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Are you under 18 years old? - Discussion Thread



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Old May 12th, 2006, 06:15   #46
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Shugart, International players could also read the site, contact an Administrator, and I'm sure they could get access to post after some form of check. So there is no real problem there.

Posting questions in only one area, like a newbie area, did NOT work at all when it was tried here.
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Old May 12th, 2006, 06:23   #47
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Originally Posted by VipaMave
Banning ALL players under 18 solves 1 thing: Restricting minors from this site.
I'm sure there is many adults who are considerably irresponsible as well. Even if they're old enough to be considered legally responsible for their actions, it still doesn't do Airsoft (in general) any good when they fuck up.
Banning all under 18 from POSTING only prevents them from posting... If they are on the internet, they can read ALL the information on this site. It in No Way stops them from getting information, and in no way stops the parents from reading and contacting the ASC folks if they approve (imagine, parental approval all at once).

Email would still work.

Folks who are over 18 and stupid? Heck, quite simple, the banning system still works and would not be overloaded.
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Old May 12th, 2006, 22:46   #48
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I think just making it so you can't post for a month, would be better. Then after (Please before you go on to say that this is stupid im not done here) a month that they could not post (Maybe we wouldn't tell them how long so they wouldn't just wait until posting time) and when their time is up, they would get an email from the admin or something. The email would require them to take a quiz, and send an email asking for posting privileges. The admin would be able to judge the intellect of the user by the score on the test and how well he can write in the email IE a person who would be like " Omhgz I lov Teh airsoft I sh9t like BBq guns all teh time in street its fun wann be tlkin tu u guyz about Guzn shi" would not be accepted.

Short version for those who didn't want to read
-No post for a month
-Month is done, they get email for small Quiz
-Quiz is passed, they email admin to let them post (It would be a good idea to mention that they must tell the admin in the email if they can't fluently write english because of nationality or whatnot)
-Admin judges their intelligence by the email and decides to let them on.
-User posts no questions that aren't awnsered in the faq and wont bother us with 1337 speak

It would require someone who would wan't to weed through the users.
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Old May 13th, 2006, 08:31   #49
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Combine... there are THOUSANDS of folks posting or connecting here. Nobody (admin/moderator) has the time to do what you suggest.

Click on the member list and do the math.
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Old May 13th, 2006, 16:49   #50
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Well, What if we made it so they don't post for a month, and then the ones who actually care would send emails to be evaluated. If there are thousands of people who join, most of them look for awnsers, in a month they might get an awnser and go away, this would reduce a whole lot of users sending emails to the admin. However, even then there would be alot of emails, and it would take someone with dedication to want to wade through those emails.

Maybe just make it so they can't post for a month and at the end they do a forum quiz. If they cheat with google to find the awnsers at least they will learn enough to not ask questions that are awnsered in the FAQ.
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Old May 13th, 2006, 20:22   #51
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I don't particularily think that so many protocols are needed at ASC.
Perhaps there can be a review board of types.
As in when a member joins, he or she is put on a probation list. When on this list certain forums may be accessed, like the FAQ, or General. After a month, or 2 or even 3, they are given full access to ASC if they have contributed in a positive manner to the community. Obviously this would have to be decided by a panel of mods, or admins.
If patience is an issue, it was said earlier that it's worth the wait.
And if you truly are serious about the game, and want to learn and give back to the community, than you will wait out your probationary period.
People that are impatient, and looking for a 'quick-fix', will get bored and show their lack of interest by not visiting often, or not posting.
Which also brings up a point that perhaps there should be a small script under our screen name stating the last time that we were visiting ASC.
Just my 2 cents.
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Old May 14th, 2006, 01:52   #52
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It would be better if they could only visit FAQ and Newb section.
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Old May 14th, 2006, 15:03   #53
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Originally Posted by Combine
It would be better if they could only visit FAQ and Newb section.
Tru dat!
"Pain is weakness leaving the body"
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Old May 17th, 2006, 16:42   #54
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Hmmm strange, I don't remember posting that.... although if I did I would have added "In the no post for one month period"
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Old May 17th, 2006, 16:48   #55
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So much talk distracting from the original post. Created this discussion thread so it can continue.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 17:15   #56
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I'm just under the age of 18. I'll be turning 18 in July. At this point in time I am in the possession of airsoft guns, two to be exact. Before purchasing these guns I had been reading these forums for sometime, trying to gain some sort of knowledge. I know I haven't been involved in this sport for too long, and surely do not know everything about it. However, I did read and study enough about airsoft to understand what was expected from someone who is involved with airsoft. It's a real downer to be automatically considered immature, and stupid. I do understand why this is done, don't get me wrong. Not all minors are ridiculously stupid, and irresponsible. I know that I’m not the only person who feels this way. I think some sort of plan should be in place that could gauge certain newcomers, and how they act. Then maybe newcomers to airsoft like myself, who are responsible, will be given some sort of respect, as long as we can prove ourselves worthy.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 17:33   #57
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Nobody is saying minors are stupid and irresponsible. Some are, but the entire point that seems to be totally missed is this;
The LAW does not give a hoot about your maturity. Respecting the LAW, however, does show maturity.

Clear? Saying you already broke those laws is not a good thing.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 17:33   #58
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16+ quite often is allowed to come to games with parents present, it all depends on the field and game organisers. We have several 16 and 17 year old players in Saskatchewan, who have proven themselves. I think the main thing is no ones saying all minors are stupid or immature.. Get out to a meet and greet, dont ask dumb questions, search like asked. Otherwise yeah wait till your 18.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 17:44   #59
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Originally Posted by Matt_M
I'm just under the age of 18. I'll be turning 18 in July. At this point in time I am in the possession of airsoft guns, two to be exact. Before purchasing these guns I had been reading these forums for sometime, trying to gain some sort of knowledge. I know I haven't been involved in this sport for too long, and surely do not know everything about it. However, I did read and study enough about airsoft to understand what was expected from someone who is involved with airsoft. It's a real downer to be automatically considered immature, and stupid. I do understand why this is done, don't get me wrong. Not all minors are ridiculously stupid, and irresponsible. I know that I’m not the only person who feels this way. I think some sort of plan should be in place that could gauge certain newcomers, and how they act. Then maybe newcomers to airsoft like myself, who are responsible, will be given some sort of respect, as long as we can prove ourselves worthy.
It's not so much about stereotyping minors as immature and/or stupid, it's more about ASC following the Canadian law. In addition to the law, majority of the field doesn't allow minors to play, some will if you're above 16. (And that would force minors to play at their own backyard/cottage)

And since you read, you know here at ASC, we would like to keep a positive image by avoiding unwanted publicity with soccer moms and such. So to keep minors from playing in public's view, we need to keep their hands off the airsoft, and we also need to educate these new comers to the sport.

With that said, you might be a mature minor, but none the less, it doesn't look that good on your part going through the loop holes to get yourself some airsoft. If you really wanted to show to others that you were mature, you probably should of waited till you were 18 till getting into the games.

What Droc meant with his post was that you PROVE maturity, then you buy airsoft, not buy airsoft, then show maturity.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 18:48   #60
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Originally Posted by thephenom
Originally Posted by Matt_M
I'm just under the age of 18. I'll be turning 18 in July. At this point in time I am in the possession of airsoft guns, two to be exact. Before purchasing these guns I had been reading these forums for sometime, trying to gain some sort of knowledge. I know I haven't been involved in this sport for too long, and surely do not know everything about it. However, I did read and study enough about airsoft to understand what was expected from someone who is involved with airsoft. It's a real downer to be automatically considered immature, and stupid. I do understand why this is done, don't get me wrong. Not all minors are ridiculously stupid, and irresponsible. I know that I’m not the only person who feels this way. I think some sort of plan should be in place that could gauge certain newcomers, and how they act. Then maybe newcomers to airsoft like myself, who are responsible, will be given some sort of respect, as long as we can prove ourselves worthy.
It's not so much about stereotyping minors as immature and/or stupid, it's more about ASC following the Canadian law. In addition to the law, majority of the field doesn't allow minors to play, some will if you're above 16. (And that would force minors to play at their own backyard/cottage)

And since you read, you know here at ASC, we would like to keep a positive image by avoiding unwanted publicity with soccer moms and such. So to keep minors from playing in public's view, we need to keep their hands off the airsoft, and we also need to educate these new comers to the sport.

With that said, you might be a mature minor, but none the less, it doesn't look that good on your part going through the loop holes to get yourself some airsoft. If you really wanted to show to others that you were mature, you probably should of waited till you were 18 till getting into the games.

What Droc meant with his post was that you PROVE maturity, then you buy airsoft, not buy airsoft, then show maturity.
I believe I did show my maturity before purchasing airsoft. I read, and read. I followed the retailers guide to purchasing the weapons. I made sure that all guidelines were followed that were put forth on the board. I don't brandish my guns in public, or have backyard skirmishes with my friends. I keep my guns locked up in a safe place when I'm not using them.

I realize that it is technically illegal for me to own these guns. However, I feel strongly that minors are stereotyped, I know that a lot of us deserve it, but there is that select few who are given a bad name, but don't deserve it.

I am in no way promoting the sale of airsoft to minors, nor do I agree with it myself. The only reason I am in possession of these guns is because I believed that I was/am mature enough to have them, as well as my parents. I know that probably doesn't serve any justification to you, but hey I try.
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