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TM Highcapa 5.1 VS. WE Highcapa 5.1


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Old May 19th, 2006, 00:42   #1
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TM Highcapa 5.1 VS. WE Highcapa 5.1

I've read multiple reviews on these, but it was hard to find a head on head comparison between the two, the closest I got was a review from "just pistols" and it wasn't very satisfying. There is no other community I trust more than the ASC community anyways in terms of opinions.

Basically from what I've gathered:

+full metal build (not monkey metal)
+runs right out on Greengas/Propane, even includes CO2 mags
+lotsa power
+cheap price

+faulty grip safety
+trades aren't actually engraved
+botchy hopup?
+long mag cooldown
+slide cycles slowly
+design isn't as "sharp"
+gas consuming


+extremely fast cycling rate
+hard kick
+great accuracy and range
+crisp design

+cheap looking hammer
+doesn't come FMU
+a little more pricey
+mag makes up for 40% of pistol weight and pistol may feel imbalanced

I'm kinda leaning so far to the TM highcapa.
Ok, mind you, that I have never touched either of these pistols, this is only from what I've read, I'm just interested in hearing what people here have to say in comparison, especially from you MadMax 0_0!!
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Old May 19th, 2006, 01:09   #2
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Sorry, I haven't handled the WE 5.1.

But I can say that the cheap looking hammer on the TM is actually a good thing from a mechanical standpoint. The trigger components in the TM have a hard chrome finish which makes for low friction contact between trigger bits unlike the sticky pot metal typical in WA GBBs.

I note that the trigger bits in the baby WE-Capa are plated, but I don't know if it's hard chrome. I think the sear is painted black. Plenty of monkey metal in parts like the firing pin and trigger blocking safety.

A lot of upgrade parts for the TM GBB. I'm not sure they're cross compatible with the WE-Capa. I kind of expect significant fitment issues with the WE-Capa and aftermarket parts. Everything aftermarket manufactured by multiple companies who aren't cooperating and each have different interpretations on the base TM build can't be great. Who knows if all their measuring implements are NIST traceable so they agree on the length of one mm?
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Old May 19th, 2006, 01:30   #3
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Another Con for the WE is that the mags seem to expenda large amount of gas every couple of shots, I've noticed that sometimes a large 'cloud' will appear after a shot. Not sure what causes it but it makes pistol games a bitch.
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Old May 19th, 2006, 03:25   #4
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From hands on using both:

The TM will beat the WE for quality, hands down, any day of the week.

If you want to skirmish it, get the Tokyo Marui.

The only benefit to getting the WE would be if you just really wanted to pull it off the shelf occasionally and feel the metal. But since the grips on all the double-stack .45's styled like the 5.1 and 4.3 are plastic (even the WA renditions), you'll be feeling the plastic grip anyways.

As for performance... The WE 5.1 I used was (among other uses) fired from a full magazine, indoors, fresh gas fill, and up to temperature.

Even the first shot was sluggish. It felt "heavy", and had "recoil", but never stopped feeling like it was struggling to perform what the TM version does effortlessly.

I'm sure the BB comes out fast enough, but it really just never felt like it was working properly.

The Tokyo Marui is fantastically speedy, and it shoots straight and far. The recoil won't rock your arm, but no airsoft pistol really has great "recoil". It does feel like it's really flinging the BB though, which is nice.

And like madmax says, when something does break, you can replace it.

I fully admit, I am biased in this advice. I have never had problems with TM pistols, and I have limited and unsuccessful experience with the WE guns. I could have had a bad sampling. But I do stand by my estimation that a TM gun is ultimately a lower risk of disappointment.
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Old May 19th, 2006, 04:47   #5
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I've got a WE Baby Hi-Capa 3.8.

The full metal is nice, and it makes me feel like my money got me something substantial. The magazines seem to be the flakiest part of the equation though. Sometimes they cycle through all the shots, and the slide fully locks. Someetimes they don't.

Otherwise it shoots hard and it kicks hard. So I'd say $199 well spent.
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Old May 19th, 2006, 09:51   #6
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I own both pistols....

after 1 year only the TM is still shooting...I only used propane in both guns. The only upgrade part I have in my TM hicap is a AI prototype piston head ( solved the blown o-ring problem of the first generation of guns) the rest is stock TM ( ok there is some damage to the slide namely the mag catch is gone but she still can keep up in range and accuracy with a stock m4)
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Old May 19th, 2006, 10:05   #7
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I have just purchased the WE 5.1. I will field it this summer and will report back on my impressions.

So far what I have noticed is that the mags have 0 leaks compared to my KSC G17 (even when you charge them). Accuracy was nice and range also. Main unknown is reliability over the course of many OPs.
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Old May 19th, 2006, 10:20   #8
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I haven't used the WE Hicapa but I can vouch for the TM hicapa. I had been lookin for something with good wieht and feel and having the oppertunity to try other GBB's I found the Hicapa to be exactly what I was lookin for. It is simple enough to tear down and replace any part you might need to, The rcoil is enough to bring a smile to your lips and the over all look is awsome. In the field she has the range and the accuracy that you will be depending on. Nothing worse then having a bead on some one only to fall short. The only downside I have found to the Hicapa I've found is that the mags don't seem to fit in the pockets of my Tac vest as they are longer and wider than most. Trust Tokyo Marui!!!!! They have been doing it for a long time for a reason. Go out to a game and try one you won't be let down.
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Old May 19th, 2006, 14:27   #9
Raw Deal
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TM is king. BTW the sear in the WE is made out of complete garbage, a time bomb for $200.The Hicapa recoil is nice and crispy the WE is like a slug.
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Old May 19th, 2006, 15:57   #10
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I own a WE Black dragon, and I havent had trouble emptying a mag or what so ever, but I agree on the safety issue, then then not to work properly some times and need to be dissasembled and reassembled to work properly, for anything else Im happy, the hop up was fine on mine (but its still annoying to set at first). For 200$ Im happy with what I got.
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Old May 19th, 2006, 20:02   #11
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Out of the box, the WE 5.1 doesn't quite perform as good as it looks, but I guess that's what you get for the price. However, if you're willing to fiddle around with it, you can make it work better. The safety can be fixed so it actually works if you take it appart, and if you cut a few coils off the spring, it performs MUCH better. I haven't had any issues with mine since.

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Old May 19th, 2006, 20:05   #12
Scotty aka harleyb
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The 5.1" WE Hicrappa is my only regrettable airsoft purchase.

No, most aftermarket internals do not work with the WE.
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Old May 19th, 2006, 22:20   #13
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Best way to fix the WE safety is probably to stretch the detent spring a bit and resurface the contact angle on the left side safety. Perhaps make the angle a bit more acute so the detent pin sticks a little more. I wouldn't take off much material though. A very small change in angle will make a big difference.
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Old May 21st, 2006, 12:33   #14
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i fixed the beaver tail on my WE by resurfacing(filing) down the face of the tab that sits behind the hammer spring, didnt take much, the WE 5.1 dragon is a very nice gun, + with a CO2 mag ive seen them shoot 450+ fps, the CO2 mag in a stock WE 5.1 puts it up to 400fps, personal prefrence i gues but the 5.1 dragon and the 5.1K are very sexy pistols
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Old May 21st, 2006, 13:25   #15
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Having handled both guns and owning the TM (I tell you my bias now) I find the build quality of the TM to be noticeably better. I've seen WE's non-fully functional out of the box whereas I've never seen a TM like that. I agree with the other people who said the WE's feel sluggish or rather that the TM feels snappier. Putting a KJW FMU P14.45 and a WE Hi-Capa side-by-side the feel is about the same, maybe a little more power out of the KJW.
From my understanding both guns are prone to the O-ring problem (Lord knows mine is) but there are plenty of upgrades out there from reputable companies (Shooter's Design, Laylax, PGC to name a few) to solve this issue. You can also just go out and get a slightly larger O-ring than the stock one to fix the problem.
By biggest beef with the WE though has to be the fact that the WE has an integrated rail...which doesn't fit anything. Highly frustrating to get a gun and then be unable to fit anything on the rail.
I mentioned this somewhere else but I found that, at least on the TM's, if you upgraded the hammer spring the grip safety would stop functioning. Put the stock spring back in and voila, the grip saftey works again.
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