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Three questions/concerns about the M4


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old December 29th, 2005, 15:53   #16
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: North Vancouver, B.C.
Chubby: The G&P or G&G are a great option for getting your foot in the door. Well, your whole leg and with a running start -

Full metal, lightly upgraded, good quality, generally good QC...

My only concern between the two is that I only owned a G&G, so there's a few things I don't know:

- on the G&G I had, takedown was a breeze. You could just push the body pins out to the side (the body pins were made so they couldn't even fall out of the gun!) and then pull the cocking handle, and slide the entire upper/front of the gun off the mechbox. Then, you could swap the one piece hop-up/inner barrel assembly in probably 6 seconds flat.

- the G&G doesn't have real trademarks. Didn't bother me much, but real trades would be nice

I DON'T know the following:

- whether G&P has a similar takedown style
- whether the G&P internals would be better/worse/same as the G&G

if the takedown style is the same for both guns, if I were to buy another, I'd go straight for G&P. So much of the fiddly stuff comes already done with that gun, and anything else to fix/upgrade/change isn't usually that difficult to source or do. changing out the front end isn't bad either, and there aren't many parts to the gun, so it's pretty nice to work on.

If the G&P takes apart like the G&G, i'd say go for it. But, then I haven't had experience with any other armalites, so make sure you take into account all the other info people provide here.
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Old December 29th, 2005, 17:59   #17
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i can tell you after working on many g&g and many g&p, the g&p wins hands down in the depts. of internals quality and assembly/disassembly. g&g use tm quality internals and i found disassembly fussy. g&p use 7mm reinforced box with all reinforced internals. there is nothing left to upgrade. the assembly of g&g was hideous and this led to many failures, some after a day of use with many problems. g&p has had issues as well, but about %80 of them have been motor alignment and the fix for it is very easy, but specific. broken tappet and selector have also occured, but not anymore than any other brand. if mysteryfish has a working g&g, it's a rare thing. i count about 10 that i know of where i live and i've worked on all but 2 and those 2 have never seen 1 game. but their issues are not limited to their m4 variants and have popped up in their m14 and umg, so they seem to be systemic poor assembly problems. tm never suffers from those, but you give up all the niceties of a full metal body and perhaps improved internals.
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Old December 29th, 2005, 18:49   #18
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Hey first off, thanks for all the input guys. I've been into airsoft for a couple of years but sadly haven't been able to get out to many games (if I make it to March 17th, 2006 without a single skirmish, it'll be 2 years since my last one), so I really haven't had a lot of exposure to airsoft other than this forum; so I don't know as much about the guns as I would if I had more exposure to them through skirmishes. I blame it all on being poor :nod:

Other than that, so far it's looking like G+P is coming out on top. I remember watching a video about Systema's new M4 and I was curious, but I never really followed through with it because I figured it would be insanely expensive and hard to find here in Canada. The one thing that I do like about Systema's real steel compatability is that there are plenty of rail systems out there that they don't make for airsoft that catch my eye that I'd really like to play around with, provided they're not illegal or they're not restricted for export from the states (like night vision, gas masks etc.). So judging on what I've been reading, I will probably go for a G+P.
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Old December 29th, 2005, 19:30   #19
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Originally Posted by thePiRaTE!!
Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt
Are you kidding? That "S-system" is hideous!

Get the G&P one.
hehe, hurray for personal taste. Do check them both out before ordering though, you'll see what I mean as mentioned above. Not that you'll be able to tell that from this picture, but here's my S-System with short barrel, EOtech 512 and Star VLTOR modstock.

Where did you get the EOTECH from? I've been trying to track one of these down with no success so far.
Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.
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Old December 29th, 2005, 22:18   #20
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they sell them on ebay...
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