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Grenade questions


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Old December 28th, 2005, 01:40   #1
bladewalker's Avatar
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Question Grenade questions

Ok I need help settling a argument between my colleague and me. We have been arguing over a series of issues about the “possible” options and dimensions which a airsoft grenade could have, and which the end user (you 8-) ) may want. To settle this we hope that other player would give there input. Before I kill the guy next to me. :smack: :x:

First we have the Timer, would you want…
A) A single button which starts a solid (non-adjustable) timer (ie. 3-sec timer) that will set off the Grenade/flashbang at that set time.
B) A single button which starts a timer which can be adjusted by your local electronics guru or airsoft gunsmith to set off the granade/flashbang at the adjusted time (between 2-10sec)
C) A 2 button grenade w/ display, which you can set of the fly (adjust the fuse time on a moments notice).

Next would a grenade that shoots 42 (0.2g) BBs in a 360degree radius with a max inclination (highest angle) of 60 degrees @ 180~155 FPS be enough? Should it shoot more BBs? Should I have a higher FPS? (Please keep in mind this a grenade with an effective range of about 10~18 Feet, not a arty shell)

Lastly would you want a cheap, light, and smaller grenade that is meant to last for 50 uses or would you want a heaver, larger, more expensive grenade that could last for 100+uses?

I know this sounds like a stupid argument but you never know answering these questions could benefit others. :tup:
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Old December 28th, 2005, 02:54   #2
mcguyver's Avatar
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i responded to your other post about using a tdod/tdoe relay. i now realize what your using it for and know it won't work (too big to incorporate). you could use a 555 timer and use a potentiometer to vary resistance to the timing circuit to control the timed output, but this would require a power supply, resistors, capacitors,etc. that would take up too much space for a realistic sized grenade. the reason why a real grenade works is obvious and without pyro as either a trigger or release means i don't see how it's possible to contain bb's, propellant, triggering device and release outlet in a casing style, size and type other than the airsoft grenades already manufactured. i'm not saying it can't be done, just may be more cost and labour intensive than it's worth.
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Old December 28th, 2005, 06:27   #3
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Check the other grenade discussions. There have been many plans and ideas, but few cheap or effective solutions.
When I looked into the ideas, I read a lot and then simply gave up. Not that rich or patient enough to make something that requires so many safety rules.
The best ideas are either illegal to use in many areas because of the propellant, or too expensive/fragile to leave as mines (or toss), or useless due to lack of power.

I agree with mcguyver; for now grenades are more expensive than they are worth.
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Old December 28th, 2005, 09:59   #4
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As far as a timer goes, just buy a $1 digital egg timer from the dollar store (I bought a couple of them, 1sec to 99mins, from Dollarama for airsoft......... gonna make pretend satchel charges for a Search & Destroy game I'm planning) and modify them for what you need. I'm not going to make anything that blows up or anything, but I'd like them louder so I'll use a transistor as a switch (attached to the buzzer) to toggle in power to a louder buzzer or airhorn or something that wil be contained in the satchel itself.

Is a thought for you anyways.
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