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Does anyone know where to get a cheap m-16?


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Old February 6th, 2006, 18:23   #16
AK Guru
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Lol, yeah, too bad. Thats as close as he gets, atleast it has an m16 style folding stock!
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Old February 6th, 2006, 18:24   #17
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Originally Posted by CanadianSniper1221
...Im prepared to go with an M4a1, but id much rather hav the m16...just looks better...
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Old February 6th, 2006, 18:29   #18
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Typical young socialist student. Wants everything for free. Yeah, if you just want it for fun, go with the Canadian Airsoft gun. Sure it's crap, but when it stops firing, you still have the (disgustingly plastic) looks. Just don't try to play a game with it. And do not post a review telling everyone how much your new m4 "pwns" the opposition. And if you're not above owning the ugliest airsoft abomination ever made in China, get this gun for shits and giggles.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 18:31   #19
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oi...ancorp...shut up! lol whats your problem man? im not trying to nail a guy from a million miles away. maybe hit some targets at 100 feet, maybe less. i just want to do a few little mods, n ill be prefectly happy. I guess m4 it is then?
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Old February 6th, 2006, 18:34   #20
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LOL im slightly scared of pollock here... he definitely seems...different. I spend my money on other things, im not going to spend a grand on an airsoft gun. I just want somethin to plink/shoot targets/joke around with friends with. not a high powered, highly accurized and upgraded gun. that might be something someone with a lot of time and money may do, but not me.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 18:45   #21
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Well, aside from hating people who ask your kind of question, I do understand you're predicament. If you have never handled a real steel SMG or assault rifle, you might enjoy the cheap MP5 boys (if you can't tell the size difference). They lack power, but look great (size aside), have a high enough ROF to be fun. They also run off AA batteries. My MP5 was my first gun, and I did have some fun with that thing. It's probably the best you can do. They make an M4 in boys size as well, but it's not as well built and durable from my experiance. Plus I suppose you could eventually mod the MP5 into a K series later (I might, just have to figure out how do go about doing it).
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Old February 6th, 2006, 18:48   #22
Red Ghost
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Originally Posted by CanadianSniper1221
. I just want somethin to plink/shoot targets/joke around with friends with.
Something about this sets off my idiot alarm, anyone else?

Originally Posted by CanadianSniper1221
not a high powered, highly accurized and upgraded gun.
Define "high powered, highly accurized". Some people seem to believe the ballistics of airsoft are much, MUCH more than what it really is.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 18:54   #23
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High powered, highly accurized. Im using that in airsoft terms. High powered would be like a high fps (maybe 550), and highly accurized would be one with a tightbore barrel, longer barrel, and a scope of some kind. and BTW Pollock...who said anything about a boys version...? I meant a full size there bud. Im just saying, something fun to plink with. I dont want to be sneaking around with it in a ghillie suit somewhere, picking off airsofters.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 18:56   #24
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Originally Posted by CanadianSniper1221
not a high powered, highly accurized and upgraded gun.
When did Acura and Enegergizer Batteries merge?
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Old February 6th, 2006, 18:57   #25
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Oh yeah... the idiot alarm. It's-a-ringin'. So lets go over the basics. NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER take your airsoft gun out on the street - unless you have one of those Japanese "getting shot by the police" fetishes (original use of airsoft perhaps?). Any one else notice the Japanese have all sorts of weird fetii? Like vomiting... oh, that chick is regurgitating... MAJOR turn-on. 8-O

Back to what I was saying. Just treat your airsoft gun like a real gun, because it pretty much is to everyone else. Just think... WWJD? Would Jesus bring an assualt rifle into a crowded shopping centre? Prolly not. Just common sense.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 18:57   #26
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I have to chime in.
You want a full size rifle, and you live in Canada, and it must be under 550 FPS.

That's easy.

You want one that costs under $150.

That's a Cybergun springer.

Also, it will not shoot 100 feet. Ever.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 19:01   #27
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While i didnt really like hearing the bad news lol...FINALLY! SOMEONE WITH REAL INPUT! Thanks man. Lol ill look around, hell i may have to go bolt action. I just really like scoped m16s, or even m4s. Nah, forget it lol im going canadianairsoft m4
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Old February 6th, 2006, 19:02   #28
The Saint
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In all honesty, you will not be able to get any AEG under $400 that can be be upgraded to shoot 400fps, much less 500fps. I think you've got a completely skewed idea of what constitutes even a decent AEG and how much one'd cost. Airsoft is EXPENSIVE, if you just want to plink, buy an air rifle and stay away from airsoft.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 19:03   #29
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Oy - you shut up, trust me, its not worth it. What's your problem? You were given the option, but dont get the point - its not worth it, but please go ahead and waste your money. In US it would be, but here you are mostly paying for what it cost them for shipping, importation, customs, and profit. Get a UTG MP5 or AK, or an SRC M4 ($300). The gun wont reach to 100 feet well, maybe if you tilt it 45 degrees, you still have no chance of hitting a human target.

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Old February 6th, 2006, 19:08   #30
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To be perfectly honest, Have you considered a .177cal pellt gun or a bb rifle?

Some are in your price range and will last a lot longer then the peices of shit you've opted for. (Being brutally honest.)

BTW, Those Cyma/Cybercrap/Ect gun, My gun would blow holes through it in a matter of seconds hehe.
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