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Old May 16th, 2006, 22:26   #16
Freedom Fighter
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Originally Posted by Droc
Gryphon, you seem to like bashing everything thats not a CA, but seeing as how biased your oppinio is, its hard to take you seriously.
Pratically every AEG by every other maker is a copy of TM. The fact that TM hasnt gone with FMU armalites isnt a big deal, their guns are stiff affordable and every other gun they make is still excellent.

Agreed, CA and ICS have made some nice products as of late, but thats just recently. And its still anyones guess if its gonne work or not.

TM will always survive because they always come up with something new. others can come up with copies of TM guns, but TM comes out with revolutionary guns like the M14.

Gryphon has been brainwashed by Classic Army and it's becoming a real bore. Yes Gryphon, we all know you think CA is the absolute best ... you tell us how great CA all the time. Merry Christmas.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old May 16th, 2006, 22:29   #17
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Are the Japanese allowed to have metal bodies for their guns at all? I thought there was some law there that no replica gun could be made out of materials strong enough to convert them to real working guns. So does that just apply to the airsoft made in Japan or any airsoft in Japan?
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Old May 16th, 2006, 22:30   #18
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TM M14's were/are gods gift to airsoft...
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Old May 16th, 2006, 22:39   #19
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thought the new type went with a new one peice barrel assembly?

Anyway, like Droc said, TM has great stock guns with affordability. Not going to put that out of business very fast.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 00:41   #20
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Hey, thanks for the necropost fellas. Next time you feel the need to insult me try catching it about five months earlier so you don't look like grave digging idiots.

And by the way, G&G was first to market with the M14, the TM AEPs constantly misfeed, and their "new" M4 costs as much as a full-metal CA M15A4 but shoots slower and is plastic. Thanks for playing, come again.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 00:50   #21
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I myself own 2 CA and 1 ICS rifles... I dont do in plastic toys
Anyway, everytime i see a broken gun at a game, its a TM who was to upgraded.
Last time a saw a tm m4, you could almost bend it 25 degree. Have to love barrel wobble...

edit" my post supposed to be after Gryphon one... weird bug...
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Old May 17th, 2006, 00:55   #22
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Hey, thanks for the necropost fellas. Next time you feel the need to insult me try catching it about five months earlier, kay?

And by the way, G&G was first to market with the M14, the TM AEPs constantly misfeed, and their "new" M4 costs as much as a full-metal CA M15A4 but shoots slower and is plastic. I've never said TM made garbage, I've simply stated that there are plenty of alternatives now that give you a much better bang for the buck. Just so happens that CA is one of them and I happen to like them. Farkin sue me.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 01:12   #23
Rumpel Felt
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I'm with you. I spread the word for the dumb 'noob' who's looking for the best deal.

I really don't give a shit about how reputable a company is. TM should be in the shitter already for charging an outragious amount for what you get. This M4 doesn't even have everything it SHOULD have and they think that's a worthy reason to jack the price up more. Ha! What a rip. From what I here TM's are just as likely to not work out of the box as CA or ICS now. But you know, whenever TM makes a piece of shit, it seems that it's just swept under the carpet and then all hail TM. Bahh! All the're coming out with now are lamer, more plasticy little electric pistols with a pathetic battery capacity, even more plastic, more problems and what's this I hear about a charger melt down?

Meh, why do I care if people want to throw their money in the shitter for what is alot more toy than a CA will ever be.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 02:04   #24
Captain Tenneal
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Keep in mind: They cater to the Japanese market and the Japanese market alone. Rumpel, your comments will never reach their headquarters. Nor will most people in Japan care, considering that CA nor ICS can sell their guns in Japan afaik. I do have to agree with Gryphon that CA does provide some nice AEG's that are better than TM stock, and are pretty much rock solid and made to last.

But keep in mind that not everything FMU is great and good. KJW/1st Gen WE Tech's, for example. They are getting their acts together, but I don't think that the lemon count has gone down sufficiently to lure me away from the pure Japanese GBB's. Especially after having three out of six NIB Mk. 1 mags go belly up right from the get go, and three out of six P14 magazines just randomly conk out and fail on me.

On another note: TM has just finished their Type 89 AEG preliminary bodies. Which, I'm quite confident to say that no one in their right mind will copy besides a japanese company (Not to mention, I do want that AEG... Although once again I'm probably the only person in Canada to even remotely have interest in it )
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Old May 17th, 2006, 02:31   #25
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TM is continually serving the Japanese exclusively. Any export sales are pretty much just icing on the cake. Because they can't make metal rec'rs (in adherence to ASGK requirements) they invest most of their effots on finish and fitment and functional engineering. CA, ICS and GG are not able to enter the ASGK realm in Japan so their market is strictly export.

I have to admit that ICS has improved significantly . Very nice finish on their metal M4 models. I haven't powered one up or taken apart their gearbox. I hope the internals have similarly improved. While KJW and WE have improved their cosmetics significantly, I feel they have very poor engineering. Instead of learning the subtleties of ASGs, they're still just copying TM wherever they can.

You can see a lack of appreciation to functional req's when they make an otherwise okay GBB (like the WE compact carry hicapa) but they cheap out on the mag fire valve which has a small dia valve pin. The small pin does not reset the firing pin properly so when you slam in a fresh mag with the hammer set forward, you can't get the gun to fire by just cocking the hammer. You have to rack the slide. The base block has the overflow tube just like a TM hicapa mag, but the fill valve is a single port valve which doesn't provide any of the constant fill properties of the TM hicapa.

Monkey monkey do without an careful examination of engineered features makes GBBs which look and feel like GBBs, but they will have outright design flaws or a high rate of DOA. Lots of similar examples in Crappy tire full suspension mountain bikes. They look like real mountaing bikes, but they weigh 60% more than a proper MTB. The brakes are kind of crappy, and the suspension is actually pretty crummy too.
Want nearly free GBB gas?

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Old May 17th, 2006, 02:33   #26
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i would love a type 89 are there any pics floating around?

now back to the topic TM are guns that EVERY player in airsoft has owned at least one TM product AEG,AEP,GBB and dont lie just because one company makes one gun better then the next doesn't mean you have to beat the under dog. i do love my TM SG1 but i a going to be selling it to get the CA SG1 because its more ecomical to buy the CA over the TM and save a few 100 bucks.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 09:57   #27
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Originally Posted by Gryphon
And by the way, G&G was first to market with the M14, .
Wrong... G&G was the second producer of the m14 the absolute first was Airsoft club over 3 years ago...
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

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Old May 17th, 2006, 10:20   #28
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt
I'm with you. I spread the word for the dumb 'noob' who's looking for the best deal.

I really don't give a shit about how reputable a company is. TM should be in the shitter already for charging an outragious amount for what you get. This M4 doesn't even have everything it SHOULD have and they think that's a worthy reason to jack the price up more. Ha! What a rip. From what I here TM's are just as likely to not work out of the box as CA or ICS now. But you know, whenever TM makes a piece of shit, it seems that it's just swept under the carpet and then all hail TM. Bahh! All the're coming out with now are lamer, more plasticy little electric pistols with a pathetic battery capacity, even more plastic, more problems and what's this I hear about a charger melt down?

Meh, why do I care if people want to throw their money in the shitter for what is alot more toy than a CA will ever be.
Fine, throw them in the shitter, then airsoft essecially stops for a while. I haven't seen CA come out with new mechboxs, or any new guns for that matter. They just take a TM and add a metal body + a couple of internal upgrades. Whats so special about that? Do you really have to turn it into some sort of jihad because TM charged a bit more due to research and development costs? You know it just in the last couple of years that they made something decent, so they aren't exactly the gods of airsoft. Use one of their earlier version guns or their M249 and you'll see what I mean.

Calm down dude and let the Japanese hobby take its course.

Originally Posted by Grim Fandango
If I was a bouncer I wouldn't stop you to inspect your 2 inch erection either.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 11:40   #29
Captain Tenneal
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Originally Posted by JourneyMan
Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt
I'm with you. I spread the word for the dumb 'noob' who's looking for the best deal.

I really don't give a shit about how reputable a company is. TM should be in the shitter already for charging an outragious amount for what you get. This M4 doesn't even have everything it SHOULD have and they think that's a worthy reason to jack the price up more. Ha! What a rip. From what I here TM's are just as likely to not work out of the box as CA or ICS now. But you know, whenever TM makes a piece of shit, it seems that it's just swept under the carpet and then all hail TM. Bahh! All the're coming out with now are lamer, more plasticy little electric pistols with a pathetic battery capacity, even more plastic, more problems and what's this I hear about a charger melt down?

Meh, why do I care if people want to throw their money in the shitter for what is alot more toy than a CA will ever be.
Fine, throw them in the shitter, then airsoft essecially stops for a while. I haven't seen CA come out with new mechboxs, or any new guns for that matter. They just take a TM and add a metal body + a couple of internal upgrades. Whats so special about that? Do you really have to turn it into some sort of jihad because TM charged a bit more due to research and development costs? You know it just in the last couple of years that they made something decent, so they aren't exactly the gods of airsoft. Use one of their earlier version guns or their M249 and you'll see what I mean.

Calm down dude and let the Japanese hobby take its course.
CA33E, that was new. But agreed. Group Hug for all.

Originally Posted by attack-beacer
i would love a type 89 are there any pics floating around?

now back to the topic TM are guns that EVERY player in airsoft has owned at least one TM product AEG,AEP,GBB and dont lie just because one company makes one gun better then the next doesn't mean you have to beat the under dog. i do love my TM SG1 but i a going to be selling it to get the CA SG1 because its more ecomical to buy the CA over the TM and save a few 100 bucks.
Arnie's Forum Link

There's a faxed page in there. Not really any more than we've seen thusfar...
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Old May 17th, 2006, 13:42   #30
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Originally Posted by vodnik
Wrong... G&G was the second producer of the m14 the absolute first was Airsoft club over 3 years ago...
Oh RIGHT! How could I have missed that incredibly popular and oft-encountered piece?
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