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Lithium Polymer Battery (Long Life)


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Old February 5th, 2006, 01:08   #1
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Lithium Polymer Battery (Long Life)

Advanced hobby made a pack for my s-system.
My god it lasts forever.
9v config though.
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Old February 5th, 2006, 01:27   #2
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I haven't heard good things about Lithium Polymer batteries. The Lithium batteries are fine, but from what I hear, the Lithium Polymer ones are prone to blowing up or catching on fire (something to that effect).

Anyway, I'm sure you know already. So I'm interested in seeing the long run results of the battery.

Also, what kind of price are we looking at in total (battery, plus new charger)?
- "dman"
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Old February 5th, 2006, 04:04   #3
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I think the chargers run from 100+ to 200+ depending on what manufactuer. I've alway wondered about lithiums but I'm scared of them exploding in my forgrip melting the front of my gun :lol: I'd like a compact 9.6v in my sig so I can retain the side rail.
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Old February 5th, 2006, 08:37   #4
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be very careful with lipo batteries. they can catch fire in a nasty way if they get too hot ( from over charging, over discharging, or from the environment they are used in). they can also catch fire after receiving impact shock ( dropping your gun real hard etc.) if any of the above happens to your battery ( or you notice it has swollen ) put it in a fire proof place for at LEAST 1/2 hour, as fire can be a delayed reaction. personally, i would leave it outside the house over night if might have been damaged. if the battrey has swollen...junk it. period. ( no matter what anyone says )

edit: forgot to mention... 3volt per cell is the lowest you should discharge, to prevent damage to the battery. especially on the first use of a new battery!
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Old February 5th, 2006, 11:46   #5
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Originally Posted by relativity
9v config though.
How did they accomplish that given that a lithium polymer cell is 3.7V, meaning the only possible configurations would be 7.4V and 11.1V?
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Old February 6th, 2006, 04:35   #6
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Originally Posted by W.K.Shuridys
Originally Posted by relativity
9v config though.
How did they accomplish that given that a lithium polymer cell is 3.7V, meaning the only possible configurations would be 7.4V and 11.1V?

yeah your right, it is 2 cell 7.4v 8000mah
ill have some pics up asap.
charger was 199 and the battery was 240
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Old February 6th, 2006, 09:50   #7
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8 Ah! I am truly envious. I was looking at a pack like that for my M249 but that's a lot of scratch to drop on a battery. I bought an Intellipeak ICE charger and Prolux power supply (ran me around the $320 mark) and it can charge LiPos and Lions, so I've been wanting to try the chemistry out for some time.

How does the 7.4V work for rate of fire? I use a 7.2V 3000 mAh NiMH and it spits out some 800-900 RPM in the 249 (stock spring). I'm hoping I can achieve the same with a 7.4V LiPo, cause 11.1V is just way too high.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 12:20   #8
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I have not tried it in airsoft guns yet.... but that little .2volt makes a HUGE difference in R/C cars...

For those who want to try the feeling of that bomb... I will have 2 600mAh li-po pack at the game at AC on feb 8.... They don't last that long, but it is great to try...

And yes be REALLy carefull with li-po packs...even more when they are high capacity... My work place almost burnt down on dec 31 because of a bad pack... By the way it was not "old" compared to say a ni-cd pack...

Always check your pack temperature after charging and discharging...

If you have a Duratrax ICE or a Greatplanes Triton I recomend you to buy the heat sensor... it is worth 10$ but it can save your life!
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Old February 6th, 2006, 22:25   #9
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fwiw... i charge my lipo packs at ~ .8 - .9c and they are STONE cold, when finished charging. do not charge your lipos at more than 1c rate.
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Old February 7th, 2006, 19:36   #10
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In fact I just combined both packs to make one 1200mAh...

And the heat generated doesn't depend on charge rate.... it depends on the fact that the batterie can just BLOW up, even if it is charging very well.....

The pack the bursted my work place was only 2 months old (from manifacturing date) and only had charged twice on an Intellipeak ICE....We where not even open yet and this was just for a test run.... so there was no sensor on the pack....

*edit* oh... forgot to mention that there was acid on the wall 73 feet away from where the pack was.... We found a sharpnel about 30 feet away from the explosion!

This is not a joke... Even if you super slow charge your pack in front of the A/C.. it can take fire... It is made of a kind of alloy, so internal heat build up WAY faster than exterior or "apparent" heat....

This kind of pack can be compared to using Nitrous in a civic, but it give sooooooooo much power and performance.... you just have to be carefull...
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Old February 7th, 2006, 19:58   #11
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dude, charging your packs at too high a rate WILL generate too much heat, and you will be risking failure. charging your packs at the wrong cell count will also CERTAINLY cause a failure.
i only charge my packs a little slower, so as to try and extend the number of cycles i can expect to get. ( the jury is out on whether this will make a difference or not )
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Old February 7th, 2006, 20:45   #12
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It is my job to sell these thing...

It won't make the pack take more charge cycle by slow charging, but it will make it last longer for every charge, as fast charging usually stop before the batterie is full....(compare this to fill a glass with a 2 inch pipe vs using a spoon... you don't want ANY mess, do you?)

And it is not true that you can't charge above 1C... I only am using GWS cells, and they clearly state this :

now there is an other brand of li-po cells witch I don't remember the name that state we can charger their's at 2C!!

Last edited by Kos-Mos; December 9th, 2007 at 04:13..
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Old February 7th, 2006, 20:49   #13
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why are people using li-poly when you can use li-ion? Heres a link

All you need is 3 cells made into an AK stick pack. These are basically the size of A size batteries. Plus, they have less chance to expand and blow up like a li-poly pack.
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Old February 7th, 2006, 20:52   #14
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Li-ion does not have the current discharge rate necessary to power our guns adequately.
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Old February 7th, 2006, 21:05   #15
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Originally Posted by johnyew
Li-ion does not have the current discharge rate necessary to power our guns adequately.

I was about to say that.... but thining about it... it could be done on a stock gun with maybe higher torque gears and bearing bushings (cuz at 11.4 volts you want this thing to spin REALLY freelly)

The difference in chemestry is so huge... one can shot out 15 times it's capacity, and the other can only blast 6-7 times if I recall good... at least it was when I looked for over-pricy, over-useless batterie packs for my car...

Seriously... before even thinking about buying any lithium based cells... come see me and try my batteries they are Ni-Mh and can kick the shit out of any gun more than almost anything. Then buy a decent charger (that blue thing is NOT a decent charger) and buy some decent cells (again, those at radioscrap are NOT decent cells), then buy some Deans connector (I recommend you the micro 4 serie, they are small and way enought for an airsoft gun...THEN (again) buy some gauge 16-18 silicone coated wire (around 300 braid is good) and rewire your whole gun....

I can tell you your pack will last 25-30% longer and you will have about 100 bb/minute increase in ROF

the electric part of the gun is just as the internals... everything makes a difference...
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