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TTAC3/EOTEC goes to "Realcap" only



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Old January 31st, 2006, 22:45   #61
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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How are the rules going to work for TM springer shotties? They can hold 10 shots per shell which are easier to swap than stuffing several shells into a real steel pipe.

I'm guessing that a combat benelli can hold around 7 shells in the tube extended to the end of a barrel.
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Old January 31st, 2006, 22:58   #62
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Lightbulb OOPS!

Heh, I guess my post was kinda long winded Ill reiterate what I said in less space...

Originally Posted by lt_poncho
Last I checked when SEALS doing IAD's in training the objective was to put as many rounds downstream as possible. Full auto has an use - if used effectively. Thing is they have to change mags after 30 rounds.

Airsoft barrels just don't heat up and matter how long your battery can last.
I know that it has special applications...CQB is one of them. Im saying its more realistic to have the option when playing CQB in TTAC3 WITH LIMITED AMMO IE 30 AIRSOFT ROUNDS...

Originally Posted by MadMax
I think some particapants in this thread are forgetting that this thread is an announcement, not a debate.

Brian runs his field as he sees fit. If you would like to see a change in arena policy, the best forum to discuss it with him is at his facility. You'd also have a better handle of what to ask for once you've played the place.
DUDE I HAVE PLAYED THERE. You're right it's not a debate but we're talking about increasing the realism factor with limited ammo so alls Im saying is the next step is to allow for full auto. I will talk to him about it if he likes next time Im there, but I was using this FORUM to discuss it cause thats what forums are for.

hehe, now Ill remember NEVER to write a long post again.
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Old January 31st, 2006, 23:04   #63
Brian McIlmoyle
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I could be dead wrong but in terms of REALISM maybe SMG's and machine pistols should be allowed to have full auto at TTAC3 and long arms (shotguns, assault rifles) should be semi only. I dont want to start a flame war I just wanted to start an open, respectful and informed discussion. I have had an excellent time when I have played at your field Brian and I would like to play there again so please don't ban me 'cause of a little disagreement :wink:[/QUOTE]

Modern Canadian and American and american military doctrin for ***precision** room clearing indicates semi automatic fire, When I was trained in percision room clearing in the 1980s this also was doctrin.

For agressive building clearing the use of fragmentation grenades and full automatic fire is SOP.

As far as TTAC3 is concerned the principal reason we stick to semi is that the walls we use are not "bullet absorbing" and full auto fire results in many many ricochettes .. making determining effective fire very difficult.

there are and will be certain situations in which I will allow full auto fire for certain people at certain times.. but 10-15 people all going rock and roll .. tried it.. it was stupid, and nothing was gained.

At the end of the day you can dissagree all you want... won't get you banned .. but it is my house.. my rules, no room for debate
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old January 31st, 2006, 23:06   #64
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by harleyb
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
I won't have much choice .. as I just got 30 AK starmags
Aha, the reason behind the rules, revealed! Brian's just being a jerk and making you all have the same limitations as him so he doesn't lose. =P
Damn.... why you so smart?!!!
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old January 31st, 2006, 23:08   #65
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
When I was trained in percision room clearing
Wouldn't a Musket have been too cumbersome for that? :razz:
Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.
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Old January 31st, 2006, 23:12   #66
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Homewrecker
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
When I was trained in percision room clearing
Wouldn't a Musket have been too cumbersome for that? :razz:
Musket... ha I was in the Canadian Armed Forces.. we chucked potatos in first and ran in shouting BANG BANG.

Luxury... we used to dream about Muskets!

Tell kids that today though..... they won't believe you!
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old February 1st, 2006, 00:06   #67
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle

Luxury... we used to dream about Muskets!

Tell kids that today though..... they won't believe you!
Had to wake up in the morning, at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before you went to bed, did you?

Drink a cup of sulfuric acid before room-clearing a septic tank with wet paper bags?

Finally, another Monty Python fan. :mrgreen:
Contras A-06: F**k it, we'll do it live.

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Old February 1st, 2006, 00:10   #68
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Understood Brian, I'll drop it...I do really like playing at your field/studio and you're a good guy. Thanks for letting me vent my frustration without a ban.
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Old February 2nd, 2006, 18:25   #69
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Good thing i have a few standard mags for my P90 as my indoor primary :tup:

Now, what would be really sweet is if someone were to host a game @ Splatters or PB Nation - BUT ONLY LIMIT TO STANDARD MAGS ONLY - NO HICAPS WHAT SO EVER... If thats all you got, too bad. Now THAT would be fun, and make it more challenging! hint hint!

This is good because now you can listen for the reload, and quickly rush in!

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Old February 2nd, 2006, 19:37   #70
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Okay, well.. this new restriction more or less limits/excludes some people. I, myself, have 2 AK's, and an mp5k. I have a midcap and a highcap for my mp5. I also have 2 full AK hicaps and a short hicap. I'm not a crazy trigger happy loony, it was just much cheaper to get what I got then spending lots of money on locaps at the time.

Regardless, I am just wondering, if you will have star mags or other locaps on field as 'rentals'? The three most common mag types are made already, AK, MP5 and Armalite.. This would be a big help for some players who don't and cannot afford to go out and buy that kindof stuff.

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Old February 2nd, 2006, 22:52   #71
Brian McIlmoyle
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Rental Lowcaps

I have 30 Lowcap AK mags.

I will get a box of MP5 and M4 mags to have around
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old November 10th, 2006, 14:30   #72
Brian McIlmoyle
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Post res

Just wanted to repost this .. and ress the thread as it is getting on to indoor play weather.. This is a reminder.

highcap magazines are banned at TTAC3and at EOTEC

In addition magazines must be loaded with realistic counts. 30 round magazines are to be loaded with 33 rounds for AEG. For indoor games at TTAC3 . For outdoor at EOTEC the capacity of the lowcap will be taken as a simulation of a "full mag" this is to take into account the ability of targets to feel a single bb impact at the outside effective rage of these weapons.
Midcaps may be used but for indoor must be loaded to "realcap" levels and outside to Realcapx2.

In the future ammo restrictions will be published in term of "magazines" with a magazine ment to mean a "realcap" for indoor and a "lowcap" for outdoor.

(Realcap meaning a lowcap or midcap magazine loaded to 33 rounds , or the "realsteel" capacity plus 3 follower rounds. Pistols due to their nature as a close combat weapon will always be restricted to "realcap" loads)

Pistols also are to be loaded with realistic loads. If the replica you are running has a 7 round single stack mag.. then your mags should be loaded with 7 rounds.

experience has shown that in most of the engagments at TTAC3 30 rounds is sufficient to resolve the situation.

As a learing and training environment it is encumbant upon us to strive to realism in our Tactical Scenarios.

In my opinion having access to some 300 rounds or more will induce one to be come overreliant upon volume of fire to deal with circumstances that may be better resolved with skill.

I will endeavor to have in stock a selection of lowcap magazines should someone visit that has none.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite

Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; November 10th, 2006 at 15:59..
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Old November 10th, 2006, 15:38   #73
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Owww raw. I been trying to shake my friend from his high caps, and have avoided using the one that's coming with my first aeg. First thing I am doing once age verified is selling or trading my famas high cap for some lows.

I much rather use lowcaps with only 33 rounds then a high cap any ways. I came to airsoft cause the gear is much more realistic and I plan to keep my games that way. PS Brian it make it more interesting if it was cap limited to its real steal counter part any ways.
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Old November 10th, 2006, 15:42   #74
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Umm... Its 2006 currently and in Feb its gonna be 2007 so why does it say 2005?
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Old November 10th, 2006, 15:59   #75
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Originally Posted by DEATH2000 View Post
Umm... Its 2006 currently and in Feb its gonna be 2007 so why does it say 2005?
Because that is when the rule came into effect. This has been around for sometime (Feb 2005) and he was just letting everyone know again.

I like the rule. I wish there was something like that out here for our games. Too many hi-caps being used in large quantites is not good for the sport.

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