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RDS too bright. Need electrical type help.


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Old January 8th, 2006, 08:02   #1
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RDS too bright. Need electrical type help.

So yeah,
I ordered one of those generic brand $70 aimpoints from ebay, said to be from the same people that G&P gets theirs from... It works great but...

It's too bright.

What I've basically tried to do is put some tin foil on one side of one of the batterys and a piece in the middle between them... then two, and three... and on until I short the batterys.

You see, I'm basically trying to increase the resistance, but I've failed. Tin foil isn't a bad conductor.

Does anyone have any better ideas? for materials or anything?
Like, the thing is really bright, anyone know a bad connecter that will cut the current by ALOT with only a couple milimeters of space?...

It runs on two button batteries.

To be more detailed on the brightness, purely because I have nothing else to do and I don't have a good story to tell except my springer pistol kill, but that has nothing to do with this.

In a lit room, about normal lighting, the dot is there... but it has a big fuzzy star around it... on lowest brightness. It's not bad, increases size by able two.

But, in the dark, the thing is a STAR. It glows and is about 4 times the size of the regular dot, and my eyes get adjusted to that and I can't see anything else... It's impossible to see anything through the site at this point.

Short story short
RDS Too bright. Any suggestions to fix it?
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Old January 8th, 2006, 08:14   #2
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Sounds like you might be focusing on the dot rather than looking past it and focusing on your target.
I find if you try to focus on the dot of most rds' the dot starts to "star" and blur.
Give it a try n it might help, plus out in the sun light it'll make the dot look alot dimmer than inside.
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Old January 8th, 2006, 08:19   #3
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Nah, you're right though. That does have effect. But I haven't done that.

I'm thinking more for night games though... It would be horrible to use.
In even relitively dark rooms it is horrible as I can't see ANYTHING at all through it, so in that, I sure can't focus on anything. At all.
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Old January 8th, 2006, 08:22   #4
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Maybe you can get some electrical wizard to take it apart and put some resistors in it or something or other...
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Old January 8th, 2006, 09:02   #5
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How many brightness sitings do you have one it?
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Old January 8th, 2006, 09:03   #6
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I thought even the cheap knock offs had multiple brightness settings...

Tough one..can you try a small thin steel washer?
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Old January 8th, 2006, 09:05   #7
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It does have adjustable.

7 settings and off.

I'm speaking on the dimmest setting though. The brightest... the whole inside of the site glows red.

Regarding the washer, I'll try and find one to give a try. Any others?

Come on. There must be an electrician somewhere here.

It's this kind.
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Old January 8th, 2006, 09:16   #8
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Leave it on for a while to drain the batteries a bit, and keep doing it until you are satisifed with it. Best way is resistors, more than likely a low ohm (<1k) surface mount will do the trick. Chances are there are already a couple resistors in there to limit the current flow, could be that one resistor just needs to be increased a bit.

I'd take the simple route and run the batteries down a bit. Can't see much use in trying to put stuff in between the batteries. Depending on what you use, you'll find either no change or no charge.
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Old January 8th, 2006, 11:12   #9
Id contact the manurfacturer.
I had a tasco RDS that was like a flippin flashlight.
I called tasco and they said to take it back to LeBarons where I got it and get a new one.
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Old January 8th, 2006, 11:16   #10
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You had the same one I use on my MP5 I recall. Mine works great, use it during daylight on 11 and it's just fine, at night (or other low light conditions, my basement for example), I use it on 3 or 4 because I find the higher powered settings the dot is too big and blurry (ya, eyesight ain't the best, but I get away with no glasses for 99% of what I do).

Now that you mention is Droc, might not be a bad idea for others who own the same RDS to post and say theirs is too bright as well, just fine, etc. Could just be the one he bought is a screwed up one like what you had.
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Old January 8th, 2006, 12:04   #11
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Emailed the seller and he told me to use it outside in the daytime and I won't have any problems...

Well, I guess I learned for being cheap.
I was actually hoping that I would be able to use this in night games... when I can't see my damn iron sights.
Oh well, if anyone can help me... I'd sure be happy, but seems it isn't defective...
And to show that it isn't just a bad dot, when I look at it into a light bulb, it is nice and round. Still on lowest setting.

As for the number of settings, maybe to help identify it, there are 6 positions, off and 5 level brightness.

And yes, does anyone else own this?From 1337tactical

I have no idea who manufactures it. Didn't even have a box.
Here is a picture of the dot from the retailer... a nice dot there.

Let's see if I can pick up a picture of mine.
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Old January 8th, 2006, 12:41   #12
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Anyway, it seems it will be fine for outdoor daytime use.
I guess my basement may be a bit dark.

Though, as I said before, still open to suggestions as I would like to use this in the night... or dawn.. or afternoon.

Anyway, here's a picture. In my actual view, it's a bit bigger in glow and the glow isn't quite as round.

Also, how do you like my range? :lol:
Notice. That is a Crosman target. It actually has BBs UNDER the gell.
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Old January 8th, 2006, 13:16   #13
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i have the g&p aimpoint and the tgs aimpoint. i like using the g&p because the dot doesn't not distort and at night it gets dimm enough to see targets. the tgs aims point i dont like one bit. the on/off switch is a variable resistor and it's really touchy too. on the tgs i noticed that when it was on either low or high setting there's a blur/star around the red dot even when trying to place the red dot on a target. also the tgs has a green tinted glass that really sux when playing at night. i bought the g&p for almost double of the tgs. u get what u paid for.
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Old January 8th, 2006, 13:38   #14
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It actually sounds like it's faulty, not too bright - something seems to be wrong with the projection of the dot or the beam inside - sortof the way a laser pointer can not project a straight beam, but a wider, cone shaped beam if it gets damaged or screwed up.

Sounds to me more like it's just dysfunctional - get it exchanged - explain to them that it's not too bright, it's just not working since you got it. It SHOULD be a dot, not a big blotch.
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Old January 14th, 2006, 14:34   #15
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will it run on one battery?
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