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Dangerous conduct (friend)



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Old May 5th, 2006, 18:11   #1
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Dangerous conduct (friend)

Hi guys, I don't post much here because I know you gotta choose your words if you don't want to get murdered. Anyways, my friend recently got a crappy Canadian Tire m4a1 alright, so this alone is much of a deal. The thing is, him and some friend (kind of a dumbass) play airsoft with their Canadian Tire clear guns in the park north of my house in broad daylight. I know this is risky right, well this is where things get interesting, some kid biked past them when they were shooting cans and for some reason thought they were shooting at him so he biked home as fast as he could and called the COPS!

The cops came pretty fast and treated them like they had a gun. They were suprised and just droped the guns and said were like "WTF?" anyways the cop (this is the part in the story where I was like :???: ) picks up the gun and goes "oh its just a toy" and starts shooting it all around and laughing then gives it back to them and tells them to stay out of trouble. They kept doing it later. What really bugged me is that when I asked if he wore protective eye wear, he said he wore his ski goggles. I told him it wasn't enough but then left reasonable doubt because of the shittyness of the guns.

Anyways is this a big deal or should I just let it slide... its not like I can do alot about it because he isnt my best friend and hes not the type of guy you just order around. He has been into airsoft for a while and knows gun safety (he is a hunter) so yeah... don't know why I posted this...anyways what do you guys think?
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Old May 5th, 2006, 18:29   #2
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Well, it is a toy, it's a transparent model that really doesn't fit under anything realistic.

At least they wore something to protect their eyes lol unlike most of the other children who play with Canadian tire crap. I think the only real bad thing on their part is shooting at the biker that passed by, that's pretty stupid. Other than that, I don't have a lot of beef on those guys.
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Old May 5th, 2006, 18:48   #3
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well would you be happy if the cops double tapped him?
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Old May 5th, 2006, 19:14   #4
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Broad daylight is probably better then night.

If the cops won't do anything why do you think it's an issue? Do you think everyone should react like a soccer mom and go OMG SOME ONE COULD GET HURT!!11oone!!11!!eleventy million? SAVE TEH CHILEDRUN!!!!

Sure it's not the best place they could play but it's better then them playing in the streets.
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Old May 5th, 2006, 19:20   #5
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Originally Posted by Greykin
I think the only real bad thing on their part is shooting at the biker that passed by, that's pretty stupid. Other than that, I don't have a lot of beef on those guys
Combine didn't say they shot at the biker, he said the biker thought they were shooting at him. That point aside though, they were still out in public shooting eachother. Next time it might be a crazed soccer mom who goes to the media first. It's all juicy airsoft gossip in their eyes regardless of whether it's crappy tire stuff or not.

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Old May 5th, 2006, 19:57   #6
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They are lucky they got off.....
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Old May 5th, 2006, 20:12   #7
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i would just forget about it. its no different from when we were kids playing guns at the park w/ cap guns, and thats back when cap guns looked realistic. they are only toys, and the probability of eye injury w/ those is slim, youd have to shoot them point blank. they do only shoot 170 fps for like 5 feet. i wouldnt worry about it. the only trhing is your not doing it, be proud of that. oh by the way how old is your friend? if hes over 14, disregard everything i said, youd have to be retarded to this and be that old.

ps thats pretty cool that the cop luaghed about it.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old May 5th, 2006, 20:25   #8
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Cops should of confinscated it. I'd tell him to not use it in a public place, and also advise him on what can happen if he doesn't handle himself right when a cop shows up. Possibly notify the police if he does something really stupid that could put him in harms way.

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Old May 5th, 2006, 20:35   #9
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Originally Posted by Black_Orchid
Originally Posted by Greykin
I think the only real bad thing on their part is shooting at the biker that passed by, that's pretty stupid. Other than that, I don't have a lot of beef on those guys
Combine didn't say they shot at the biker, he said the biker thought they were shooting at him. That point aside though, they were still out in public shooting eachother. Next time it might be a crazed soccer mom who goes to the media first. It's all juicy airsoft gossip in their eyes regardless of whether it's crappy tire stuff or not.
Meh, you know what I mean.
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Old May 5th, 2006, 20:58   #10
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Good ol' ASC over-panic.
Cops should of confinscated it. I'd tell him to not use it in a public place, and also advise him on what can happen if he doesn't handle himself right when a cop shows up. Possibly notify the police if he does something really stupid that could put him in harms way.
These kids were doing nothing wrong, the possibility of harm is near zero (in this case), you all take this shit too seriously. See Lisa's post

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Old May 5th, 2006, 21:11   #11
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Yeah but its my park, and if some kid can easily mistake someone shooting at him from someone shooting at a can... I dont want my friend to get killed for something stupid. And I was worried for his eyes because his gun is spring and says thats its "300fps" (doubtable).

Oh I didnt get the post about if your older than 14 playing airsoft is stupid? isn't that a little contradictory?
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Old May 5th, 2006, 21:17   #12
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I agree with Lisa.
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Old May 5th, 2006, 21:49   #13
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Originally Posted by Combine
Yeah but its my park, and if some kid can easily mistake someone shooting at him from someone shooting at a can... I dont want my friend to get killed for something stupid. And I was worried for his eyes because his gun is spring and says thats its "300fps" (doubtable).

Oh I didnt get the post about if your older than 14 playing airsoft is stupid? isn't that a little contradictory?
Swatt13 means that if your friend is more than 14, it would be very stupid from him to play in a public park with those crappy things...

And... I don't your friend is in 'Airsoft' if he's playing in a park with CT 'm4'...

Personnaly I think those 'guns' should be retired from sales...
The incident was minor... even nearly inexistent, but, it could has been worse.
Those crappy things are plain bad in anyways...

But... I still don't want to have a Soccer mom reaction...
It's those idiots' problems if they do stupidities with their 'guns'...
I just don't want them to ruin Airsoft reputation...

Remember the ones from Quebec province, when, last year, when some guys were shooting people from a car with an crosman P22 pistol?
Then they present CT's Soft Air as nearly Deadly and highly dangerous Weapons.
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Old May 5th, 2006, 22:36   #14
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Break his gun in half, should be harder then a toothpick between a few of your fingers.
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Old May 6th, 2006, 00:07   #15
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if a cop laughs about it take it as a hint, it obviously isnt a big deal to him, so it shouldnt be a big deal to you. why are you whinning to us about it, go talk to him a say that you think its retarded what hes doing, solve the problem at the root rather than wasting your time worrying about it w/ doing nothing to stop it. or better yet, show him the ways of the jedi, show him your gun (take him out to play a game) he uses his "gun" whilst you all use your aegs and hell see the difference. we (my team) did that with two other guys that bought those clear mini mp5s, you can hinestly shoot further via the loading tube as a blow dart, they tossed em and bought used aegs on asc within a week. rather than shun him, bring him into the fold.
dont say "he already plays airsoft" cuz ANYBODY that plays airsoft WOULDNT buy those guns and play in a public park, it is in the unwritten law, and can be deciphered from the airsoft 10 commandments (somebody please post the link, i couldnt find it)
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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