have tried mostly tm products with good success...i have tried some ics in england and found them to be a very good product.

i just like the feel of the h&k designs..i have short arms (put joke in here) so maybe the m16 design is just too long for me.

i used to use a t68 for paintball and found it too big for the bush

anyhoo...good luck with your purchase.
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Old June 12th, 2006, 23:15   #8
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I have an ICS M4. I think it's a great gun. Yes it went down for a bit but the problem was the hop-up sleeve shrunk so nothing to really do with the gun's design.

On the other hand, there are some people who have had one and absolutely hate them. It's caused them nothing but problems but I think they had the older versions.

Anyways like already said, go out to a game and try out a few guns first then make you decision.
Age Rep for Petawawa Area
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Old June 14th, 2006, 01:35   #9
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I appear to be in the same position as you with the same criteria. I am surprised that given the parameters you spelled out no one has suggested the Systema?

To be clear- I have no experience with this weapon BUT I have done countless hours of research (this and other forums, websites, talking with players, etc) and with the same criteria have pretty much settled on the Systema M4A1.

If you haven't already, you should look into it.
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Old June 14th, 2006, 01:42   #10
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SystemA M4A1 = nasty price tag and difficult to buy in Canada.

Beautiful gun, just is going to cost you $1200+ and the time of finding one available or special ordering one in Canada. That or get the parts kit for $800+ usd.


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