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ICS Requires YOUR feedback - Please Reply



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Old February 23rd, 2006, 21:09   #1
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ICS Requires YOUR feedback - Please Reply

Ok everyone! ICS is looking for some feedback from our Canadian Marketplace. They came to me for the answer, and I have asked him for 3 days until I give him our feedback. So we have 3 days to put in our preference for the M4 Finish.

ICS just returned from the US, and specifically related to the M4, they had the majority of the feeback from the US community wanting the surface finish of the M4 to be only black in color. So ICS is contacting the rest of there suppliers, and should us canucks prefere the same thing, then they will change it. So lets here it, and for the next 3 days, I will gather the info, and let them know what us Canadians want

(only black as opposed to grey or different shades ect...).
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 21:12   #2
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I really don't mind the color of my M4. I added a little oil to the metel, now it doesn't look as flat as before and I think gives it a better look.
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 21:21   #3
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I am currently selling my ICS M4 and I will never return to ICS unless they fix one thing.


We need the internal parts to be compatable, bushings, pistons, tappets, all those internal parts and such.

Also, if the mechbox can't be exchanged with something like the Systema full, then at LEAST make them of some high quality metal that the upgraders can use.

I agree with the color as well, I don't like it. The handguards also look like crap and creak too. If that could be fixed, whoooo!

FLAT BLACK! WHOOO! Not shiney!!
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 21:23   #4
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Yes Compatability is key! Expecially for the pistol grip! I cant find any! The Damn hopup unit is a freakin pain in the neck, they only allow ICS hopup nubs all the other nubs are too big for it.

The Long piece of metal that holds the wire down in the mag well for the retractable stock is also a pain. They need to change that concept. It is very hard to insert the screws. Now its stripped because of that stupid concept.

Oh and the Colours I hate the colour. Black would be the best I spent alot of my time stripping the gun down and painting the damn thing (just thinking about all that time i spent painting pisses me off). If they change everything that was listed here and above i might go back to ICS.

IF they dont Classic Army or G&P all the way.
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 21:28   #5
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They need to produce some low cap magazines....
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 21:43   #6
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Everything is fine I say. ICS AR series are work horses.

Its not that bad with compatability. Pistons and bushings are fine, I think only the system area 1000 bushings are a little tight to get in but non the less it takes a extra 20 minutes, which isnt to bad.
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 22:59   #7
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My ICS M4 has been kicking ass for a year now... mind you its been upgraded, but the split mechbox kicks ass for maintenance, although too noisy. Also another problem is the cheap screws used that tend to get stripped too easily, so im forced to be REAL careful with this...

I havent had problems upgrade wise, and performance after upgrades kicks ass. Color wise, i wouldnt mind something flat black, or at least darker shade of grey... but not a real biggie... Also the issue with the mags is most fit REALLY tight in the magwell, and the ICS hicaps are a tad loose (nothing a bit of electrical tape cant fix)...

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Old February 25th, 2006, 05:24   #8
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Bushings - they need to get their mechboxes compatible on this regard. Or, since you're already spending quite a bit on the gun itself, raise the MSRP by $5 and have metal bushings installed as stock. Also the stock piston needs to go, very brittle.

For all other parts, no problems using 3rd party.

A nice, jet black finish would be nice.
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Old February 25th, 2006, 11:27   #9
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ICS build their guns just fine as a stock gun. For guys who want to upgrade, especially those who've barely played with a stock gun and believe upgrading is necessary, they should look elsewhere.

There is no reason to make ICS bushings compatible with Marui specs, as they use a reinforced gear set and they have bushings for their own axle size. I agree with Kokanee and they should install their own metal bushings in all their guns to go along with their reinforced gears.

I also think they should use a good polycarb piston in their upper gear box upgrade kits instead of their painted aluminum piston. With the m120 spring they supply for their upgrade kits, I've found their motor lacking the torque to drive the gun and a better motor would be nice to see.

I wouldn't be too concerned as a company to make it absolutely compatible with all other brands of parts as it is just fine as a stock gun, and they do make very good upgrade packages for it already.

As far as color goes, I could care less myself, but if they want to change from grey to black, it won't affect my opinion of them. I still think they are a good, solid gun with good reliability.
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Old February 25th, 2006, 11:55   #10
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I've got nothing but good to say about ICS. I've owned the M4A1 and the MP5A4. Both are solid guns. But if they want to change from grey to black I'd be all for it...when I'd first got the M4 I was annoyed by the grey..but it does grow on you.
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Old February 25th, 2006, 12:16   #11
the end
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but it does grow on you.
this is true, after awhile i didnt mind the grey, but i would much more prefer it if it was a flat black, i think it would add a better look to the finish.
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Old February 25th, 2006, 14:44   #12
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Originally Posted by Scatter-Shot
My ICS M4 has been kicking ass for a year now... mind you its been upgraded, but the split mechbox kicks ass for maintenance, although too noisy. Also another problem is the cheap screws used that tend to get stripped too easily, so im forced to be REAL careful with this...

I havent had problems upgrade wise, and performance after upgrades kicks ass.
What he said.

I really don't mind the grey colour.
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Old February 25th, 2006, 19:26   #13
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I only have wonderful things to say about my ICS gun. It is a solid gun and I have no problems with it. If they want to change the color, then that's fine. I don't mind the grey, but black is a little cooler IMHO.

I do wish that they could distribute parts in Canada better. I have been looking for some stuff for my gun for a while and haven't had any luck at all. I had a heck of a time getting a new upper reciever for a custom project I've had going for the last year and now that I need more parts, it's seeming to get harder and harder to find em...
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Old February 25th, 2006, 20:38   #14
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I don't have an ICS M4, I do have the MP5SD. My only complaints are the thing is far too loud and the damn battery compartment won't open.
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Old March 6th, 2006, 17:03   #15
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Well I'm a little late but I only just obtained an ICS C-15 and just tore it down last night. Discovered a bunch of interesting things, I'll do a full review soon.

However.... feedback from my new ICS C-15 with Colt Trademarks:

1. Outer Barrel Screws cut into the Inner Barrel
The 3 hex grub screws that are used on the barrel extension cut too far into the outer barrel and actually protrude into the barrel cavity. This results in the outer barrel pressing against the inner barrel, making removal next to impossible.

The only way to remove is to loosen the 3 screws and then it slides nicely. Looks like the grooves cut into the threaded portion for the grub screws to rest against is too deep. Will do some experiments to see if this is true.

This causes the inner barrel to not float and hence the hop-up spring does not have any effect pushing against the body/barrel and does not seat 100% against the mech box like it is designed to do.

Not sure if this is a global issue with all ICS M4's or mine was just a bad Q/C issue.

2. Barrel handguard retainer was too close to the body making removal and insertion of the hand-guards next to impossible (especially being full-metal RIS/RAS units). Solved by loosening those 3 damn screws and turning the outer barrel one turn and then re-tightening the 3 screws.

3. Design and sell a Metal Hop-up of the same design. I love this ICS hop-up, it holds it's setting due to the "clicks" (haven't torn it apart yet to see how it does it) and is very easy to adjust. However it is very brittle and if you try to pull out the inner barrel by the hop-up, you might snap it.

4. Solid Stock Sling Loop Insert
Provide or sell a simple plastic or metal insert with a M5 threaded hole in the middle that allows one to remove that huge rear stock sling hook (which just gets caught on vests, webbing, gear, etc) and slide this insert into the hole in the stock, thereby covering the hole (which when left open, still catches in vests, webbing, gear, etc). It needs the M5 thread to allow the lower bolt to thread into it.

Currently I'm using a spare nut from a TM stock spring guide (it just happens to be M5 as well) but the slot/hole is still present in the stock.

Don't want to permanently fill it as I may want to use it one day... never know.

5. Leave the colour as is. I love it, its slightly darker than the stock TM colour and seems to match a real colt nicely. Maybe the early ICS M4's were much lighter, but this Colt version is perfect.

I'll see if there are more items to add.

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