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New CA MP5 - full auto on semi???


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Old May 25th, 2006, 23:44   #1
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New CA MP5 - full auto on semi???

I got a new B&T MP5 in the mail today, nice gun, however when you select semi-auto and depress the trigger about half way (enough to fire but not all the way back) it fires full auto. If you quickly pull the trigger all the way back it will shoot only once, if you do it slower it will shoot 2 or 3 rounds and stops when the trigger goes all the way back. If you hold it half way back it will fire full auto until you release it or push it the rest of the way back.

Anyways I was wondering if this is normal on the new MP5 or CA guns in general, I've never seen anyone with a CA before so I don't have any experience with them. I don't really mind, who uses semi anyways, but I want to know if this is something wrong with my gun or happens with all their guns, also if there is some way to fix it. Thanks for the help.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 23:47   #2
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What happens if you pull the trigger normally, with precise pulls to its limit? You may be only partially engaging the swtich and the semi-auto cut-off bar may not be able to release a partially engaged trigger.
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Old May 26th, 2006, 00:04   #3
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If I just shoot it normally, which is a fairly crisp, quick, full trigger pull, it usually shoots just once. I shot it quite a bit on semi before realizing that it would shoot full auto on semi. However if you do a slightly slower but full pull, it will shoot a couple rounds before stopping when the trigger reaches its limit.
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Old May 26th, 2006, 00:10   #4
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It could be selector plate/selector lever misalignment. Do all other fire modes work normal and does the selector lever stop preciesly at each position?
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Old May 26th, 2006, 00:19   #5
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sorry for the thread jack
but my AK does the same
I stripped it and cracked open the mechbox...twice
even replaced the selector plate
and it still does the same thing
on semi it fires on full auto until it "catches" and then it is single fire
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Old May 26th, 2006, 00:27   #6
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Auto fires full auto, in safe it doesn't shoot, so they both work fine. Fire selector switch is a bit iffy, it clicks when you switch from safe to semi, but not from semi to full or from full back to semi. Also it doesn't really stop at semi, it gets a bit harder to move when it clicks into semi but not much. Anyways I'm going to test it out again tomorrow, see if maybe it was slightly off of semi when that happened or something. Have more info then.
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Old May 26th, 2006, 00:30   #7
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Ah, sounds maybe like an alignment issue. You may need to remove the mechbox form the gun lower to reset the selector "cog" to its correct position. My Marui MP5K PDW will suffer from this if you pull on the trigger too hard while in "safe". Not saying you did this, may be a factory thing, but its not uncommon to happen to any MP5.
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Old May 26th, 2006, 00:33   #8
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does that CA mp5 use a ver 2 or a ver 3 mechbox?

I know that the AK and the MP5k run off a ver3
so it might not apply for the same gun even though it is an mp5 variant
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Old May 26th, 2006, 00:37   #9
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Every Ver III gun I own (AUG, MP5K PDW, G36C and AK) all suffer from this problem and Marui knows about it. I am not 100% on why this happens, but I suspect it is a realtionship between the gear ratio, position of the semi-auto interlock on the sector and the trigger.
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Old May 26th, 2006, 01:02   #10
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my AUG has been serving me well without this funky full auto for the past 1.5 years
then again, ive switched the gears to torque ups about halfway through its life
the only G36c mech Ive worked with I sold off, so I dont have any long term usage experience
the AK one kinda pisses me off since I have it as an SVD type sniper
its not shooting too hard (just a bit over a stock AEG), but I have to full auto into the bushes before I feel comfortable firing it at people
and that means I cant flick it between safe and semi
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Old May 26th, 2006, 01:08   #11
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Yeah I know. I've been to "semi only" CQB games with my stock guns and had to fire off bursts every once in awhile to keep semi working good. A gear change may be the answer. Ratios may differ enough to eliminate the problem.
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Old May 26th, 2006, 01:11   #12
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kinda quick for that CA mp5 to start acting wonky though

but if it is a ver2, it might be a whole different story

with my AK though, once it 'catches' on the semi, it stays semi
and ive gone nuts trying to figure it out; especially since stripping the gun to get to the mechbox is made more fiddly with all the extra dragunov stuff I stuck on it
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